Hello Pet Lovers
Welcome to my blog. I bet many of you Gaia lovers have pets that are just like part of your family. Well, let me introduce my "critters". We have 5 dogs, (2 dachsunds, 1 mini schnauzer, 1 chihuahua, and one heintz 57...a rescued dog-- all spayed or neutered of course). We also have 4 outdoor farm cats (1 a stray we feed) and 4 pygmy goats. We live on a very small hobby farm, so from time to time we have an occasional "drop by critter" visit us for a while. We had a tarantula that took up residence in our front yard for a few days last summer and we just had a crawdaddy who took up residence til our cats saw him. domokun I hope he rests in peace. So, lets hear from all of you about your pets, no matter what they are. smile