And i don't know what i'll write..... sweatdrop
Hmn........ So, I guess i'll just talk about nonsense to fill this 1st entry up! xd
Today is Monday July 13, 2009. 10:43 AM in the Philippines.
I've got a quiz in Busicont in a few hours and I HAVEN'T EVEN REVIEWED YET!!!!
Why?? Coz I'm busy tinkering with my Gaia account! rofl
Ahahahaha! Well, other than that there's nothing to talk about my morning.... I woke up real early today coz i wanted to get some studying done, but everyone's been bugging me the whole morning that i couldn't concentrate and lost interest in trying to review....... stare
Sigh...... Darn it... I hope I survive my quiz later..... sweatdrop
Oh yeah, and note to self! Finish the draft for chapter 14 : Epiphany! I've been itching to write that chapter for weeks now!! XD I hope i get it done soon! I wanna post it up as quickly as a can! (though I can't entirely focus on fictions this week, sigh.... stupid exams are up, and i really need to study to keep my grades up, if it weren't for my scholarship i wouldn't have bothered to force my brain to study... +well, at least to review.... i hate reviewing for exams!!! XD +)
It's rainy today and that's good! I love it best when it's damp and cold! (I absolutely hate sunshine!!! Why?? It hurts my eyes! XD )
So i've been rambling about nonsense a lot by now.... Does this qualify for a journal entry?? Who knows! XD
Ack! It's almost 11 AM! Now i seriously need to get some studying done!!! gonk
(oh and I need to finish that visual basic program tonight! Kyaaaaaah! Darn! I've got so many things to do this week! I've even got a report today!! And a presentation on Wed and Fri! ACK! Wait! there's that thing in Profeth on Tue/Thu as well! OMG! I there's so many things to do?! How come i've been goofing off all this time?! Kyaaah!!! I'm such an idiot!! ) gonk Waaaaaaaiiiiiiiih!!!
Suddenly my nonsense blabber about my day ended up giving me a panic attack!! sweatdrop
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Fine Gotta go!
Well.... That's all for today!! (hmn... maybe i'll post later today.... I'm kinda excited about the chapter i've posted, wonder if it'll get reviews??? 3nodding I hope it does! Feedback makes me write faster! Ahahaha!)
Well that's all!!
Ichi-chan. (A.K.A Winry-cchi)
P.S. Ack! I just remembered! FMA Brotherhood 15 will be released today! Kyaaaah! blaugh Definitely can't wait for that!!!
BTW! Pride-Ed is so HOT! Kyaaaah!!! heart