People were surprised but none questioned her decision as the people loved their princess as if she were their own sister or daughter. All had believed that there was nothing left for them but happiness and prosperity now that marriage would combine such grand souls together but all were to be proved wrong. What the princess had believed to be only a small seed of darkness embedded deep within his soul was more like a disease, growing at an exponential rate with every hour which fed his jealousy and rage for losing such a prize for himself and his kingdom.
The day of the princess' wedding was a grand celebration to last an entire week of festivities and feasts for all. Everyone could tell that the couple were eagerly anticipating their marriage as both seemed perfectly content when in the others presence and the slightest bit uncomfortable when separate. The princess was the most beautiful bride anyone had ever seen when she had dismounted from her carriage pulled by the most unusual and glorious beasts one could ever imagine. Her groom-to-be was glowing with pride at the altar and as he saw his bride being escorted down the aisle by his father-in-law there was hardly a dry eye in the church as each watched her be given away.
The happiness disappeared so quickly though that some could hardly process the shift in emotions fast enough. An arrow shattered the glass dome overhead and shot straight down and buried itself deep into the princess' chest. Her death was quick but everyone on the moon seemed to feel her pain for her. That was the beginning of the war for the moon. Her potential suitor decided that seeking revenge on the princess was not enough. He would have her dowry as well to make everyone feel the pain he was enduring by summoning a demonic army by his side. Her father's military combined with her fiance's managed to force the enemy's army into retreat for a few days to hold a funeral for their princess. Nearly all the nation of the moon people attended and most claimed it was the grandest funeral one had ever seen despite that she was buried like a commoner in accordance to her own wishes and the lack of supplies to supply her with the funeral that she was thought to deserve thanks to the army blocking their ports. The princess seemed surreal in death and every moment the guests to her funeral seemed to believe that she would suddenly sit up in her casket and reassure them that it was all a nightmare and that life could resume as normal. It was far too much to hope for. Just as the casket was being lowered into their fertile soil, the demons managed to push through the gates of her kingdom and fight past the soldiers. They destroyed everything in sight that would not keep them from the funeral for too long. Moon people scattered in every direction and the prince bent over his princess quickly for a last kiss before turning to fight. While everyone's back was turned though, the princess' body was doing something spectacular. It glowed a vibrant gold and collected around her chest, it began to seep upwards to her throat before passing through her lips so that all the light could hover in one collected orb hanging over her figure. No one had ever seen such a thing like it and amidst all the chaos most managed to spare just a brief moment to admire the purity of it's being. Safe in bed many miles away, a priestess knelt in her shrine receiving the princess' divine message from the beyond as her spirit flew over the kingdom sending one last ray of hope to all who beheld the sight. The moon people who were capable jumped into pods planted all over the planet and flew in random directions, most heading for the planet of Earth which was just beginning it's life cycle which allowed them to arrive without detection. Their enemy wasn't too interested in hunting down each moon person anyways and most knew that while their worries were over they had still to mourn their lost, beautiful planet, people left behind, and their dear princess. At that moment when the new king of the Moon seated himself on the throne of the moon people and donned the crown of the princess' father as the demons migrated all over her proud nation, the priestess climbed into her own escape pod, cradling the soul of the princess in a box by her side and one day when the galaxy was in it's gravest peril, the princess would return to the moon to save her people and banish the darkness...
The dull thud of a book being snapped shut jolted the young girl upwards in her bed and glowering over at her father seated smugly by her bed she tried to reclaim the feeling of magic that always followed a good reading of her favorite fairytale, "You know I like it best when you leave the room quietly after that story..." Celeste pouted and folding her arms over her chest she fell backwards onto the mattress and rolled over onto her side. An amused chuckle issuing from him only pet her the wrong way and 'hmphing' with a defined annoyance the young girl threw the blanket up over her head.
"Would it make it any better if I said I was sorry?" His voice was like a cat's purr and Celeste had to resist every syllable like a delicious temptation being waved in front of her face to keep from forgiving him too easily. Her tiny head snapped from side to side with enough force to leave a deep impression in the side of her pillow and she buried herself deeper into the quilt. The answer was not what he had wanted to hear though and just as Celeste heard the ominous creak of the chair as he pulled himself up onto his feet, his fingers shot down like missiles and began to press into her sides. What Celeste's father called tickling she thought of more as a painful torture where her nervous laughter was deciphered as amusement but the gesture was all that she cared for and after squirming around in her bedsheets, she eventually fell headfirst off of her bed and emerged looking irritated but without the same seriousness as before. Celeste crawled back onto the bed and wrapping her arms around his neck she nuzzled her nose into the crook between his shoulder and his neck. "I love you Dad...even if you annoy me." That same rumbling laughter warmed her insides and he hugged her back, his arms large enough to nearly wrap around her small middle twice. "I love you too, Princess."
The impossibly bright blue of the afternoon sun beat on Celeste's head with a consistent pulse that seemed to fill her limbs with energy. She was traditionally a night owl but given a beautiful day and Celeste could not think of any reason to resist. Summer was fast approaching and she was already making plans in her head to go out with her friends every night. What else was being eighteen good for? She was now older than everyone in her grade and still had one more year left of high school but thanks to her age, Celeste could still try the things that none of her friends could do which would give her a feeling of being the higher person if but for a little while. The nylon strap of her backpack began to slide off the slope of her shoulder and doing a half hop to push it back on, she pressed forward as she spotted her house. Her parents had not done anything particularly special that morning to celebrate the occasion so she was anticipating some grand surprise upon her arrival at the house. Celeste had talked it over with her friends and they had narrowed it down to either a grand trip to Europe, a car, or something that surpassed their limited imagination. With each step came a mounting excitement and positively giggling by the time she reached the door, Celeste turned the cool metal knob with an energetic downward motion and threw open the door. What she had hoped to be a bright and happy ambiance was in fact quite depressing. The shades were drawn everywhere in the house and there was hardly a whisper of sound from anywhere in the building. Dropping her bag onto the floor, Celeste slipped out of her shoes out of habit and began to race around the house silently, not wanting to appear scared if this was all supposed to be a part of her surprise. As she slid into the kitchen she breathed a sigh of relief to find her parents seated at the dining room table. Her relief was momentary though as she glimpsed a figure at the head of the table where her father usually sat. A tense silence filled the house and shifting uncomfortably Celeste wondered what that look of pain on her parents' faces were for and who the stranger was.
((Sorry this is so long but you do not have to write this much! I appreciate quantity though but quality is a must so be creative and invest something in this roleplay! Please excuse the RPC. I checked the ToS and it is PG-13 rated so it should be alright but if you have a major problem with it for whatever reason, I will change it to a URL address or attempt to find another RPC. Thank you for reading! I have other RPCs and starters if you like. I hope you send me a response or an idea for another roleplay!))