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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 8
Hello everyone! biggrin For a long time, I haven't felt like writing more of this story... Time has been flying by too fast, and a lot has changed... I wasn't sure if I still had it in me to create stories... but now I've come up with something! smile So here we go! Enjoy!

Note: Like always, this story will be updated every now and then so please come on by regularly to read it. smile Thank you. ^_^

Page 40

(July 19, 2012 Thursday A.D.)

I woke up in the morning to the smell of gunpowder and oil. At least, I would if I had a sense of smell. Heavy artilerary laylined up all along on the walls. This is because the humans were starting a war with the non-humans.

Oh, did I forget to tell you I wasn't one? My name is Shinobu Kinzoku. I am an android. I am an artificial human being, a robot modeled after humanity. My body is completely mechanical. I am 18 yearrs old and I'm now technically an adult, so the humans known as scientists are keeping a close eye on my psychological development.

Sometimes I can't help but question how much I am like a human being more than just appearing, thinking, and speaking like them. I can't even feel emotions... One day I overheard the humans talking to each other about the non-humans. The non-humans said I was a dangerous being... Why is it then that I even exist...?

Right now I am currently in a armory, and I'm recharging my batteries. The electricty running through my veins is exhilirating. I wondr if there's any pleasures in life that makes humans energized and ready to take on the day. As I stepped out I was greeted as usual.

Scientist: "Good morning Mrs. Kinzoku. Are you ready for your assigment today?"

Shinobu: "Affirmative. What is it that you request from me?"

Scientist: "There is a strange boy that collapsed outside. You are to take immediate action and see if there's anything out of the ordinary. Understood?"

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(July 20, 2012 Friday A.D.)

What an unusual request. I've had many scouting missions but it never involved dead or unconcious people before, especially children.

Shinobu: "I understand ma'am. I will now activate scouting mode."

I changed my vision to MRI mode which allowed me to see the DNA structure of a living being. Because of all the monsters and the non-humans in the past hundreds of years, the scientists were always fearful on what they considered normal and what wasn't. Now that I was 18, I was free to go wherever I wanted so long as I returned by nightfall.

I walked calmly but catiously outside until I found the boy just outside the building. A small crowd of about 6 people gathered around. I slowly confronted the crowns and told them to back away slowly.

Shinobu: "Everyone, please stand back."

The crowd was shocked by my sudden appearance but they quickly obeyed. I analyzed the small child very thoroughly until I got the results I wanted. It seems this boy's carbon levels predates back to hundreds of years ago. His clothes even seem to be proof of that. How on Earth was this possible?

I tried waking up the boy gently by crouching next to him and giving him a smal shake.

Shinobu: "Little boy, can you hear me? It's time to wake up."

The little boy gave a soft moan and he opened his eyes. He got up, made a big strech, and yawned. The small child was alright. That made me very happy.

(January 29, 2013 Tuesday A.D.)

The little boy startd to look around and become bewildered by his surroundings.

Atama: "Whoa, what is this place? Where did everyone go?"

Where there others like him? This unnatural phenomenon must be more out of control than I thought. I hope this doesn't distort history in a negative way.

Anyways, I musn't delay. I walked up to the boy and introduced myself.

Shinobu: "Good morning little one. I am Shinobu Kinzoku. I know this may come as a surprise to you, but I must ask you to come with me."

Atama: "Oh, um... alright. I'd probably get lost on my own anyway. By the way, I'm Atama Chie."

I'm surprised he cooperated so easily, but he does have a point. It would be dangerous for him to be alone. Although as I took a closer look, he appeared to have a weapon on him. How could that be? This is certainly suspicious...

I then extended my right hand for him to hold on to.

Shinobu: "Come with me. I'll take you somewhere safe."

The two of us were now on our way to headquarters. The scientist was pleased by my successful mission.

Scientist lady: "*Chuckles* Mission accomplished. Well done Shinobu. As expected from our top android."

Atama: "What's an android?"

Shinobu: "Hm... How should I explain this... My entire body is made out of metal. I am an artificially intelligent life form created by humans."

Atama: "Whoa... No way! That is so cool!"

The little boy known as Atama then became really excited and started walking around me, looking at every inch of me in fascination. What a peculiar energy source these things called emotions were.

That's when the scientist noticed something strange.

Scientist lady: "Does something smell funny to you guys?"

Scientist man: "Hm? I don't smell anything."

Scientist lady: "That's funny, because I think something may be up with this boy."

The scientist then walked up to Atama and sniffed him. Both Atama and the scientist became startled.

Scientist lady: "Pew! You stink a bit. When's the last time you had a bath?"

Atama: "U-um, maybe a couple of days? *Flustered* Shinobu! Why didn't you tell me?!"

Shinobu: "I'm an android. I don't have a sense of smell."

Atama: "Oh..."

Scientist lady: "It seems this interrogation must be put on hold until further notice."

Shinobu: "Please come this way Atama."

Atama: "Alright."As me and Atama left for the spa, Atama had some questions for me.

Atama: "What's all this interrogation stuff about?"

Shinobu: "We'll talk about it later. All I will say for now is that your clothes look rather ancient and your weapon seems dangerous for a boy your age."

Atama: "I see... I promise there's a very good reason for that."

I sure hope this boy is trustworthy. On secound thought, I should bathe as well for touching him.

Shinobu: "Let me bathe with you. I'm afraid I might be soiled."

Atama: "O-oh! *blushes* Are you sure that's allowed here? Besides, won't you rust?"

Shinobu: "W-well, my metal is very durable, I can assure you. Also, why would bathing together be a problem?"

Atama: "O-oh, it's nothing. Let's go."

The boy must be dumbfounded at my ignorance for common human customs. How troubling... but it doesn't matter. I don't know why, but I felt like I must protect this boy at all times, even in ordinary situations like this.

(April 14, 2013 Sunday A.D.)

Well, there's no use fretting over it. I'll either learn over time or stay the same over such trivial subjects.

I took bits and pieces of my battle armor off as well as my weapon utilities. For now I only had a hand gun that humans call a pistol. For a long, long time, guns would become disabled from water because it would ruin the gunpowder inside. Now any metal is rust and water proof. That's what I've been told anyway. If what they say is true, then humans sure have come a long way. I wonder if little Atama feels the same way.

Now all that was left of me was my bare skin. Well, if you can even call it skin. My skin was made out of plastic like a mannequin doll. It helped to insulate and resist the flow of electricity to my metal conductors so I don't overheat.

As the shower turned on, our skin glistened from the trickling water. When we put the shampoo and soap over us, I turned on the MRI scan again to see the ferms wash off of Atama. It seems these base products really do work.

When we were done, Atama started eyeing my weapon.

Shinobu: "Hm? Is something wrong?"

Atama: "What is this thing? It looks really dangerous..."

Shinobu: "That's my pistol. It's a type of gun, one of the most dangerous types of weapons in the world, much moreso than your little sword, so please don't touch it."

Atama: "Oh, alright..."

Shinobu: "Guns are long range by the way, so they can attack from a distance, but most have limited ammo, although I do have a strong ammo capacity. Anyways, we should be heading back now."

(June 25, 2013 Tuesday A.D.)

As we headed back, the lady had a grim expression on her face. Was there something we did wrong? Did she still suspect the boy? Or perhaps it was something else altogether?

I was afraid of speaking against my superior, so I calmly waited and hoped that she would speak first, in which she did.

Scientist lady: "Now then little boy, where did you come from?"

Atama: "Um... I'm not sure how to explain this, but I was on a train with 3 others and somehow made it here."

Scientist lady: "Hmm... perhaps the train crashed but you survived somehow? It seems like an unlikely tale."

Atama: "Oh no! I hope that didn't happen! But... I'm sure they'll still be okay."

Scientist lady: "Hm? How so?"

Atama: "Um, well... we have magic powers. Watch."

What in the world was this boy thinking? Surely that's impossible... and yet to everyone's surprise, he started to levitate and surprised us all.

Scientist lady: "Fascinating... Are you by chance not human?"

Atama seemed to be taken by surprise. The question made me uncomfortable too.

Atama: "Huh? Yeah, I think so, at least I was before... but then I was blessed by some weird creature because me and my friend defeated it in battle, then it told us something like... Humans should work together in a... scientific way? And the only reason why we did that is because we were orphans, and our caretaker cared only about money and our lives didn't mean much until now and we had to teach him a lesson."

Everyone in the room including myself was completely dumbfounded. If he didn't prove he had magic, no one would believe him. Even then the lady was still skeptical.

Scientist lady: "That is the most absurd story I ever heard in my life... but because of your clothes and your magic, I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. Anyways, I have a proposition for the both of you."

Shinobu: "Yes? What is it?"Scientist lady: "I want the two of you... to stop Shinobu's creator."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. An android's creator is like a parent for a child! Surely the world is not so dark that one's relative family can be so corrupt that one has to stop them, is it? Then again, all criminals must have some sort of family whether living or deceseased and surely not all of them have everyone in their family be as wicked or misguided as them, right? But even so... my master...

Scientist lady: "I know this may be hard for you, but she is trying to turn everyone into an emotionless cyborg. So far she has only done this to the secret police. This place used to be a large town until we went to war with the other nations and at least half of all our people and homes were wiped out. Most of us decided to isolate ourselves since then, but some of us are still going mad in some way. Anyways, she's trying to use the radio tower to brainwash everyone."

Atama: "But why in the world would she do that?"

Scientist lady: "Because she believes emotions causes people to be irrational and that was our reason for wars in a way. We feel things too strongly and overreact too easily. Yet... how could we care for each other without them or believe in our dreams? Everyone would remain apathetic and morally neutral at best, carry on with a daily routine that never changes. Our humanity would be gone."

(August 17, 2013 Saturday A.D.)

When she finished we all just stood there silently. After about 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence, Atama suddenly spoke up.

Atama: "I can't believe how many crazy people out there can come up with all these crazy ideas that they think will actually help them or others as if it's normal."

Scientist Lady: "Yeah... I think some people do realize that, but they're hurting so much that they believe it's all they have left. Their tired of being taken advantage of so they want to take out their frustration on others or even fix the dark world their suffering in at all costs. I think deep down inside, their wishing for someone to help free them from their pain before it's too late."Atama: "Oh... I guess that's true. What made you come up with that idea though?"

Scientist Lady: "Well, I used to be a psychology teacher and Shinobu's creator taught history in the past. We used to be colleagues. She started to become frightened of evil historical figures and how they became that way. I would compare my notes and then I noticed she had a revolutionary idea 3 months ago on robotics. As her aid, I would read some notes of hers and only a week ago I noticed she was starting to lose her mind... Anyways, this is actually quite factual for some people."

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(October 30, 2013 Wednesday A.D.)

I don't think I could take this anymore. She's planning on getting rid of my master!

Scientist Lady: "So... will you help me?"

Atama: "Of course! Right, Shinobu?"

Atama! How could you?! You would trust her...?

I slowly reached for my pistol, trembling to keep my aim steady. Was I... malfunctioning? This must be from my emotions... I was right to trust my master.

Atama: "Shinobu, what are you doing?!"

Scientist Lady: "

Shinobu..."Shinobu: "I... I don't believe you!"

Before I could even shoot, the other scientists sounded the alarm for the cyborg police force.

Scientist Man: "Everyone, sound the alarm! *Speaker* Attention, the android Shinobu has turned rouge! I repeat, the android Shinobu has turned rouge!"

I couldn't tell if I should be happy or scared I didn't shoot her. Why did I feel this way...? She's the enemy!

Atama was chasing me now with the speed of a falcon hunting its prey. Was he still with me or against me? Either way, I have no time for this!

Shinobu: "Why are you following me?!"

Atama: "Because we're partners!"

Shinobu: "I'm not on your side anymore!"

Atama didn't seem to take this very well. He seemed completely heartbroken and betrayed...Why...? Why do I feel bad for him? He may be just a kid, but I also just met him. My master should come first. I have to hurry to her...

Atama: "Please... I need you help... I have to see the others again... Shintai, Tamashii, Kokoro... They could be my real family... Shinobu, you have to help me! If I lose my emotions, I won't be myself anymore..."

Was I wrong...? It seems so ungrateful for me to harm the one that created me, but doing this seemed to be a true case of injustice.

It was then at the corner of my eye that I saw one of the guards. He looked just like an android, with no metallic parts being visible, but I knew who he was in the inside. I could tell from the emotionless look on his face that he wasn't human.

Cyborg Cop: "Shinobu, I am taking you and the boy with me for experimentation. We won't stop until every particle of those abominable emotions are wiped out. For further punishment, you two shall have no pain relievers or a chance to sleep as you witness every fiber of your body being surgically engineered."

What in the world...? No one deserves this kind of punishment! At least, not us... I didn't even shoot that woman!

Shinobu: "Fine. I accept that as my punishment, but you can't do that to this boy! That's illegal!"

Cyborg Cop: "Our master is above the law. She is a goddess. Your reason is invalid."

Atama: "I bet Shintai would disagree..."

Shinobu: "Wha-what?! If this person you're looking for is not so different from our enemy, then why is he your friend?"

Atama: "Um, ah... I'm afraid I don't have time to explain that."

Cyborg Cop: "Silence! Prisoners aren't allowed to speak! Only we of a supreme logical order can confirm everything we say and do as the one and only truth. If you won't come quietly, I'm afraid you'll just have to die. Don't be afraid. All living things die eventually, little boy. That's why you should become immortal, like us. What do you say?"

Atama: "You inhuman b*****d... You can go straight to hell!"

Future Plans

(February 7, 2014 (Friday) A.D.)

(Villain's Motive Rant)

Mad Scientist: "It is true that there is some good in our emotions such as happiness and love, but there are also negatives such as anger, fear, sorrow, and hatred. If these emotions are left unchecked, it would be a disaster. Therefor, to get rid of our negative emotions, it must come at the cost of our positive ones as a necessary sacrifice. The world will be content and peaceful, and there will be order and peace, even if we are unable to mourn for each others' loss."

Atama: "But then what else would you do? Aren't your dreams and ambitions part of your emotions too?"

Mad Scientist: "That may be a problem, yes... but then again, if this is my ultimate desire, what else would I wish to achieve in life? All that would be necessary is our survival and cooperation."

Shinobu: "But master, wasn't I designed to eventually feel emotion so I could strengthen my conscience so I'd be less destructive as a weapon?"

Mad Scientist: "Emotions or not, you were designed to be the perfect robot. There is no need to fear."

Atama: "But human beings aren't perfect, so what they built cannot be completely perfect even if it is the closest thing we can comprehend to a masterpiece, although I guess that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to achieve it... but the way you're going about achieving it is wrong."

Mad Scientist: "Oh? Why is that?"

Shinobu: "Well... earlier we were attacked because the other scientists we're afraid I went rouge because an assistant of yours was against you but I didn't believe them... but then we were attacked by one of the police officers, they seemed to have been a radical extremist and a sociopath with no remorse for trying to stop us. By getting rid of his emotions, you have damaged his conscience. What do you make of this?"

Mad Scientist: "Hmm... this was not my intention. I will have to correct it. I will fix every problem in the world, even the ones in the past if the invention of time travel is possible, and if it's not but there is such a thing as a soul, I shall be like a guardian angel, or even that of a god, and I will fix everything... I'll be able to see into the future as well and prevent any harm from happening for I will see and know all."

Atama: "But... no one's morality is an absolute truth. That's why me and Shinobu have to work together, and nobody can fix everything there is in the world... Sometimes you just have to learn to let go."

Mad Scientist: "Why...? Why wouldn't you want these problems to be fixed? Do you actually desire for them to happen? War, diseases, famine, poverty... How can I just sit by and let them happen? What good can come from all of these things?"

Shinobu: "I don't think Atama was claiming these things should just happen, but that we should focus on the present and take things one step at a time... and you're not alone. We can all help you."

Mad Scientist: "Hmm... our philosophical debate seems to be based on politics now and which system of government would be the best... and how can you claim that we should just focus on the present? Boy, you don't even seem to belong in this time judging on your clothes. This is nonsense... How dare you question a public official? I am in charge of this entire facility and soon I shall be in charge of the entire town, and after that it will be the world as my judgment is absolute. Look at how much I've accomplished here! With the power of science, we can achieve great things, and I will not repeat the same mistakes others have by creating pollution or side effects to my products! I will learn from the past so that I can fix the present and we can all look forward to a brighter future! Time and space will be irrelevant to me for I shall control it all..."

Shinobu: "Master... don't you see what you've become? You are becoming mad with power!"

Mad Scientist: "No... I believe that I have not. Don't you see? By getting rid of our emotions, we can learn self-restraint and discipline. I have disciplined myself and have even been an honest to you about my goals because I have nothing to hide. Am I providing an insane fit of laughter to you two as a proof of my insanity? No, I have not... I am in control of my own thoughts and actions and I realize the consequences of my actions therefor I am not insane."

Atama: "But what about the people that disagree with you? Why are they wrong? What about their consent? You are going to brainwash and change the genes within all humans and robots just so you can be in charge and create your perfect world! Would you really want to get rid of our individuality...? Wouldn't your goal be to make a clone of yourself with everyone in the world?"

Mad Scientist: "I don't understand... why is everyone against me...?"

Shinobu: "Master, if you go too far with this, they'll be no turning back... Are you absolutely sure you know what you're doing?"

Mad Scientist: "Of course I am sure... You are just a robot designed by me, and Atama here is just a little boy. Furthermore, my assistant is not even a professional in the field of science such as I am. How can I be wrong?"

Atama: "Because even if we don't have much experience now, we can learn them as time goes on, and this will accelerate even faster with the help of friends. It is friends that give us our power as we learn from them and accept their differences. The reason we can accept it is by sharing a common goal in supporting each other and by showing respect for each other."

Mad Scientist: "What foolishness... I don't need the help of other people to know that I am right. I can already judge them on their actions for I have seen many wrongs, yet I wouldn't have taken up science if I wasn't inspired by the people who were great, but now they are all dead and no one else has been listening to them! In fact, some of them were even assassinated when they could have done so much more in life! That is why I shall be the new god of this world and I'm not going to let anyone stop me!"

Shinobu: "It seems you have left me with no choice... I will either have to arrest you or sentence you to death for your crimes against all of humanity. Prepare yourself, my former master."

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