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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Thirty-Five: I Can Feel A Change a Comin'
Hectic week guys. Lots going on -- but that seems to be the order-of-the-day for each week of 2007. But first...

On Being Human
So yesterday I had to delete a thread that was filled with comments I made to a user in a private conversation. I was vague about the reasons, but here are the main reasons, laid out plain and clear for those of you who were curious:

We recently announced that we were going to do a sponsorship for a film called "The Last Mimzy". There was a lot of worry about selling out. Lots of users were asking me questions. I answered many of them, but some I gave too much information too. I have no right to divulge information about the company or speak for the company in certain matters -- especially when it's things like this, things that only people like Lanzer should be saying. It was nothing against the topic the user chose to write about.

So I deleted the thread:
- To retract information that it was not my right to give
- And of course, selfishly, to protect myself

I hope I have not upset anyone in the community and I'm sorry that it upset the poster of that thread so much. I made a mistake and I tried to correct it, and in retrospect I should have been clearer to him on my reasons. In any case, what's done is done, and I hope this doesn't stop anyone from having fun on Gaia going forward sweatdrop

The Rich Get Poorer... Hooray!
So we just released a massively nice and massively expensive item update. There have been a lot of complainers as well lots of people who love it (what's new?). The biggest news is the ridiculously high price of the new items. I got a few dozen PMs about why they were so expensive. My answer is:


But here are my best informed guesses rofl :

- To give people more expensive store items to quest for
- To give people items to quest for that aren't affected by inflation
- Because they're obviously items created for the upper-class (stylistically, anyway)
- Because previous updates were relatively cheap
- Because so many users wanted more expensive items
- Because we need a broad spectrum of prices, and Fairy Wings have been the most expensive item for so long
- To create a bigger gold sink
- Because they're just that good

Luck O' The Irish
The St. Patty's Day event is coming up, and it even has a catchy name (which we haven't posted yet, but will come very soon). There has also been a lot of discussion about why we chose to have an event for St. Patrick's day. Some users saying they're offended by use of a Christian holiday (not at all like our Easter or Christmas events!) and others just don't celebrate it in their countries (totally unlike our Halloween and Valentine's Day events!) rolleyes

If you noticed, 2007 is very eventful. Er, event-full rofl . St. Patrick's day was as good a day as any to have an event in March, and we figured it would be a lot of fun. So on that most appropriate of days, consider yourself lucky!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 08:55am
Will we have April Fools back too? :3
I'm so curious about this new quest XDD
I guess this new quest is gonna be temporary... O.o;

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:17am
Ohh Fleep got in trouble making mistakes in the presence of god,not even limecat can protect you now! whee I kid you of course Fleep! i'm disapponted that the items are more expensive than the Fairy Wings though, the were always ... well special. emo

And i'm all for free stuff and events but St. Patricks day?Whats next? decleration of Lanzer's birthday as a national holiday? xd

Subaku No Kameko
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:39am
I applaud you Fleep for addressing your shortcomings rather than sweeping them under the rug. We all make mistakes. sweatdrop

At first I was a little hesitant about the idea of Gaia "selling out" to the big wigs in Hollywood, but after I surfed the Mimzy website with all it's flash animatedness and sci-fi based plot, I gave the movie another chance. It definitely looks interesting with its theoretical ideas, and I think I will take my little sister to see it when it comes out -- for Gaia!

Great to hear there will be more events on Gaia! Back in 2004 the only events were the Anniversary, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas! There was usually a big gap during the summer. I hope you guys have some fun, interesting stuff planned for Summer! xd ... because that's the time most of us are out of school, on vacation, and have a little more free time for internet activities.

Good work and thanks for the update!

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:59am
...will there be beer at the patricks day event?
because, seriously, what saint Patrick day DOESNT include boose?

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chi honda
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 12:13pm
I wonder about the price of the new store item and I think one of those many reasons could actually be it. Thanks for reasons and thanks for info.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 12:39pm
St. Patrick's day huh. I'm actually very surprised and welcome the extra events. I mean we've never done V-Day [officially anyway] and St. Patrick's before.

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Seal of the Scorpion
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 12:57pm
Ah, I can't wait for the St. Patricks day event, I wonder how it will turn out. Ah, and don't worry about your little mistake, you are only humans and humans are allowed to make mistakes. Well I hope the rest of 007 goes great for Gaia and has a very smooth ride with very few bumps in the road.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 02:11pm
Haha, Fleep's a human! :D Now, what did I really want to say...
... Oh, right, haha!

I bet the community forgives you your sins.

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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:15pm
St. patricks day? now i'm curious how you guys are going to set up that event.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:25pm
Really....really....expensive. gonk

BUT WORTH IT. domokun

Any other events that might be done that haven't been before? 4th of July? Labor Day? Possible First Week of Summer Vacation event? Chahannuhkah?

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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:31pm
Hum about St Patty's Day, I also don't understand why celebrate it, but I'm glad with it since that way gaia will have an event on my birth month.
But you know ... Valentine's day isn't american and not all countries celebrate Halloween ... As far as I know most Portugal doesn't @_@ so I understand your irony about the Christian users but not that second comment...

and I have a question ... would Gaia have during this year a holiday for each country (or nearly) or not at all ?

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:32pm
Title: Johnny Cash. Duhurhur. :"3

The users always forgive Fleep. ;P I didn't even know about the said thread until you mentioned it.

I love the new items as well and it's great that they're so expensive. All the other updates were so cheap, these definately made up for it.

I'm just wondering what color I want it in now. ;____; <3

And a St. Patty's event sounds awesome! We need more events in the summer since it tends to get boring after the Easter event. We have to wait all the way in October to have another one. crying But it's okay. Better to give you all a break, yeah? rofl

Sevi Rais
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Leena no Majo
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 03:40pm

We all make mistakes, it happens. Don't stress about it too much. Even if you did upset some users, they'll get over it. Like they do with most of everything that happens on Gaia.

I'm also sure Lanzer wouldn't be really upset with you. From what I've seen he's a pretty cool guy, so I'm sure he wouldn't blow up on you. 3nodding

I am glad that the items were so expensive, they serve as a GREAT gold sink. They are also BEAUTIFUL! Give the artists a pat on the back! Seriously. Now honestly, I wouldn't wear them because they just aren't my style. However in future updates I would love to see you stick with the higher prices...and take some ideas from the Rejected Materials Petition ninja

I'm wiccan, and I don't give a shyt that you guys are celebrating St. patricks day. I also happen to be Irish so I am very happy that you guys choose this holiday. In all honesty my family never celebrated it for it's religious meaning, it was just a time for us to get together, drink ourselves silly, sing drunkenly and eat rabbit with cabbage!

*thumbs up* Don't worry Fleep, even if this week wasn't so good, you always have next week. And the Sheep are always there for you no matter what 3nodding

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 04:16pm
OMG! St. Patrick Day event! You are made of win and awesome, I can only hope if there is an item it's like...guinness-like (copyright!) shirt. Oh that would be win.

<3 the new items and they are worth the price.

Kira Tsume
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 04:18pm
But Lanzer doesn't answer our questions! I was thrilled to see you responding to users and reaffirming that we had nothing to be concerned about.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 04:22pm
Also, I guess it doesn't hurt to keep some things quiet. I've heard reasons from it from other staff, and I think it's one of the reasons they don't talk to users as much as you do. Some minor detaila about creating mass panic or something.

But I do hope that you'll continue to communicate with users about new features. And your opinion in SF is among the most highly regarded.

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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 04:23pm
poor Fleep. the Gaia mob is going to make him disappear for talking too much. xd

could there be an Earth Day event in the future? ninja or is it too close to Easter to become an event? i really think it would be funny, given that Gaia is basically Earth. whatever events you guys add in the future, i'm sure you'll give an odd twist to it.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 06:03pm
I love the new items
And I think the prices for them are appropriate for the type of items they are

Users complain about wanting more pricey items in stores
and then you give it to them and the users complain about the prices being too high
it's like you guys can never win!

And I'm excited about the St.Patricks day event
it looks like it'll be cool
I'm happy that gaia are choosing to have more events
I hope there's a Thanksgiving event too


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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 06:43pm
*patpat* @o@

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 07:00pm
Huzzah! Saint Patrick's day.

The new items are beautiful and yay, expensive! I was sick of cheap mall fashions.

Indigo Poet
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 07:21pm
I saw something about that. I was terribly confused, but now I understand. You're human, you make mistakes. If people hold that against you, they suck.

Personally, I don't like the price of the new items. It doesn't seem as if they would be a good gold sink, because, when you think of questing for a skirt that you're only going to use a couple of times, its kinda silly. But whatever. And I like my mall fashions, losers. </33

I'm kinda looking forward to the st. patrick's day event. I'm curious on what it'll be like.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 07:27pm
Yes, I think I covered my opinions an the rich stuff and the movie in my rant.

And I'm looking forward to the St. Patrick's event. :3

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:01pm
-steals a comment-
Ah, so nice to have the good ol' internet back. <33
Anyways, looking forward to the St. Patrick's event. =O

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:27pm
Wow, Fleep is human (unlike Ron Bruise rofl )! Who would've guessed it? rolleyes

Yay for St. Patty's Day! We must have pints on it, Fleep! cheese_whine (<-- the closest thing to beer the smileys have sweatdrop )

I think the new items are beautiful. They kinda remind me of one of the best movies ever! xd

Jac E.
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:44pm
Awww Fleep...you're allowed a boo boo once in awhile! wink I think its way cool how you keep in touch with everyone and give us a bit of an idea of whats going on.
The new items are wicked sweet.Not sure if they are my cuppa for my lil character,yet anyhoos...Still,I think they are awesome.
As far as me and my cronies are concerned,there can be an event for every holiday known..LoL! I know not askin for much right... whee
You know ya'all must be doing something right..we keep comin back!! xx

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:46pm
My grandpa's family was originally from Tipperary.

Huzzah for the Luck of the Irish!

I get to march in the parade =D!

I'm pleased for almost any events!

Unless it's something like... "The event where we take all your stuff."

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:49pm
Ohh.. Fleep's afraid of being caught by the man!
I'm lookin forward to the St. Patrick's event =]

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 09:51pm
EVent items = Beer kegs for males?

Black eyes for females? exclaim

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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 10:34pm
There is such a thing as self retictification, and I think you did the right thing, Fleep. I'm also excited to know that the St. Pat's day event will be at least a fun one.

Nice use of Norbit as well.

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 10:50pm
Ouch! I'm sorry you ended up releasing information you shouldn't have. I hate it when you want to talk to people and let the "community" know what's going on, but you also have to manage it as if you're some stuck up boss because you can't get too close or friendly. It's hard to balance. Sorry you're human. I have an idea. Walk 4 steps in any random direction in a basement. Fall into hole that's there for absolutely no reason, your grue is there ._.

The new items? I have to tell you something: YOU WILL DO AS I SAY NOW!
- Buy Many Cookies! Do it, I have no moneys.
- Give Cookies to Pixel Artists! Watch them devour them.

These have been the absolute best and most detailed items ever released on Gaia. This type of item being expensive also shows that Gaia isn't just about Fantasy or Anime any more, which is why Fairy Wings managed to be so popular for so long anyways. Of course, it's price never changes, but that's not the point. People still quest(ed) for it.

You may be asking, "Why Cookies?". Cookies are made with love and devotion, like pixel art. . .

Events! Yay ^_^;; What about Gaia World Holidays? I made a thread on it and got a response, then The Last Mimzy came in and ruined chances for more posts. St. Patrick's day oh man. . . Lotsa booze. Oh! Tell Gaia to make a deal with Lucky Charms! McDonalds still sounds pretty good though (I hate fastfood so much).

>_> I also questioned the point of the Gaia Gift Credits, but that's not for discussion here. What's best about your PS3 reference is that's oldschool news now, but the price is still too high rofl

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Fortenra Askasa
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 11:21pm
I LOVE the new items. And I love how they are priced. Complainers need to realise how its like in the real world, then shup ut.

And I love the idea of the St. Patty's Day event, but I hope that it is something for fun. The quiz got boring after a while. sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 11:28pm
i like the new items it gives me something that i acctually like to quest for ....im looking forward to the event coming up so good luck with that

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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 12:02am
Even though I won't find a use for them, the new items update was well-needed. As soon as users stop complaining about how they think other users with the items are elitists who are showing off when they really aren't, I'll be totally happy 3nodding .

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 12:31am
the new update is great blaugh it's about we got some fancy pants (or should i say trousers D: ) there well drawn so the design team really out did themselves. so give the thanks around. as for the movie promotion thing. I'm looking forward to it. because it seems like a big step up and really interesting. As for the events of course everyones looking forward to them xp hope the st. patty's one is nice (maybe a story update? sweatdrop ) still i'm sure it will turn out great like the others have been.
also, your only human fleep and humans make mistakes. So don't take things to hard. if you werent human you'd be like a robot! or something... *thinks-- your not a robot are you fleep?* xp

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Ginger Flare
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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 12:36am
-pats you on the back-

It's okay. 3nodding We all still love you.


I can't wait until the St. Patty's Day event! GREEN! <3 <3

Also, thank the Gaia Gods for that update. It's greatly appreciated, and was needed for a long time. <3

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 01:46am
When I read that interview, I knew Fleep would get an asskicking coming.

Haha- you NEVER see that much information given away anymore, especially by a Dev until their feature is RELEASED.

But- at least I read it before you slaughtered it.

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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 02:16am

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 06:46am
I don't mind the Mimzy thing... all those whiny GCDers are just dramaqueens.

And the update=LOOOOOVE. heart heart heart

Goldsinks make Luz veryveryhappy, and even if she can't afford em... the rest of Gaia can. >:]


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Burr Durr
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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 09:24am
What, Gaia not having a handle on their plot?
Why, among the commotion of a mystery sniper, creepy aliens, Gino=Gambino&Gino (and how they retained the size of a teenager[?]), a trial, Rufus taking Ian's place, and Liam being a player, I really hadn't noticed....

Well, as to cover two journals with one post, I'll start with the elder.
One way that makes it fun, and enjoyable, is including the NPCs. And not just through random comments, as before during one of Gaia's numerous balls. (...ew...) Instead, put some admins or devs in the shoes of some NPCs, and let them run with it. I'd have more fun if there was an NPC just commenting away, much like Ron Bruise (Damn, forgot him up there) did from time to time.
The funderful part of it all, is that it's not that hard to do, and doesn't require massive amounts of coding, which could go wrong. Simple, sweet, and fun. Now there's some awesomeness in a box right thur.

Personally, I liked the amount of the French set. Though, would a decent pair of pants been too much to ask? xD
Just....don't get Jack on it....okay?
The fact that they cost an exuberant amount of gold (50k, dayum!) really does bring back the sole purpose of Edmund's store: To be a snooty gold sink! Strangely enough, these items seemed to knock down the prices of some MCs. But that could just be coincidence.
In any case, the amount of time put into them justifies their price tag.
Not that I'd buy them, that is.
...Just not a decent pair of pants...

Also, don't lie to us. We all know that neither admins nor devs are human. You just want us all to think that. In all actuality, Gaia is run by...by...BADGERS!! Badgers wearing human costumes!!
Yeah, so all this being human stuff, you can stop that. You've been exposed, man, no more hiding. cool

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 04:52pm
Thankyou for the upcoming St. Patties event XD
More events = love. And sometimes items for us shallow people ninja

You guys rock x1000000...plus an eight on it's side =O

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sun machine
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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 05:20pm
Crystal Pepsi was a mistake? rofl I thought it was pretty cool. Same with that Pepsi Blue stuff, whatever it was called.

Fleep, did you get my snailmail art? <333

EDIT: Errr, I'm on my other account. I'm 'toadstars'.

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 06:10pm
O.o; St. Patrick's day... Oh dear... No offence to the Irish, but I don't celebrate it in the UK. I don't see why ~mainly because I don't know the reasons behind it~ But, well, when we see what the guys have in store, I'm pretty sure its gonna be good.

Edit: I think Drakku has a point, it does seem like your having an event for every month of the year. Maybe just the 'main' events in the year... Hallowe'en, Christmas, ~As you do already~ and less almost Random events, like St. Patricks day

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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 07:35pm

On a more serious note.. I'm not exactly complaining we'll have more events but.. I get the feeling Gaia is overdoing it.
:/ I remember back in the day when you had a few months to prepare and get psyched for the events, and they were big, momentous occasions with awesome storylines.

But.. recently, I think.. there's been too much. I dunno, I hate to sound like a party pooper, but .. why all the unnecessary events? Do you guys feel pressured to host a party every single month?

I would rather go back to the basics, have more fleshed out stories, less annoying NPCs, more excitement, more anticipation for the time when they come.

D': Sorry I turned into a rant.
ILU Fleep.

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 11:58pm
lol i don't consider st patricks anymore religious than st. valentines lol to me it's an excuse to party lol so why the heck not!?

Scandi the Vampire
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Shine On Crazy Diamond
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commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 06:14am
You're allowed to be human, sweet! And I'm glad to see you worked it out for yourself. (And I hope Lanzer didn't take you out back and beat you!)

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 07:33am
Well I think you did the right thing removing the topic.
If the information was not yours to give out I can't see another way of getting rid of it.
So well done fleep on proving that you are human like the rest of us.
(lanzer is a robot and he powers up by spending a very long time in the toilet. have you noticed that? if not just watch him (not watch him in the toilet as that would be strange.)) ninja

The Evil Cheese Database
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Zarin Denatrose
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commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 10:50am
You should know better Fleep. Almost any time one of you 'Higher ups' mention something about a controversial topic there is going to be hell to pay (which is exactly why I'm glad I'm not in your position. I tend to voice my opinion a little TOO openly.)

While I'm relieved that we now have some new items in the stores (and FINALLY something out pricing the Fairy Wings) the sheer snobiness of the set is sure to combine with the elitism of those who can afford it without denting their wallets and usher in a whole new era of assery. Oh well. There's an item or two I wouldn't mind saving up for there, so all is well I suppose.

Here's the thing I REALLY wanted to talk about though: Holidays!
I am an Atheist. I take no offense to any religious holiday unless the members of said religion attempt to force their beliefs on me. For the regional complaints: I'm sure the admins are TERRIBLY sorry for this. They're probably working on a way to celebrate every holiday from every culture from every country world-wide, so they can suit your specific needs! Why wouldn't they be? Just because they live in America and all buy their calendars from American stores that list American events doesn't mean that your "state/province/what have you"'s specific regional holidays should be left out, right?

On second thought, maybe it would be easier to just stop the events all together. No Valentines, No Easter, No Halloween, No Christmas. No holidays, no events, no complaints, right?

Seriously. Fleep's right (as always). Consider yourselves lucky to have another event opportunity (though personally I think the April Fools-Halloween Gap needs to be filled in more than the March Break) when the Admins could have just as easily taken all the events away on the grounds that they don't want to offend anyone.

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 09:35pm
Why you gotta hate on the PS3, just because Gaia is full of 13 year-olds whos mommy and daddy won't buy it for them?

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commentCommented on: Mon Mar 05, 2007 @ 04:12am
User Image
Fleep, for this and this alone you earn yourself a place among the Gaian Gods.

commentCommented on: Mon Mar 05, 2007 @ 07:47am
Stop dissing the ps3. XD
Do Xbox or something. :B Bill gates gets enoth s**t about everything why not the xbox D:

But yah props on the new items :B Im to poor to get them tho.

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