Today I shall rant. Each ">" is a different subject.
> I never knew how bad things could really get for a teenager, and it really seems silly to think how much depression each and every one of us go through during our lives. My life in general is way too much for one to bear, but my boyfriend seems to live on, for all much s**t I tell him. You can't really cry your life away, because you're going to miss out on so much in the long run, really.
> I spent too much time lost in my masculine being trying to support my mother and trying to make her feel proud of her own daughter. I told my dad that today, and he said for me to stop trying and live my life the way I want to live it without putting the pressure on myself to try and please my mother. He's right.
> I stopped believing in Christianity because it's a waste of light in the day. Why? 'Cause God never said I had to believe in Satan and that ******** book called the "Bible". What the heck? It's "God's word" when other people wrote it. HAHAHAHA. Fail. I'm spiritual now, I believe in God, but I don't believe in Satan or any other opposing forces. Christianity puts down Atheists from what I hear today, I guess every religion does that, but Spirituality isn't really a religion, it's just something you can believe in to keep your faith rollin' forever. Whatever.
> For all you crazy suicidal freaks out there, why don't you stop crying for whoever gave you life and make something out of your life or just commit suicide already? I know way too many people like that and it's really driving me nuts. I already stopped a few from killing themselves because that's the easy way out of life, but hey, if you find that and escape, then go ahead and do it. Or just try and be successful or something.
> Okay, girls, for you, I shall let you know something. Every time I have had a "girl friend" all they say to me is "LOL, okay, yes, no, who, what, when, where, why, and K." Then when you get a man friend, you pour out your mother ******** heart to him. And whenever I get a girl friend, it never seems to be that way. I wouldn't mind a life long conversation with you if you can handle talking to me, the same sex for once. That kinda gets me mad.
> "I have no life" is really dumb for someone to tell you or to think about yourself. You have a life, if you can actually hear someone say that. You're alive and you can breath and blink your eyes. A life behind the computer is no different than a life behind a TV, mom and dad, or guardian. A life behind a computer, you can talk with someone all day and get all your worries out with out actually having to be with that person. If you feel like it's wasteful to be behind a screen all day, then why don't you go outside and walk or ride your bike around your block a few times without crying? It can really help your mind think for once, let in some air.
I think that's all I have to say.