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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Thirty-Four: Sit On It!
Okay, so my update is a few days late. I spent weeks working on the last 2 events and I was a little burnt out. Of course, I get in today and have another hard deadline sitting in my lap. No rest for the weary, I guess!

Gaia is often fun and games, but it's also serious business!

You Say It's Your Birthday
We just wrapped up the Gaia 4th anniversary event, which saw:
  • The release of a new quizzing system (which we will probably be using for quests in the future)

  • The release of "The Newsroom" which will be used to display past storyline and new storyline going forward

  • A limited-edition Gaia 4th Anniversary T-shirt in the stores

  • 3 new event items

It was still not considered a major event, like Halloween or Christmas, so some users were disappointed with the size and scope of it -- but we were all very happy with the way it turned out and all-in-all, it was considered a success.

I don't want to spoil the plot for users who haven't read the update. But also, I don't want to dance around GO READ IT!

So 02 is dead. Mother is tall and elegant now. The Zurg are gone. Some users are upset, lots of users are relieved, and frankly, so are many of us.

Here are some things I've mentioned to a few different people about what's going on:
  • We lost control of the Zurg plot. Half the time most of the people at Gaia HQ didn't know what was going on. Various people were flying ships without any idea about what the motivations of the Zurg were or what was supposed to be Zurg Canon, as it were.

  • We plan to have a lot more control of the plot going forward, but to do that, we had to tie some loose ends with the Zurg plot. What happened with the Zurg story wasn't ideal, and we know that. We're not so ignorant as to think we did a fantastic job with it -- but by the end of 2007 you might have a better understanding of why we had to wrap it up when we did smile

  • Finally, most importantly, there's a REALLY cool plot in the works. I can't say much more than that, but new and old users alike will get a kick out of it wink
    BTW - I wanted to point out this fantastic guild thread which covers Gaia's history up to this point in a way that's significantly more in-depth than the newsroom. Stop making us look bad, users!

Event Evolution
So like I said, I put in about 3 weeks of crazy hard work, weekend hours, and overtime getting 2 events that launched within 10 days of each other ready. Lots of UI designers, artists, and content writers were involved (as well as many others), so we were swamped like mad.

I should mention again that we love what we do and we like creating stuff for our users. It's hard, stressful work a lot of the time but it usually ends up being worth it.

So as we wrap up these events, I have the pleasure of working on a list of ways to make future events better, how to appeal to casual users (which we did a great job of catering to) and hardcore users (who didn't get as much fun during these two minor events), learning from past mistakes, etc. etc.

Prior to these two most recent events, priority one was to fix two major problems with past events:

1. They crashed all the time and the site lagged
2. Non-hardcore users didn't have very much fun

So with these two past events, we solved those problems, sort of:

1. The site didn't lag or crash
2. Casual and semi-hardcore users had a lot of fun

But both the past events had one big problem: There wasn't much variety for hardcore users participating in the event all three days. Part of our goal was to extend the events so that users who didn't get to do it the first day could do it the second, or those who could only do it on weekends had a chance to do it also.

Really, they were both one-day events that were extended over three days so that everyone had a chance to play. What this ended up meaning to a lot of users, though, was that after the first day of them playing the event, it got boring.

So if we have enough lead time with future events, a big priority will be finding out how we can make events continue to be fun for people who participate over their entire course while not requiring us to tie up all our development team to do it.

While we work on events we also have MC's to create, newsletters to write, shop items to design, GStore items to design, bugs to fix, features to rewrite, new features to write, conventions to prepare for, and a multitude of other things. So we always have to decide how many of our resources can can we put into an event, and a lot of the time, it takes some creative re-designing of what we can do in the event.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:29pm
Wow that's amazing. So you guys had people working as Zurg going around not even knowing what they were sposed to do? That must be *extremely* difficult work you guys were up to then. I had a ton of fun during the Gaiaversary! I even started a thread for Computer Nerds that no one posted in ^_^;; . . .

I hope to see future work for you being easier to do! I can't imagine exactly how easy it could actually get. There's so much to worry about in that kind of development.

The test system is by far awesome. However, I noticed a lot of users felt it was lacking a gaia-ish gaming feature. The only place you see tests (logically) is the chatterbox really. >_> Just some college students writing essays hahah.

Great Journal Fleep! See you next week!

EDIT: As Sephirothgal said, and I'm *glad* she reminded me. Events are being more about whoring for the items rather than taking the chance to interact with people from all sides of Gaia! The event forum immediately becomes the chatterbox filled with posts with people begging for gold and whoring for Kisses/Hugs (whatever makes people feel better).

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:36pm
What? NO hints about the supah-cool plot?? For SHAME! xd

But seriously. As a hardcore Gaian, it DID get a little boring after the first few hours. As a normal human being, however, I can also realize that it takes a hella-long time to get stuff done, and you guys certainly crammed alot in a short period of time.

*Offers cookies and beverage of choice*

Good job!

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Kathleen Starr
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:45pm
I'm glad the events aren't as "stressful" as they used to be. It kinda sucks people will just get items and leave - not interacting and losing chances to meet new people. I'm guilty of it myself *cough* But the last thing we need is another goddamn Grunny event.

Even though I hardly follow the plot anymore (this train wreck Zurg one didn't make me want to in the least), 02 was cute D: <3 So it sucks he's dead. But I don't care enough to lose sleep over it. I'm glad this Zurg stuff is done.

I just woke up, I know I'm rambling. What's that, it's almost 2pm? Yeah, I know heart

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:52pm
I wants my aliens~ crying

Oh well, maybe I can get my life back now instead of spending all day every day on Gaia keeping up with the plot razz

I seriously hope this upcoming super-cool plot involves user interaction surprised

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:58pm
I personally loved the events, and I was on all three days. But what is this? A St. Patricks Day event! cool I love you guys at Gaia!

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 09:59pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Mann, now I'm only in the top 6...
That was quite the timeline of gaia.
I'm not even done reading it. xD
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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Dakota S
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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:03pm
Please bring the UFOs back crying I cant live without em crying crying *is nearly dead*

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:05pm
Whoa, I was in the guild thread and I didn't even know it. eek Must've slipped my mind or something...

Can I take a guess that will go unanswered (...probably)? Plot-wise, you guys are going to wrap up (or expand and continue) the Sniper storyline.

Finding the medium for the events will probably be a daunting task, considering one was already tried in Halloween '05. Just keep at it, though. You'll eventually find it.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:21pm
The out of control zurg plot...

I THOUGHT IT WOULD ALL MAKE SENCE!!!! *bangs head on keyboard* xp

The new plot sounds interesting.... *restrains from tryng to leach it out of you*
I'm just glad I don't have to work on the plot and stuff sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:21pm
Wow, you've been so busy! eek Just wanted to say well done on the events, I'd consider myself veering towards a "hardcore" user, but I understand perfectly why the events had to be smaller. Also to be honest the Gaiaversary event should be more about user interaction and celebration rather than endless item bagging. It was a celebration for you guys and you all did all the work crying I feel ashamed! wink

Aww, I miss 02 though crying *sniffle* I cried for his death...

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LabTech David
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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:28pm
The two events were some much fun whee
Wow you guys sound very busy o_o
Say thanks to everyone that helped you on the events for me domokun

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:31pm
Well I hope you guys still have alot of user interaction, or I guess my guild the Gaian Resistance is dead.

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Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:39pm

I'm really excited about the new plot. eek

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:40pm
There's still a stargate on the map, though. Won't we get another chance to visit our zurgian friends?

And the energy drink is still around >.> Piling up. I have hundreds of them, now. crying

It's great that we have all these new plot updates and everything, but I'm still waiting on our promised battle system, tatoos, and word bump clothing. neutral

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commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 10:59pm
I wish there was a plot less zurg.. driven. Sure the users love being involved in an event like that, but it just went too far and no one had any idea what was going on. I basically ignored the whole thing until it was over, and hopefully, this is the absolute end of all that nonsense.

I hope the future updates have nothing to do with Zurg at all. Can we pretend this was just a horrible mistake and never happened? Please? Wipe our gaian minds, maybe the Zurg have some kind of men in black device that makes us forget everything PLEASE MAKE US FORGET. PLEASE.


The event was pretty awesome. I always like these events more than the item-whoring ones. I wonder how the easter event will play out!

And... store update you say... cool

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 11:11pm
New Plot coming I hope it has older NPC's to fill up all of those loose ties... 4laugh

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 11:12pm
The Zurg event was fun but you had to track down every post from the UFO's to figure out what was going on. And there are some plot holes in it too. We dont know what the stargate was for and "the four lions guard the gate" and other things.

I was sad that 02 had to die and 09 didnt really learn his lesson from killing 02. Also 09 turned from good to evil in the blink of an eye.

The problem that I had with the Ball was that I knew almost all the answers and when I got those few answers that I didnt know, then I would just run though the quizzes all over again with no challenge. I was also sad that the event didnt correspond directly with the event forum.

The newsroom is very helpful to track down gaia's history. I enjoyed it. (I do hope that we still get more fun gaia sprites on the map)

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 11:14pm
Hey you never put the ammount of kisses Ron Bruice got in the Valentines Day event

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 12:01am
You forgot to tell us how many kisses ron bruise got.

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 12:05am
What can I say? I did notice a couple of the holes, hope you can get more people working together in the future... the plot just went down-hill... On another note, you guys should make more user interaction with nPCs. I've pmed nPCs several times, especially those who weren't in the events. Anyway... Have fun with your job!

Prinny Baal
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Leena no Majo
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 01:31am
Here is the answer to how many kisses Ron bruise got( ninja ):



*throws confetti* Happy Birthday Gaia! And Happy Birfmas to me too! And Honsue! *dances*

As for the plot, honestly I didn't really care how you ended because I wasn't that involved in the first place. It was just taking place on such a large scope that I found I couldn't really get involved HOWEVER I did really like the fact that users were able to mold the plot as they did.

I have to say, WELL FREAKING DONE and the events. No lag, no site crashing. You broke the tradition! *claps* Give yourself a pat on the back! biggrin

Honestly, I had fun with the events the first day...but didn't go back the next two. However, that doesn't mean the events weren't good.

One suggestion that I have to make the users want to stay for all the days is to make one new item available each day.

Day 1: You get socks
Day 2: You get socks and PANTS
Day 3: You get socks, PANTS and Kittens!

Just an idea ><

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 01:39am

I'm not trying to sound like some know it all asshat but I noticed in your listing of things to do the "features to rewrite" came much later.

Seriously.... Guilds and Journals and Profiles? El-oh-el much? Can't they get some much needed lovin'?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 02:04am
I know that I would love to see some tweaks to the Journals and Guilds systems, as those are the two areas of the site that have been sorely neglected. I have entire little mental wishlists of features I want both to have, like "friends-only journal posts while keeping the rest of the entries public" and "block specific guilds from inviting again" ... whee

The events were fun, and I agree that after the first day or so, once I had the items, and doubles, and triples (and quintuples of the Roman Candles--I liked the quiz!) wading through the spam to find a conversation just wasn't worth the effort. For the Anniversary, I really had no reason to visit the forum at all, I just went out of habit. xd

But that's not bad. Although I avoid Site Feedback and Questions and Answers these days, for previous events, I remember people pitching hissy fits that Gaia wasn't arranging events to suit their oh-so-busy schedules.

In other news ... I really miss the NPC Dialogues. Gambino was a much better host when he took the time to personally say something to each guest, and I really appreciated the time he took to send personally autographed photos. heart It made me feel more part of the plot than chasing (and failing to find) UFOs ever did.

I'm really hoping that quests will bring back that feeling of NPC interaction...

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 02:04am
I can't wait to participate on the next event... I know you all work hard to give us those event and they turn out great (not awesome but...).
I really hope we get more event like those often -poke coming St-Paddy-.
well GOOD WORK !

well again... Happy Birthday Gaia
and Good Work -pat in back- to everyone who work on.

-wait for more news coming-
(hoping not GStore again next)

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 02:37am
Well, I'm glad you guys at least admitted the plot didn't turn out right sweatdrop . I had nothing against the Zurg plot, but I speak for a lot of users when I say that it got totally out of hand. Hell, with very few manga updates, I actually lost track soon after they all arrived, and...well, you know it could've gone better. But I hope you devs do better in the future biggrin .

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 03:03am
I had no idea there were actual RPs to watch or join for it! I'd hung out in Elevens' harem (or was that harm? twisted ) and didn't even know they were popping up in towns until it was almost too late, and I don't have the time to sit around waiting to see them and what's going on.

But as for the newsroom? THANK YOU. Every time I wanted a look at the old stuff, I had to go on treasure hunts.

And the events were really a lot of fun, low key and relaxed. I enjoyed meeting new folks and dorking around as usual. 4laugh

Thanks and looking foreward to more fun!

Shine On Crazy Diamond
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 03:24am
Keep up the good work.

There will always be bumps in the road.

But teh loyal are still here. whee



commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 04:04am
I love the newsroom and I have to thank all of you lovely hard-working admins for putting it there 3nodding

But no count of Ron's kisses? =[

devilish tenshi
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 04:06am
You all did an excellent job on the events...Cheers Fleep! xx

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 04:29am
This new awesome plot needs to involve one crucial thing.

Who the hell is the sniper!?!

Come on Gaia... Answer the burning question!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 05:01am
...the vent one was ok ...but i found that living in a different country to the US ...has some difficulties
one the event starts later on our time and finishes earlier ...(truly i could live with it )
two most of the time you guys are on ...were not ( which sux ...coz i have to stay up till 5:00 ...in the morning to talk to american friends and to wate for events and or MC's
and mainly thats it ...but the diofferent times are havinf=g serious health defects applied to me ...lol
ll and all the event was ok ...but the one thing that really l;et it down for me ...was the items ...and im not trying to be fussy guys you all rock for the hard word ...but the items were taking up way to much room to be fun this year ...the reason i like all the other aniversary event items is because there small and wearable with other items they dont take up to much space and thats wat i like ...this year they were to big and kinda screwed up all the fun i was looking forward to
but thanx guys (and girls...lol) for ythe event its was ok ...and filled in my spar time so thanx

good luck with the st. patricks day event ...seeya then,

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 05:01am
Dang you work to hard sweatdrop

Scandi the Vampire
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 06:00am
eek you... *runs to the PM system*

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 06:06am
We need more pins and buttons like the G pin and V pins. I thought those were cool event items... but these ones were inventive xd

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Cherry Springer
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 06:20am
I feel so nerdy. I'm crushed that they had 02's character killed off. D:~
Erm, will the next event be as interactive? sweatdrop

And hopefully it's not as uhh~ dramatic. D: ~

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 06:42am
gonk Butbutbut... POOR 02! D; Couldn't you have killed off... one of the other ones... xd ?

Anyways ilu guys for all the hard work that you so... yup.
((ohhh i hope the Von Helsons are in iiiit~ gonk ))

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 07:02am
I liked the interaction with the users I hope you keep it.

Sounds like this month has got it hard for you. I saw the st pats event thing. D: Gaia HQ must be working thier backside.

Its good that there was no lag tho. biggrin

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 07:34am
So, you guys also had no idea what was going on? Guess we're all screwed.

Anyway. A remark on how you could handle things.

Allow people to actually make a difference more often. Everybody here was all like "we can't help anything" and such cause we couldn't stop things from happening. Also, our actions were largely ignored during a lot of the crucial events that occurred live. I suppose fate is somewhat predetermined here; even so, would it hurt to acknowledge interaction once in a while during the important moments?

Sorry if I sound too harsh. XP

Durante Moretti
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 08:35am
I was a little disappointed with the Zurg ending, but hey, lint happens, we clean it up and move on.

I do hope you bring back 02 in some way. A Xmas pressie for us all maybe? He shouldn't have died like that. Broke my heart. But I guess we did get closure.

However, I enjoyed the two events. I don't think events need to be huge blow out extravaganzas. I guess I fall between casual and semi-hardcore.

I don't spend a lot of time on the boards. I have a hard time navigating them even with the new tag system. I do like the search system though. Much easier!

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 09:07am
I was confused with the Quiz. I finally made it. Took me HOOOOOUUURS. XD.

It was awesome. More to come. biggrin .

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 09:16am
In other news ... I really miss the NPC Dialogues. Gambino was a much better host when he took the time to personally say something to each guest, and I really appreciated the time he took to send personally autographed photos. It made me feel more part of the plot than chasing (and failing to find) UFOs ever did.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
I loved having one of the NPCs pop up and say something randomly, the NPCs weren't really involved in the anniversary at all except for Gambino's welcome speech.
I love the sprites on the map when we have a storyline too, like with Jack and Santa's battle.

With the Zurg plotline it now makes sense why it was so bitty but we all learn from our mistakes, it was great that you tried something different which you thought would be better. User-interaction's a nice idea but it really wasn't working, not everyone can get into one square in Towns to get some new bit of information without major lag, some people had no idea it was even happening and, apparently, some people can't get into Towns at all which meant that very few people actually knew what was going on. It's not very exciting to have to hear about some new plot development from a fan thread. sweatdrop

Ending on a positive note though I definitely don't miss the lag or various food-related errors which used to happen in the forums, Thank you.

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 10:13am
Only one link to a crazy picture? D:
Anyways... it's amazing to read how much you (and the people you work with) work on the events. And how you try to figure out a way to make it perfect for everyone. It's inspirational. @__@

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diet otaku
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 03:57pm
i think, rather than trying to make one event appeal to casual users and hardcore users at the same time, you'd be better off alternating events. have one event that is quick and simple to appeal to casual users, and the next event be extensive and difficult to appeal to hardcore users. casual users are going to complain that they weren't able to finish it/get all the items, but it's better than continually shafting hardcore users with short, easy events.

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 07:09pm

That explains alott. I'm personally glad the alien plot is over, though. I couldn't even keep up with it.

You guys did a great job on the event, keep it up!

Community Member
Jac E.
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 08:42pm
I was so sad when that end bit happened in the story. 02 was such a sweetheart, and so was 09. It was sad to see them go, but Mother's extreme makeover looked pretty cool! I've started drawing little pictures of her on my math notes in my sketchbook. 3nodding

I never realized there was that balance between the hardcore users and the casual users. (It reminds me of the US's voting system, because I'm a geek. sweatdrop ) This is one reason why I love this journal - it provides another perspective to the Gaia scene! 4laugh

Wow, I'm so exited, looking forward to all the new things! (Only one silly pic, Fleep? You must be swamped..) Keep up the great work! mrgreen

And for a final note: OMG, Fleep, it's YOU! eek (Well... a cosplayer of you anyway.. sweatdrop )

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 09:02pm
It’s amazing how Gaia’s gone through some serious evolution the past little while and really, its fantastic. Success or Disaster, my hat goes off to the Devs and the Admins for the effort they’ve been giving Gaia to make it what it is. The last event and the Zurg plot were maybe the greatest opposites of styles. The event was controlled, well run and it was nice not to see thousands of Gaians single handedly break the site, like we have done many times before. xd And yet, the Zurg plot, was chaos… but so strangely appealing. It’s sad that it got out of control for everyone, and keeping up with it was sometimes impossible. And yet, at the same time, the Gaian community became the plot, and despite the chaos, I really felt a connection to the plot line. It did bring a bizarre sort of team work to the community, whether “For” or “Against” our Alien friends, perhaps forging friendships on this site, that might have never happened. (Standing in Triangles for hours on end, brings the most entertaining of conversations!)

But I’m rambling…! Anyways, best of the luck with the work ahead, Fleep!

The Lady of Moof
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commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 11:26pm
Super cool new plot? So it's going to go back, address all the questions with the sniper, through all the plot until now. Then move forward, with something cool that sets the ground for explanding the world map, then sets us up for a plot line leading into the battle system?

commentCommented on: Tue Feb 27, 2007 @ 11:44pm
Ill be around to always point out failures, but you guys are doing a great job so keep it up ^.^

Its nice knowing that next month the wont be only the donation items and nothing else
and your journal is one of the important parts, so i hope you continue to keep it up.

Lady Nanoha
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commentCommented on: Wed Feb 28, 2007 @ 12:03am
Thank you for answering my question fleep. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Wed Feb 28, 2007 @ 12:56am
You probably hear it alot, if not too much, but I'm going to ask anyway. How about some info on the battle system?

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