My original character design.
The artist obviously did not enjoy drawing her.
Name: Jacqueline di Miserade
Age: 25, maybe. She won't tell.
Weight: 130 lb.
Height: 5'8"
Eye color: Pink
Hair: Black with those red tie thingies she wears in front, and a square fringe in the back. Her hair is long, which kind of gets in the way of her wings.
Wing Color: Black. You can draw 'em any way you want to, even though you don't have to draw them at all.
Dress: Grey, reaches to her knees. A white strip runs along the bottom. It drapes across the waist. Her collar is high, with a weird white motif thing on it. Oh, I'm so descriptive. It cuts off abruptly at the shoulder line. She wears a gold armlet on her left arm, and covers on her lower arms. She wears leg warmers, and moccasins. Being that she has no ears, she wears that red headband around her head, which actually translates vibrations into words for her. Such a pathetic angel experiment thingy.
Typical Expression: Pretty blank, but sad. But when she's angry, she's expressive all-right, ho-ho.
Likes: Her daddy, dark rooms, and her pet winged puppy.
Dislikes: Her "husband", daylight. And that's about it.
Theme Song: Cosmos - t.A.T.u
Bio: Jacqueline was a Duchess who lived a few billion years ago, if that makes any sense. <.<" Being the selfish power-hungry whore that she was, she plotted to kill her husband Christopher (who I'm too lazy to draw), but was thwarted in the attempt, so both of them ended up stabbing each other... and causing the world to go into pandemonium, LMAO! As they lay slowly dying, a winged woman by the name of Sita approached them amidst the chaos, offering to heal them. Little did those stupid little noblemen know that Sita was actually an experiment from a top secret laboratory, taking advantage of the farrago to collect test subjects. Husband and wife agree, and Sita gives them an injection that causes them to black out. Months later, Jacqueline woke up, winged, with fuzzy thoughts, and not remembering who she was. All that rested by her bedside was a puppy, which, as though she had been reborn, took delight in. Then she met her "father", the head genetic engineer that created her. She became hopelessly attached to him, and when approached by the newly-winged Christopher, who retained his memories, lashed out at him. So, being the mad scientists they are, they forced Jacqueline and Christopher to reproduce, causing two disfunctional babies to be born. The motives behind the experiment were to see if they could advance mankind--giving them the ability of flight, and bending reality (magic, LOL?). Jacqueline's father, taking pity on how she was used, releases her, and he is killed by other of the totally non-corrupt scientists who fear that the world is not ready to see their creations. In vengeance of their only humane creator's death, Sita, Jacqui, and co. destroy them, causing more worldwide pandemonium. Thus, ashamed of what they did, they travelled to distant lands and sealed their souls away, just before the world was born again...
LOL. A long and effed-up story that was the result of my boredom.