But, i elaborate. mainly because i have nothing else better to do.
So, after school, i went with tyty to his house. we hung out a but until his mom finally wanted to leave (around 6:30).
Then, when we finally got there, we said hi to all our friends that were already there.
A M B I Z Z L E was there!!! =DDDDDDD
Then we practiced break-dancing for a bit.
Then i danced around randomly for an hour or so.
then i went to jack-in-the-crack and got some curly fries and a soda :]
then i came back and got a massage.
then i gave a massage.
then things quieted down a bit, and the music went bye-bye :[
and i got a ride home.
Not to say that anyone cares, but i had a lot of fun with my bestest buddies :]]
-sigh- great times.
and, btw, that's what usually happens every friday.
except the friday before this one, i lost my purse :[
And before i could find it, some mexicans ran-sacked it T.T
(not that i'm racist towards mexicans, it's just that there was a table filled with mexicans right next to where i found my purse, and it did seem rather suspicious....)
so yeah, if you have any crazy stories, share them with me!! i'd love a good laugh once in a while :]
Trying to get to 1mil.
I got hacked, so I have to start over again ):
I need banners for my shop. Interested? PM me!

I got hacked, so I have to start over again ):
I need banners for my shop. Interested? PM me!