Turning the mattress on Sunday will give you nightmares for a week. Making a bed on Friday also leads to bad dreams.
If a single women sleeps with a piece of wedding cake under their pillow they will dream of their future husband. Wedding cake under a pillow will also lead to sweet dreams and good luck.
Garlic in your shoes placed close to your bed is thought to cure insomnia. So is a fork under your pillow.
Yellow onions under your pillow is a cure for sleepwalking.
A knife under a mattress cuts though back pain.
One way to prevent bed bugs is to only change your sheet under a dark moon.
If you get interrupted while making the bed you will spend a restless night in it.
Get out of bed on the same side you get in or it will lead to bad luck.
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My Journal of Fantasy
This is a collection of information I have gathered on creatures and things in legends and lore.