Did you ever think you knew someone and it turned out you were all wrong? I am as guilty as anyone else and make assumptions or even label someone. I try to be open minded about some people, thinking they will change for the better and most times I am proven wrong. But hey, in some cases people change...I know. Last year I was a horrible person in my opinion. I did whatever I wanted that I thought would make me feel better about me and the world itself. I was all depressed and close minded and the only thing I wanted was to feel love…feel good, have fun and sadly I ******** over some people along the way…along with my leg in the end. But that was the beginning for me…I’m not a saint now, far from it, but I do believe I’ve become a different person and for the better. I still do stupid things; I still act like a b***h sometimes, I do act like a teenager but in general my over value’s and opinion have matured; become something I can be proud of in a sense. This makes me happy ^.^
Have you ever had those kind of conversations where you come out of them feeling great about yourself? Have you had those conversations that do the opposite? Everyone has...now when I say feel better or worse about yourself I am talking about your values, opinions and ideas - not appearance or whatever but someone's mental state. I had a few conversations yesterday that either made me feel like crap since I suck a** at one point (and may continue to do at some points...we're not all perfect ^.~) or feel ok about myself. But I had this one conversation that made me feel awesome. I ended up crying through out it LOL To this moment I think the person was lying about something’s...I say this only cause it's good to trust a hope about what they said...I've trusted people before and gotten s**t back SO I'm trying to only semi-trust people now lol But ya….straightened things up…got more closer and s**t…very good in the end. It’s nice to shut some doors going into my past.
But ya…I’ve done a lot of thinking in the past few days, trying to figure out my past, why I did things and not others…and about my future. Trying to figure out myself really…a big challenge for anybody I guess, never ending challenge >.> since I figure we keep changing – yay <.<
Anyways this is long...I am rambling on a little too much…I’m out for now peoples!
Tama is in my Soul · Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 02:06am · 3 Comments |