[[The Name I was given is]]
Ashlyn Faye Persch
[[I am not a kid anymore]]
[[If you look into my eyes you see]]
Serious, humble, and dull- the three last words that would be used to describe Ashlyn's personality. No, Ash is much more the playful, outgoing, and energetic type of girl who loves to stick out. Wherever she goes she makes sure she feels right at home, no matter whose nerves she may be riding on. She doesn't like to sit still or be quiet. Infact, complete silence scares her a bit. Whenever she's stuck in a "silent situation" she'll start making whatever noise she can, or busy herself if she found it an "inappropriate" time to make any noise. Having to sit still for a long time is just something she can't do. She'll fidgit around in her seat and make whatever excuse she can to move, especially if she's hyper. It's thanks to those two personal preferences that most people think she has ADD. She's grown so used to people asking her if she had it that instead of saying 'no!' she'll say, 'Oh yeah! I forgot to take my pills again! oopes...' There are times, however, when Ashlyn can be serious. Of course, these are times she doesn't like, unfortunatly they always seem to find her.
Ashlyn has plenty of flaws about her. She's extremely hot headed, and will blow up on anyone if they make her mad enough. It's caused plenty of fights with people, which is why most tend to stay away from her. She does have plenty of friends, but there are only three that she actually trusts, which would probably be due to the fact she's known them all her life and they've still stuck by her side. Ashlyn can be sympathetic toward people, but she doesn't often show it. She can't stand whining, nor can she stand admiting if she's wrong about something. She's pretty independant, and hates when she has to depend on others, though deep down she knows that she depends entirely on her three best friends.
[[I am here for a reason]]
This is where your history or bio will go. I know people don't like writing a lot so make sure it's more then 4 sentences
[[Tell me I'm pretty]]
/Ashlyn/ Faye/ Persch/
[[I'm in charge here!]]
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Thankyou Techno <33
Currently questing Stripped Stockings, [[2]] Shadow spirits, Coco Kitty, && Mochi. o.o;; Expensive items... Donations are very much appreciated.