The General Stuff Name: Charlie Gabriel Rhodes Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Human Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Works in a bakery Personality: cynical, perverted, loud, obnoxious…
Physique Height: 5’ Build: Like a rake. A flat-chested rake!! Hair: Ratty and brown. She keeps some of her hair in an awful little rat tail. Eyes: Emerald green Skin: A light peach color.
Clothing Upper: Wife beaters under plaid button downs. What would be funny is if the wife beater was EXTREMELY dirty looking. Legs: Baggy jeans, normally they have stains or holes in them. Shoes: She wears big yellow work boots that she found years ago, so they should be a little beat up looking.
Likes/Dislikes Likes~ Yaoi, spying on people, taking pictures, gay porn, younger men, oranges,
Dislikes~ hot dogs, bologna, most cheeses, lesbians, woman with larger breasts,
Posted by: Wakuse Tue Jun 08, 2010 @ 10:55pm