Charcters in this adventure: ashes, emi, brad (ariya's bf), eric (ashes' bf's freind that tagged along), and retard.
For everyone's privacy and identity protection, I am using fake names.
ok, so it started when we FIRST heard about twilight the movie, most of us had already read all the books, and we were all HUGE fans. so you can imagine that when we heard about the movie, we were all SOOOPPPER excited. so we made a promise to ourselves that we would see it the FIRST night it came out. and you know what? we DID. and this is how it went~~~~
Phase 1: getting there~
so that firday i walked home from school, and i only got as far as retard's house xD but, i had accidentally left my cell phone at home... or something like that (the poin was that i didnt have a phone), so after, like, 10 mintues of hanging out with retard, i decided to call emi, cuz she was supposed to be driving me to see the movie, and i wasn't sure when that was. so i called her and she was like "where are you, i'm picking you up now" blah blah blah xD so i gave her the direction's to retard's house where i was at, and she picked me up to go to see the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SOOO excited that i was nearly bouncing up and down in my seat the whole time ^_^
Phase 2: Meeting up
okay, so the plan at that point was to get to the theature and meet ashes, brad, and eric. well, we got there, bought our tickets, went to find them, and we couldn't! we walked around for about 5 minutes until we finally decided to call ashes, and it took about 4 tries to get het to answer her damn phone! when we did, she said to go inside and she should be right inside. well i had the phone, and i walked inside, still talking to her, and i noticed that emi wasn't with me anymore. so i turned around and there they were!! they sat there and were laughing so hard at me xD i couldnt help but laugh too at the fact that i just walked right past them xD
Phase 3: the movie
the movie sucked, but i had a great time because i was there with my freinds! [and my wife emi]. new inside jokes include:
~i want my man to growl
~*attempts to read mind* and
~fer sure
i had a blast!!! and i swear, EVERY time edward walked into the room, all the girls SCREAMED. it was FUNNNY. my favorite part was when edward came out of his car at the school and had his sun glasses on, he looked SOOOOOO HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phase 4: after the movie
after the movie was even better than before the movie!! when we were done with the movie, there was this dude... he had his hair like edward Cullen and looked JUST like him!! me and emi were all... does he know that he looks like Edward....? he obviously did, cuz when we were all hanging out after, he came up to us 0-o he was standing oddly... close when me and emi were randmly hugging then he started talking to us about the movie.... and then he was all.... ya, cuz i am Edward Cullen and all.... and i was like.. no way... no way.... and emi was all..... i believe it, it's believeable. and i said... well, since you look amazingly like edward, can i have hug? and he was like, yes! of course! he was a good hugger... but it was hella awkward cuz he started hugging tighter..... then i felt his teeth all brushing my shoulder... then this girl that was supposed to resemble bella came out and he let me go..... and was all.... you smell better than bella.... and i was like... thank you? then bella was all... omg what?!?! no!! and edward was all, go get some popcorn or something, bella! and balla was all... well, it's not like you can eat it!! it was an epic moment..... then he was all... you should stay away from me, it's better that we're not freinds.... all quoting the movie and stuff. it was hilarious. and i think it might be on youtube... cuz there was this guy with a camera. im SO going to look for it on youtube and put it on my pro when i do. then we went to cold stone and shared a mint ice cream in a cup mixed with gummy bears! it was delicious ^_^ then we were hella hyper after that, and we started singing this song called "fer sure" and it was hilarious cuz these guys that were hanging out there started partyboy-ing us xD it was so funny cuz ashes' bf went all over-protective over her and they stopped =( but that was a TON of fun!!
so ya, it was one of the BEST nights of my life!!!
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