I was looking over my most viewed entries just now, and they were the ones when I was depressed over that thing I used to call a boyfriend... ewww... I actually said that Dx. He's so flippin' gross now! When the year started this year, I looked at him, and he was patting his stomach, saying he needed to gain some more wait, when there were already rolls of fat hanging off his pants o.o;;. And like, he's one fugly sonovabitch. Which is pretty bad, since I've never been one whose able to say which guy is hot and which one isn't. Seriously. I can't believe I actually thought he only did drugs once or twice because of his step dad! I mean, the reason why I think he's so fugly, is because he looks like a pothead to the maximummmm; yellow teeth, pale skin, half closed eyes. Not to mention every single class of his he sleeps. I think the only reason he comes to school is for the food... I mean, he doesn't do anything in class. The first thing he does is sit down in the back and goes to sleep -______-;;. And when the teachers say something, he's a total a**.
Not to mention that's what he smells like xD.
But yeah, I've had a completely different change of mind on Dover. I mean, I hate admiting I even went out with him. I think what the reason why though was because I thought there was a better side to him that he didn't let people see, and also because he was the first guy that I was ever able to talk to without feeling like an idiot... I read wayyyy too much Shojo! xD But yeah, my eyes finally opened during the summer. I know how he is, and I'm not afraid to admit I made a mistake with him anymore. I mean, when we did go out, I hated even being around him, but when we broke up, I felt so guilty... Which, I think I just wanted to feel like there was actually someone who did care about me, even if they actually didn't. What an idiot. I don't give a damn what people think of me now, and I know I do have peeps that care about me, so I don't have to be so cheesy now. I mean, I have the Fantastic Four behind me (No, not the comic super heros, my three best friends)! We will rule the world with Kimmy-ber's cupcake minions, Lacey's purple evil-closet-dwelling-monkey, Hayley's randomness, and my... er... TOASTER! =D
Ack, I why was I even talking about Dover anyway? Ugh, no more of him in my journal... unless he pisses me off agian... which is more then likely to happen again. Wait! One more thing! He used to live in New Mexico supposedly, so now whenever he gets mad at a teacher he calls 'em "Puto" (or however its spelled), and the other day the teacher told him to get off the computer and he's like "Aye Aye, Puto". Later he ended up getting on it again, and the teacher told him to get off again, and he's like "Puuuuuuuutoooooooo". He pratically sang it xD. I think he was trying to say it under his breath, and the only reason I heard it was because my table is right beside the computer... but yeah, it was funny as hell. He's so retarded! He can't even say the words right xDDDD.
OK, that was the last of moron. I finally have volume 1-10 of Inuyasha! I just need to get the other 17 or so now... >_<. I WILL HAVE THEM ALL ONE DAY! I SWEAR IT!
My drawings are coming a long decently... I have one drawing up in the art arena, but its a couple months old... I have improved. I've learned to be more patient with my art. I got the "Mangaka America" book, and its been helping me more, especially on my character devolpment, where I've been stuck. Its a really good book, and I recomend it! Unless, of course, you're one of those hardcore fans that believe that manga can only come from Japan... Then you can just go shove a banana up your butt, because manga is an art form. I mean, its like saying a pizza can't be a pizza unless its from Italy! (haha, thanks Svetlana for that in DramaCon #2! xD)
Rawr, Lacey is getting Copic Markers when she goes to Farel Way next T.T! I really want those. Those and these really good colored pencils... I can't remember the name, dammit. That and Photoshop, and tablet, or whatever other good computer program. But, alas, those cost money, which I am unfortuantly lacking. I need more babysitting gigs >>;;...
Hm... what else? Oh! I've become obsessed with Hellfire from Hunchback of Notre Dame! Its such a cool song xD. I've been listening to it over and over... I don't know what it is about Opera sounding music... it just sounds so good <3. I love it. Especially when rock is added <333. Rock and Opera are two awesome forms of music, no matter what anyone else says x3.
OK, well, that's it for now. I can't think of anything else, and Inuyasha has been on for 10 minutes! Ciao.
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