It's about 18 seconds long, and it's me singing part of Pink Floyd's Young Lust-
"Ooooh, I need a dirty wo-man;
Ooooh, I need a dirty girl."
Ooooh, I need a dirty girl." doesn't even look like I realize it's being recorded. I was just kind of on my side with my chin in my hand wearing sleep clothes, probably doing something on Gaia or dA or something. My video camera is built into my laptop, so maybe I hit a button and that got recorded.
But the singing itself didn't make me laugh hysterically. I'm actually a decent singer.
What made me laugh hysterically was
1) that I was lying there singing Pink Floyd to begin with
2) the look on my face.
You should've seen it.
You know the o.e face?
That was literally my face for those 18 seconds.
I thought when it first came on I was doing it on purpose, because on videos and in video chats and stuff I sometimes make exaggerated faces like that.
But I did it for the whole video.
I look either high or psychotic.
I'm not deleting it, though. Bahaha.
EDIT: actually, I think I might've been trying to test the sound on the camera. But that still doesn't excuse the face.
And I still don't even remember doing it.