When did you guys start dating?
'Couple months ago I think..bad memory. xD

How long have you been dating for?
See above.

How did you meet?
Randomly. xD

Do you love him/her?
Very much so. heart

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with that person?
I definitely wouldn't mind at all. heart

Does he/she make you feel like you are something?
Yes. D; heart

Does he/she make you laugh and happy?
All the time.

Have you kissed?

Do you like being with that person?
Yessssss. heart

Would you cry if he had to go far away forever?

Do you like that person for looks or personality?
Both. xD

Would he/she die for you?
I'm assuming yes.

Would you die and for him/her?
Without question.

Does your lover make you smile?
All the time. heart

Does he/she support you in everything you do?
Yush. x3

Does he/she try to be there every time you need them?
She does a good job of that, yes.

Are you always constantly thinking about the person you love?
Yes. T.T

Do you dream about him/her?
...It's happened before, yes. xD

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with that person and raise a family?
(Wasn't there a similar question earlier? O.o) We'll see how things turn out... heart

Do you love her/him with all your heart and soul?
I do, without question. heart heart heart