Can't wait to get started!! (whoops... wait, i still have to finish that feasibility study we have, and that program that's due on Tuesday... ) stare dang... forgot about those...
I'll deal with those tomorrow! xp If i don't come back alive, please tell the police that school work killed me!!
Oh! i just remembered! i've got a new song!!!
it's titled, "If you're chibi and you know it!" rofl
Oh, Edward would be participating in the song too!!
Ed: AM NOT!!
Yosh! let's start the song!!
If you're Chibi and you know it clap your hands! +Clap Clap+
Ed: -Cue, anime vein pop-

If you're Chibi and you know it clap your hands! +Clap Clap+
Ed: -Urge to kill rising-

If you're Chibi and you know it, you're so damn small & know it! If you're Chibi and you know it clap your hands!!!

rofl neat song huh?? rofl
Well, other than that i don't have anything to write about today! rofl