So there's this story that I've been writing for quite a while now, but damn it all, I get stuck what feels like every other sentence. I have no idea how I manage these journal entries. I'm on chapter... what, 15 of the story now. I had a lot of the story on my old computer, which I no longer have. Luckily I had sent a copy of the story to a friend of mine earlier, so she was able to send a good chunk of it to me. I'll just re-write chapter 15, and maybe even turn the whole plot in an entirely different direction that even I hadn't thought of before. That'll show them.. ..Who do I mean by "them" you ask? ..You're one of them aren't you? I KNEW IT!


Anyway.. If anybody even bothers to read this and wants to comment it, I'll put up the prologue of the story in a new journal entry if anybody is interested. I actually think it's not half bad, though I can't really say. It might even come off as "WTF IS DIS SHYT" to people. To those, I say "Think what you want, but comment badly and you can just GTFO MEH JOURNAL."