Yesterday S used my computer to live stream her TV show. This morning my computer wouldn't respond to the keyboard! : ( Luckily for me it turned out to be the keyboard killed, not a virus downloaded with the live stream. And luckily for me my dad had a spare keyboard with the right kind of connection. I tried the old keyboard first but it needed a round port not a rectangular one.
I did a bunch of clearing and tidying in our room today. I needed to make sure I had all enough stuff for school. I still need a backpack but I have two good binders, a pencil case with most of the pencil stuff I might need and four notebooks. I think I need graph paper too and I could use a proper calculator... anyway, now all I'm really concerned about is making sure I can come up with the $$$s for a new backpack. School doesn't start until the sixth.
I was supposed to do church stuff and history stuff today and I did nothing 'cause it was hot enough to give me a migraine if I went out. Feh. Hate migraines. Hate summer. But I got excused so now I only have to explain myself when I got back. I expect they will be polite about it while thinking I am lying.
Dinner was potatoes and beef liver. And this with a whole fridge full of fresh vegetables. Well, at least I snaffled a bunch of grapes this morning.
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