"Well baby...I guess I would just have to say that it's because there are people out there who do not understand how special you are, like I do. Someone may think you are an evil witch who will use your talents for bad and want you gone forever. And another person may want to force you to use it in a way that you would not want to." His omnipotent eyes had swiveled towards her and as she hung on every word he raised one of his untamed brows as if waiting for a response. "Do you understand?" The little girl had then bobbed her head with over-enthusiasm to issue a laugh from his barrel chest and the day resumed without any more acknowledgment to the seriousness that one moment had held...
Window. Shoe. Wall. T-shirt. Alarm clock. Paper. Canvas. Markers. Computer. Picture.
Amber's big brown eyes stared for an extra few moments on the latter as she recalled something close to pleasantness. It had been taken ten years prior when her father and herself had taken a picnic at the park stamped in the middle of their suburban neighborhood. If she shut her eyes and concentrated with all of her might, Amber could imagine that she was back in that place and living without a care in the world. Seeing that all-too familiar face standing beside her scrawny seven-year-old body forced Amber to look away and still laying down on her bed since the previous morning, she began to drum her fingers on top of pillow beneath her head.
Calculator. Door. Hanger. Cat. Opened letter.
Her guardian was coming to pick her up in the next hour. The letter left with her father's last will and testimony had been very vague about who was coming to escort Amber to a new life but she assumed he had it all planned out. By now Amber was used to his secrets and plans coming out flawlessly in the end without her being involved so she was content to continue lying on her bed like a limp sack of potatoes and wait to be rescued. Content was an exaggeration for what Amber was truly feeling at that moment though and she felt a burning sensation in her eyes and moved back to her newest distraction: watching the bird outside of her window. Amber had seen it a while earlier but thought nothing of it. It was just another thing in her life to flit in and out as it needed to and Amber had expected it to have left already. Oddly enough, the stupid creature was staring into her room, tilting it's head to the side as if it had some kind of painful compulsory twitch. Squinting her eyes back at the bird it hopped forward and Amber was forced to feel a twitch of a smile on the corners of her lips. Birds were easily one of the dumbest and most entertaining creatures she had encountered to date and in her current state-of-mind, Amber began to play with the idea of what it would be like to have a bird for a pet when the doorbell rang. Every muscle tensed as it was poised to run and answer the door for the sake of being polite but realizing that there was no one to chastise her for not doing the polite thing, Amber stayed in place. They surely had a key handy just in case and she wasn't even fully packed and ready to leave yet. Half of her clothes were still hung up in her closet, Luna had yet to be put in her cat carrier, and she was fairly certain that the greasy slick of hair in front of her eyes was probably due to a streak of four days without showering. Her father would never approve of such behavior and conduct but Amber was through with trying anything. Had she not already been drilled to never reveal her powers, Amber would have scorched the place to the earth because despite science and all of the frauds in the world, Amber was a psychic.
Being a psychic in popular culture usually meant reading tarot cards, palms, and looking into crystal balls to see the future and present. Amber was the real deal though which meant her powers stretched far beyond that and probably even further than she had mastered them yet. So far she had mastered her ability to move things with her mind and speak to other people. Amber had yet to learn how to listen to other people though in her own mind or willingly see the future but she had progressed far enough that her father had been hopeful for mastery before she left for college. All of this seemed as if it were in the distant past though and with a heavy sigh, Amber heard the front door be unlocked and someone step through the doorframe. "Perhaps I'll be lucky and it will be an axe murderer..." Sarcasm dripped from every syllable and forcing herself into an upright position, Amber focused on all of the articles of clothing on the floor and they flew into her suitcase, neatly folded and leaving enough space for her to shut the suitcase. Amber decided it best to leave Luna for her host to take care of. She could claim being too emotionally weary to deal with it and watch them be scratched for half an hour as they chased her around the house. Luna hated strangers as much as Amber did, if not more so.
Heavy footsteps echoed off of the staircase and she felt her eyebrows furrow in question as she tried to look out. The letter had implied a female but the footsteps clearly indicated a male and suddenly, Amber was feeling a little frightened about her future.
((PM me to continue! It's my first starter so please don't be too harsh! I have more RPCs and am willing to roleplay other things, not just this. Hope to hear from you soon!))