Dear Haiku...
Hm. So here we are again after all. I didn't think I would be able to revisit you at all. But I am glad. I am. I am changing... both outwardly...but most importantly inwardly. When I drown out the noise and distractions attached to the world...I find clarity. A simple peace. The things that used to bother me... do not anymore. A lot of my pain, I've learned to let go. Today is the 10th of December... and while among my friends... the conversation of the End Of The World came about... Sure they poked fun of the people who.. truly believe that within the coming days... all that we know.. shall be no more.. and we will cease to exist. It's no wonder some will think so... as... you see the cruelty and the depravity of the world being paraded around as something to celebrate and imitate... rather than prevent and improve. Who am I to judge what others do? No one. I am human. I have my faults. I have my quirks. But.. I believe in bettering the soul.. the mind, and spirit. I believe in correcting the issues that cause me harm and potentially hurt others. Because in my heart... these things do nothing to sooth my heart or comfort my mind. They are trappings, binds that tie you down like a giant weight that continue to make you feel miserable and sad. That is not life.. that is not freedom. That is what we long for... freedom.. and to live. We may be alive but how many of us are truly living? Most are so numb and indifferent to everything... aimless zombies. Not the ones in film or fiction... but zombies..people walking around in a permanent fog..unable to see the truth... or are unwilling to see it... detached from their emotions... simply existing..but not thriving. My heart weeps for the ones who cannot feel. I weep for those who cannot get over their vanity and greed. I weep for those who cannot and will not forgive. No.. I don't remain downtrodden all of the time... I find hope in the ones that can rise above their pain.. that can look up and still see light. Those who strive for their dream, and those who welcome anyone in need with arms wide open. The world may be in shambles.. but there is still goodness left in the world. My question to the ones so worried about the end.... have you even had a beginning? What good does it do to focus on a Doomsday instead of today? Instead of focusing on the end... work on making a beginning. It starts with you.... it starts with you. Tomorrow is your opportunity.. to make this life... your life.. into something amazing. If in 11 days.. all the things you hold dear should somehow perish... appreciate it all while it remains... Count your blessings for every star that paints the heavens. Count your blessings for every sunrise and sunset that you see. If there is someone you love.. who you just can't do without....let them know. If there is someone you miss and have not spoken to due to past unsavory circumstances... start with a hello... and begin...not end with an "I'm sorry" or an "I forgive you". The truth is.. life is short. And no day is promised to us... So I say to you... love all you can. Live all you can. Laugh all you can. Because when it is gone.... it is gone. Make as many pleasant memories as you can. If your soul is in unrest... fix it. But by no means don't go destroying what life you have. It starts with you... tomorrow is your beginning. Pick up your spiritual pen and ink and begin a new chapter... let the ink flow... the gold embellishments loomed over the pages... weaving about a new destiny.... don't focus on the END. Celebrate a new beginning.... Here's hoping we meet again in 2013. May you all be blessed. Namaste. Love Eternally -Aoi
Aoi Utsuki · Tue Dec 11, 2012 @ 03:54am · 0 Comments |