Yukiko wandered through the forest, holding her yellow umbrella up high over her head "I'm singing in the rain...singing in the rain...what a wonderful feeling, it's pouring again!" she said calmly. Giggling a little bit, she started to skip in the moist grass, the water soaking through her socks and getting her feet wet. She didn't care, she loved rain. Little did she know, Ocyrus was following her. He smiled "Hello there darling." his voice was velvety smooth, though it had an evil aroma. Her eyes grew wide and she looked behind her, quickly dropping her umbrella and running away. Ocyrus smiled "To be fair, I'll give her a head start." he said calmly before he began counting. "One...two...three!!!" three was said in such a stern tone that even the animals were afraid of him now.
He began to run smoothly yet quickly, his arms behind him as he crouched down to increase his speed. Yukiko dared not look back from her fear of seeing Ocyrus, she didn't want to help him take over the world, it wasn't one of her lifetime ambitions. She noticed that he was getting closer to her and she began to run once more, going faster then she had gone before. She screamed then curled her hands into smooth fists, her nails digging into the palms of her hands 'I'm so screwed if he catches me...' she thought silently as she continued to run. Her breathing was now ragged and she looked around "HELP ME!!! Please...somebody...anybody...HELP ME!!!" her cries for help could be heard all throughout the forest, only because this was one of her abilities. It could either be heard in the mind of a person or from their ears, depending on how close to them she was. She began to cry as she realised that she would probably never be saved, especially since this was an old and abandoned forest 'Nobody's coming...' she thought again as she continued to run. As her fear grew, her yellow eyes began to glow brighter and brighter, what was going to happen?

Brianna walked through the forest with a look of curiosity on her face, a smile playing on her lips. Today was going to be a good day, she could just feel it. Death smiled as he touched a plant, killing it instantly and following Brianna with a bored expression on his face "Haven't we had enough fun for one day? Come back with us so you can finish your job." he told her in a bossy manner. Brianna shook her head and continued to walk with that same look of happiness and curiosity on her face. Life let out a sigh and shook her head at death "Poor, poor death...always in such a hurry to get to your clients. So what if a person lives a day or two past when they're supposed to...I think it's a great thing. Besides, you don't have to have her by your side in order to kill...that's something that you were able to do WAY before she came along, isn't that right Brianna?" she smiled at Brianna in a motherly. Brianna just nodded and hid behind a tree, sensing that something was nearby. Death stuck his tongue out at life and crossed his arms on his chest, shaking his head "You know just as well as I do that if she's not with us, we can't complete a job all the way...for me it'll turn out the spirit being a ghost and not making it all the way to the other side, and with you...well...we all know how it ends with you. Either the child comes out retarded, or they live a life where they're only half capable of doing what they should have been able to do. Don't forget that that's the reason we need her...we knew that a day would come when we needed a power source to complete our jobs, and it just happened to happen when she was born." he wasn't very happy, you could tell by the way he was talking.

Alice gasped as she felt an arm go around her waist, smiling as she assumed that it was the Cheshire Cat "Oh you silly little cat." but then suddenly, she jumped as she heard the voice. "I'm not the cat..." he said in a deep tone that sent shivers down her back. Great, not even three pages into her book and already something strange is about to happen, why oh why didn't she start to read it earlier? She sighed and smiled calmly, trying to keep herself conposed "Well then...if you're not the cat, who could you possibly be?" she asked quietly as she grabbed the hand of the person behind her. She held it gently and he held her hand as well, chuckling in a way that warned her something was going to happen soon "You have to gueesss." he said in a sing song sort of way. Alice thought for a moment and then she shrugged her shoulders "I don't know...is it the Mad Hatter?" she asked. The man again chuckled and he shook his head, now placing his other hand around her waist as well "Oh nono, I'm not the Mad Hatter...he's far too mad for my taste." he said in a gentle voice. Alice smiled "Well then, perhaps you could be the Jack Rabbit?" she asked, her voice now starting to show a hint of comfort with the creature here. The rabbit shook his head, now nuzzling into the back of her head to mislead her "Oh nono, but I am a rabbit..." he said calmly. She giggled a little bit "Oh goody, it's you White Rabbit!" she said in a giggly voice. Her fear was that it was a stranger come to take her away and harm her in some way, little did she know that was just the intent. The White Rabbit nodded his head then moved his hands up her body, smirking as they reached her throat "It's a pity it had to end this way..." he whispered as he tightly grasped her throat. She struggled against him and screamed, kicking and grabbing his hands, but alas she couldn't stop it. She saw all white then she passed out and he let go of her throat "No need to kill you...just yet..." he whispered again before he taped her mouth shut. "The Cheshire cat will be here soon..." he whispered as he began to run away, holding Alice in his arms just after he tied her arms up with the chain of his watch.
Alice woke up in a strange room all tied up and gagged and she looked around, her vision blurred. Her throat was in pain and she sat up, taking a deep breath and letting it out 'Where am I? What happened...oh yeah...the rabbit...well...I'm sure he has a good reason for this. He'll come and free me and we'll talk about this like rational people...' she thought quietly as she awaited the rabbit's return.
{You continue as the rabbit, or if you would like, I could start another one based on a suggestion you make? Your choice. Please write at least five sentences as a responce.}

Arianna skipped through the forest as she hummed a tune that she made up, blushing and giggling happily before she stopped in an open patch of grass. She looked around and let out a quiet sigh before she jumped up in the air and grabbed onto the bunny ears that were sewn onto her hat, giggling "YES!!!" she said happily before she landed on the ground and spun in a circle. She looked around for a second then began to run to her right, the pink bunny that was tied to her shoes going up and down and up and down as she ran, hitting her boots and reminding her constantly that it was there. She saw some smoke directly in front of her rising into the sky then she watched it for an instant, eventually deciding to carefully walk towards it. She was trying to be sneaky, but just as she was about to reach it, she stepped on a twig and it snapped loudly. Her eyes grew wide and she gasped, frantically looking around then beginning to walk towards the fire, though she didn't want to. She screamed and began to cry, her struggle counting for nothing as her feet unwillingly moved towards the fire "NO!!!! STOP THIS!!! PLEASE!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!?!?!?!" she cried loudly and screamed for her life, her eyes locked onto the fire.She began to pray and make her last living wish "I wish that somebody would save me..." she thought aloud as she took yet another step towards the fire.
Gifted Roleplay:

Allen sighed as he looked at his beautiful green butterflies flying around the room, a cloudy look in his eyes as his face seemed to be expressionless. One of them landed on his nose and he smiled a little bit, his eyes still cloudy, this was his power. He could use anything as a weapon and create things with his mind, though they didn't stick around very long. The only thing that had ever stuck around were these butterflies he made when he was younger, and that was because it didn't take much of his energy to create them. A teacher slammed down on his desk and one of the butterflies few in, attacking her hair and pulling it, causing her to squeel. Allen looked at the butterfly and shook his head, it flying away and landing on a wall. The teacher cleared her throat and handed him a detention slip "I want to see you after class." she told him quietly as he signed the detention slip. Butterflies, tons and tons of butterflies, they were his only friends. Because his butterflies always flew away and attacked the people that came near him, nobody ever came near him. For some reason, the butterflies viewed everybody as a threat, and there was nothing he could do to change their mind. Somebody once suggested to him via a note to get rid of the butterflies, then he would make friends, but people like that just don't understand the mental link that he had to his creatures. He could talk to them, have a conversation with them and they were always so much nicer to him then anybody else he'd ever met. They were emotionally connected. He sighed and took notes for the class, his eyes still having the same cloudy look that they'd had since his powers were discovered

A young woman who appeared to be about the age of 19 sat calmly at a bench in the park, her face expressionless as she sat her violin case on the ground. She opened it up in a conservative manner before she took out her violin, preparing everything for playing it. She played here every day for money, and every day she drew a large crowd in and made lots of money. A composer actually found her playing her violin once and offered her a job, but she told him that the thrill of not knowing whether or not you'd make money that day was just too addicting. He gave her a card just in case she ever changed her mind, and eventually she probably would, but today she woudn't. She calmly placed the violin on her shoulder, resting her chin on the chin rest and playing it. The instant that the notes flew off of the strings of this beautiful instrument, she smiled widely and began to play her tune. It seemed as if it were going to be classical at first, but then it turned into a techno like tune, the notes all flying off of the strings quickly as she smiled bigger. The only thing that brought true joy to her life was the music that she played. She felt that humans could never be trusted, not in this world anyways. Perhaps in a different universe where things were changed and the people were all so trust worthy and innocent, but not in this world. In this world, people would steal you away from your homes and rape you, leaving you out on the streets in a big city with nothing but a violin to keep you company. But nevermind about that, she was in this place now doing this.
Name: Angel of Life {Aerieth}
Age: Ancient
Bio: The Angel of Life was created by God as one of the original angels, though she is not well known to everybody. She serves God just as the other well known angels are, and she enjoys her job quite a bit. When the world was created, she was assigned her job and she has been doing it since then. Now, she has a job with a hard headed person who just won't listen. She is trying to help him find his purpose in the world, but her whispers of encouragement in his ear aren't working.
Orientation: Straight

Storline: Her current job is with a man around the age of 27. He could someday change the world for the better if he would only do what his calling is, to help guide spirits to their proper place in this world. He is a psychic and can see spirits, but decides to ignore them. She whispers to him every day, just as she has been told to do by God, but he won't listen to her, he just ignores her voice as he does with everybody else. It dissapoints her that she's being ignored, but she still continues to do her job with all of the effort she can possibly use.
Name: Alice
Age: 16
Race: Human
Bio: She doesn't remember her past
Abilities: she can sway other people's emotions and control fire, though she prefers not to.

Name: Lilia
Age: 14
Race: Pixie Angel
Bio: Lilia was born under the stars of the gods and, as such, she is a very special child. She can see into the future, speak with animals, and much much more. Her mother and father were so proud when she was born and they took great care to insure her safety and happiness, so she was sort of a spoiled child. Her mother died in a car accident and her father changed quite a bit, not letting her go outside of the house anymore or eat certain things, he says that he doesn't want to lose her as well. He died protecting her from an assassin, though she doesn't know where it came from. Now she tries to find this assassin and who payed him to murder her.
Abililties: Seeing into the future, seeing into the past, flying, and talking to animals.

Name: Phaladia
Age: Ancient
Race: Demon
Bio: Phaladia can't remember when she was born for she is older then time itself, but she does remember that she was in Hell before the devil was. When the devil got there, he decided that he would begin to run things and so he fought Phaladia. He almost lost but won Hell because of a nasty trick that he pulled, causing Phaladia's rank to fall, making her into the first demon ever. Because she's the first demon ever, she is the devil's right side man. He sends her to Earth sometimes to spy on the humans and to inspire them into doing terrible deeds, which she in incredibly good at. She can turn into any creature she wishes to become, though she prefers to be a raven, and she can warp anybody's mind with poison.
Abilities: Shapeshifting and mind control

Name: Alani
Age: 16
Race: Unknown
Bio: Unknown
Abilities: Unknown

Name: Azriel
Age: Ancient
Race: Angel
Bio: Azriel was born around the time that Phaladia was, and they battle all the time. He has remained on Earth for centuries to get to know the people and to battle the Antichrist when he arises.
Abilities: Angelic abilities

Name: Ailen
Age: 350
Race: Vampire
Bio: Ailen doesn't remember anything from when he was a human, but he does remember the last 350 years of his life. He's lived his life to the fullest, no longer serving his master, he ran away from her long ago.
Abilities: N/A

Name: Gaidjenai {Ai for short}
Age: 21
Race: Human
Bio: No Memory
Abilities: None

Name: Taji
Age: 17
Race: Shinigami
Bio: He doesn't remember anything from when he was a human, he only knows of the pain of taking a human's life, children included.
Abilities: He can take souls and lead them to their proper place, fly, and change the appearance of anything.

Name: Lain and Ryal
Age: 16 and 18
Race: Humans
Bio: Lain and Ryal have been brainwashed into being killing machines, still knowing how to act as normal human beings though. They lead a normal life certain days, though most of the time they are out fighting together. Ryal is the stronger one emotionally and physically, helping Lain a majority of the time.
Abilities: None

Name: Silen
Age: 500
Race: Vampire
Bio: He's served his master for 500 years and is now close to his freedom. He has a currupt mind and, as such, he enjoys to destroy things. When he gets a target, he'll find every picture he can of them and stalk them, causing them to be afraid. He will eventually act romantic towards them, causing them to fall in love with him, then he'll poison them with his pinky nail.
Abilities: Poison

Name: Simply known as him {Gabriel}
Age: Ancient
Race: Unknown
Bio: Gabriel lead a hard life in his younger years, knowing far worse then the pain that any human being has had to endure. His mind is corrupt, yet he wants to help the poor humans that are leading harsh lives. He has a certain area that he enjoys being in, a dark and abandoned old building. There, he uses his abilities to watch the poor children that are being abused in the world, even if it is just verbally. He takes them in and brainwashes them, making it to where whenever he says their name in a certain tone, they transform into his minions and do his bidding, possibly even killing their own parents. They don't remember doing these things though, so they think that they're living in a safe haven.
Abilities: To control the mind.

Name: Satan {Lucifer}
Age: Ancient
Race: Fallen Angel-ish
Bio: He was kicked out of heaven by god and now rules hell.
Abilities: all of them o.o

Name: Fekete Madár {Black Bird}
Age: 29
Race: Fool
Bio: Fekete was born in the fools universe, a place where all people are dressed as if they were the court jester or somebody's fool. It's a universe where everybody pulls pranks on others and they all find the little things in life amusing, always finding ways to make just about everything funny. His parents got rid of him when he was young and so he raised himself on the streets, doing tricks for money and going from place to place. He did find comfort in some regular customers for his show, though. They always brought him food and something to drink and they always paid him the most, they were like parents to him. Eventually, the day came for him to leave the fools universe and he headed away, using all of the money that he'd made his entire life to come down to earth, a place that apparrently needed more fools.
Abilities: He can make just about anybody laugh and he can control cards, making them into a sword or making the characters come to life and fight for him.

Name: Rutia
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Biography: She keeps her secrets to herself, but if you were to become her partner in crime, she would eventually tell you all about herself.
Occupation: Assassin/Thief
Storyline: She is working with an organization that rids the world of all "evils" and prevents those "evils" from stealing things. Little does she know, her company is an evil company as well. They forced a new trainee on her and told her that she had to work with him. She didn't know it but they were planning on replacing her. However, the only way to replace an agent that is working for this company is to kill them. They plan on getting her trainee to do it as a sort of anniciation thing. Both she and her trainee need to fight through this tough time together and the trainee needs to decide at the end if he will kill her or not.

Name: Demi
Age: 19
Race: Demon/human
Biography: She was born into a family of wealthy inlanders, but the father knew that something was wrong. Her mother had cheated on him with a rather handsome man that had seduced her. They gave her up to one of the gypsy clans that were passing through their town when she was one year old. She grew up not knowing about her parents, but always feeling as if something was missing. She knows magick, illusions, singing, dancing, everything that the gypsy's could teach her they did. On the day of her 19th birthday, her adopted parents decided to tell her the truth about everything that happened and how she would have to choose her fate on her own, they kept the fact that she held great evil inside of her out of her knowledge though.
Occupation: Travelling Gypsy
Storyline: She is currently on a quest to find her parents. She only has a few months to do so because that is when her evil will become unleashed. She is a prim and proper young lady and she appreciates every living things, plants included. However, when her evil side begins to come out, she will begin to destroy all life on this planet and the world will end, thus fulfilling her real father's prophecy. Her real father is the devil.

Name: Number 666 {lalia}
Age: She has no age
Race: Experiment
Biography: Lalia was created in a lab, always remaining the age that she appears to be now. Little bit by little bit they added things on to her. She began as a normal human, then they added ears and a tail. She was an obediant little pet, always doing as the scientists asked and standing by their sides as a good creature should, but one day she got fed up with it. She was shown by another scientist the outside world and she hated it, 'So many flaws...' she thought. When she saw the outside world, she knew what she had to do. It had been her job as the experiment to help perfect things, and she would do that in the world as well. She escaped and began to go on renegades, killing the bad people and eventually forgetting her programming and killing anybody that did things messed up in her mind.
Occupation: Bad guy >.<
Story Line: She is not afraid of the local authorities because they can't do anything to her, she is ten times more powerful then they are. There is a large bounty on her head and many many people have tried to go after her, only to be tortured to death by her, she does enjoy to see her victims screaming. There is only one big threat to her life, that would be the man that has been observing her in silence for quite some time now. He spied on her every day and looked for weaknesses, noticing a few things. When her victims beg her, for a split second she becomes the good program that she was meant to be and almost lets them go, however they stop begging her and they die. She can't stand people who are too messy so she won't get too close to them, making it harder for her to kill even though she has a gun. She also has a few other weaknesses. This man has collected all of her data and memorized what he needed and he is now after her. She does not kill him because she thinks of it as too much fun, she enjoys the running and being chased. He does not kill her because the bounty is worth twice as much if she is brought to the local authorities alive. Will this little game of cops and robbers ever end? You decide.

Name: Allison {Ally}
Age: 16
Race: Witch
Biography: Allison was raised up in a family that was very centered around magick. Her parents has high expectations for her when she started to go to school to learn about the history of witches and wizards and to learn magick. On her first day she made many friends and she was incredibly happy, until they started learning their first spell ever. It was a rather simple spell that would make colors fly from the wand as if it were a rainbow light. She memorized the chant and she said it but the magick came out wrong. She accidentally made her friend's skin turn rainbow colors and every time she tried that spell it got messed up. To her parents dismay, there was a chemical misbalance somewhere that could only be fixed when she found somebody special, either her soul mate or a really good friend. Now, years later, she still can't perform spells right but she attends the school to learn them all.
Occupation: Student
Storyline: She is attending school and is looking for the person that can help her out of her problem. She studies daily and really has nothing better to do, so she is constantly in the library. She helps around the school and is always busy trying to forget her problems. She needs to find a way to fix her problem and make friends along the way.

Name: Rihanna
Age: 18
Race: Kitsune
Biography: Rihanna was born to a slave woman and taken away when she was five years old. She grew up never knowing the feeling of freedom and always serving her master well. Now that she is 18 yeard old, she is going to be sold for "certain" reasons. She was taught by her old master how to play the violin, read, compose her own music, and do many other things. She is being sold as a pet and she was taught how to be a good pet.
Occupation: Pet
Storyline: She is being sold as a pet to a new master and you are the master. You will do with her as you wish and she will or will not disobey you, it depends on how you treat her.

Name: Kirai
Age: 22
Race: Neko
Biography: Kirai grew up in a disfunctional family. That is all there is to know about her, end of story, goodbye. She may or may not tell her pet more about her past.
Occupation: Mistress
Storyline: She adopts a pet and does with him as she feels she should.
CAN I GET SOME ID: Neeyanna Annayeen
THE NICKA NAME: Anna or Nee, most people call her Nee
YOUR A WHAT?: Female
DON"T JUDGE ME!: The scientists gave me the ability of flight and some healing abilities. I can go through as much pain as is humanly possible, but when I've reached my maximum limit my body begins to glow an awkward white color and I slowly begin to heal. I can run really fast, but the downside to that is that I can't always control where I'm going. The ribbons were made into a part of me, hence the reason that I'm always wearing them...I can control them, but not too well. I try...and mostly fail miserably.

THEY SAID WHAT?: Neeyanna is a kind and caring person. She is gentle towards her friends and dignified towards her enemies, though she will fight if the time comes for it. She's trying to find a way to make her healing ability go to her friends as well, because she hates to see them suffering.
MY LIFE: When I first went into the "program", I was an innocent and young girl. I didn't have a single care in the world, and they were treating me so kindly...until the day that the testing began. They dragged me kicking and screaming into a white room, the only color came from these...instruments. They put me to sleep and when I awoke gave me a candy bar...but it tasted a little bit different. As the days went by, I realized that something wasn't right. I would begin to randomly go into the air, soaring back down as if I were a bird. One day, they threw me off of a cliff and I didn't fall, instead I gently drifted there as if nothing were happening. They would injure me and, ever so slowly, I would begin to heal and it would appear as if nothing had ever happened to me. When I awoke from the experiments one time, there were ribbons attached to my skin by these metal hooks that went inside of me. When they nipped one of them, I winced because I could feel it. I realized that something wasn't right...but I didn't know exactly what was happening. They gave me a running test one time, making me stay on a treadmill for hours on end...and I didn't realize that I was running inhumanly fast until I looked down at my feet one time. When they let us all go, I had no idea what I was going to do with myself. I'd been told by one of the scientists that my voice is melodious and that it has super abilities...but I'm not going to sing just for that purpose, I'm afraid of finding out that my voice does hold a power.
SWEETS: I do enjoy candy...my favorite thing in the world. I like it when people are generous and accepting of others and their differences. Drawing is a hobby of mine...and I like to make music too. Reading books is my favorite passtime and I like singing.
SOURS: I hate onions, evil people, sitting around for too long, and having my feet fall asleep.
LETS SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO: I can use my ribbons as whips or anything else that I wish to, they are like arms to me. I've been told that my singing voice can control moods or something of that sort, but I never use it...I don't even know if it's real. I can fly, though only for short increments of time. I can run really fast, but since I'm clumsy, I run into things a lot. My best ability is my ability to heal myself...that comes naturally though.
WHERES THE LAST ONE?: She hums sometimes...
...HI NAMES MY...BYE... She wishes for love, but is afraid to actually jump into it.
MY ON BUTTON: Tearstains
Gaia Name: Tearstains
Name: Aya
Age: looks to be 17 {actual age is hidden}
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire

Bio: Aya was born as a vampire, and as such, she is of pure blood. She can create vampires if she bites them, but if she doesn't give them her blood then they will fall to the barbaric vampires that all people think vampires are. She was raised quite well by her mother and her father, treating all living beings with respect and keeping some human allies, but only a few. Her father was killed by vampire hunters when she was only 100 years old, equivalent to that of a 3 year old child in her mind. Since then, she and her human allies have been searching for the group that killed her father, who never wronged anybody.
Other: She enjoys to have human company because they fascinate her.
{Will have pic latz}
Karesniel walked towards the den with a vacant expression on her face, often times she did tend to wander about without paying any mind to her surroundings or where she was headed. This was something that her mother had always told her would lead to her emminent doom, luckily though she could shapeshift and, as such, she always had a tendancy to blend in with her surroundings. A scythe was on her back, an eye in it and a smirk seeming to take over the blade, this was her weapon of choice. 'Karesniel...do you really think that it's wise to wander aimlessly? Karesniel...Karesniel! I know you can hear me!!! Answer me...Karesniel!!! a voice that only she could hear warned her of what she was doing, but she ignored it. The voice was the one that came to her from her scythe.
Her scythe had a soul in it and her soul was intertwined with it, and, as such, they could both communicate with one another. This was another thing that sometimes would make her seem as if she were an odd person, though she knew that she was perfectly normal in every other way. As long as she didn't speak out loud to her scythe, it should have all worked out well for her, but it hadn't. She let out a silent sigh and stopped walking, her eyes growing wider and her heart going faster 'Taji...where am I?' she asked her scythe. She heard a sigh then saw the figure of a man covered by a black cloak 'How should I know...I can't tell you...you were wandering again! Why don't you ever listen to me when I tell you to stop Karesniel!' she chuckled a little bit then shrugged her shoulders. She took a deep breath then began to walk towards a cave that she saw, looking around once she got into it. She shook her head quickly then sat down on a smooth rock and took her scythe from her back, placing it onto her lap 'Taji...I don't see anybody here...how am I supposed to make myself one of them if I can't see them?' she asked in a more panicked way. A laugh came from Taji then his ghostly figure shrugged its shoulders 'You'll think of something...you always do...' he said calmly. She smiled then nodded "Yeah...you're right..." she said calmly.
Gaia Username-:- Tearstains
Name-:- Kanaichi
Age-:- 16
Race-:- human/demon {is that allowed? O..O}
Sex-:- female ^-^
Element/Powers-:- she can control all shadows
Personality-:- Kanaichi sometimes has an anger, though a majority of the time she knows how to control herself. If she doesn't control herself for her own uprising, she does it for those around her. She doesn't know of her race yet and, as such, she simply thinks that she was born with a gift. Though her "gift" can't possibly bring her much good, she still uses it to defend both herself and the others around her. She sometimes makes the shadows form things, examples: if it's raining, she'll use them as an umbrella, if she's cold, she'll use them as a coat, etc. She never abuses her ability though. She doesn't have any religious belief and she thinks that there's something else out there other then our world, though she keeps these thoughts to herself. She believes in having strong self discipline, though she does know how to enjoy herself. She won't go over the line with her words, and if she does then she'll apologise. She enjoys reading books and drawing things, sometimes using the shadows as her models.
Bio-:- When Kanaichi was a young girl, her father abandoned the family. This was expected by her mother, though she was devistated by it. She raised up Kanaichi as best as she could, telling her to hide her abilities when she was around other people and explaining to her that she had to keep her emotions to herself in public and until she was alone. She did as she was told. One day, however, she became enraged with a boy's father who was abusing him in front of other people. Though she had never been taught that this was wrong, she felt that it wasn't right, and so she screamed and shadows enveloped him and began to beat him just as he'd beat his child. She and her mother had to flee that day.
One morning she woke up and realised that something wasn't right, she needed to find that other half of herself. In this case, it was her father. Her mother wished her luck and gave her a sword to use, which she carries with her at all times. She's very good with swordsmanship because she used to practice with some of the other kids in her neighborhood with sticks, and she sometimes lets the shadows help her out by enveloping the sword and flailing out at the enemy. She never learned of her demon side.