I don't even make drawings.. gonk
I don't even go to my art course!
My teacher will kill me for sure
These days..
I'm watching ONE PIECE as anime (masterpiece! x)
The last episode that I've watched 262
and I'm so sorry for Merry
and for Usopp
and Robin why are you doing this!?

I've just finished watching Prison Break days ago
and I'm so sorry about Michael

I didn't even watched "the final break" hıh exclaim
These days (in gaia) ..
I'm always in Forums.. BUMPing blaugh

Cause I need gold sweatdrop
I've made absolutely beautiful dream avi and I want to try my chance in the Arena with it,
but it costs 460k eek so.. rofl
BUT By any chance if I can make it, it will DEFINETELY win exclaim I'm sure 3nodding

These days (in gaia) ..
I'm always playin zOMG xd my current C.L is 5.2 and I know it suits Bass'Ken Lake but I didn't like the Lake razz and I've just realized that there are some badges that I couldn't get in DeadManPass so I'll return there. If anybody needs help with there, pls tell me cause there's so boring and frightening when you're alone confused
These days ..
I can't listen songs that I've listened before.. searching for new things and can't find.. x))
These days favs here->
The last shadow puppets - Standing next to me
Mother of Pearl - Roxy Music
Saybia - Stay
Here I dreamt I was an Architect - Decemberists

Currently Listening -> No doubt - Don't Speak
(ahh I like this song "Don't speak I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons dont tell because it hurts!" wink
These days ..

I'm reading Breaking Dawn. Actually I read it before. But it was the English version. Now I'm reading the Turkish version (my original Language) but translation isn't so good stare
so.. These days I'm going to volleyball course
It's hard and enjoyable mrgreen
These days weather is SOOOOO HOT!
I realized again that I don't like the summer stare
I can't sit still in my room SO HOT I can't breathe there gonk
I'm in the Living room now and it's cold here and I'm cold and..
What the hell is going on in this house!? scream scream

Whatever.. I cut my hair (again! scream ) and I was promised myself that
I won't cut it till the end of the summer
but.. sweatdrop it looks so cute xd

So.. I've writed writed writed .. and that's all for now ..
You can write something too about "your days" I really enjoy reading them 3nodding bye for now~