It takes a minute to have a crush on someone
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone...
♥Aiden Thorburn♥
There is was. That dreaded question that he hoped no one would ask him. They were right though. Why now and not sooner? Feeling the stare of the other boy's eyes on him, his gaze quickly found the comfort of his shoes. All three of them were waiting for an answer. They wanted to know..And they wanted to know now. Aiden hesitated for a few seconds before finally speaking. "Well, firstly, I just wanted to give everyone some space. I knew that if I tried to do anything too soon that it would fail. Really, we all know that almost none of us would agree to anything at that time. We were all still angry and frustrated with each other. After, I just decided to wait and see if anyone else would try something. To my disappointment no one did. So I started brainstorming and when I came across this idea I thought that it could maybe work." He calmly explained to the others. "Hey, at least I'm trying. Right?" The teen added as he looked back up. "Also, I haven't really thought through all the details yet." He admitted in response to Addison's question.
Aiden blushed a tad himself when Derrington leaned in to whisper. The words that poured from the taller boy's mouth came as a surprise to the sixteen-year-old. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but the older male had already left to answer his phone. "Uhm..Uh..Excuse me for a moment." Aiden quickly told the other two then followed after his ex-boyfriend. Standing in front of the other, he waited patiently for Darrington to finish his phone conversation before talking.
but it takes forever to forget someone
OoC: (( Long explanation is long D: ))