to get the reference.
So anyway. I was thinking one day (startled audience gasp)
So, anyway.
BPrice has this whole C&T Secret Santa thing. And I thought it was all on Gaia and stuff, so wasn't really interested, but looked at the thread anyway... And it was REAL secret Santa. Like, you know. Actual shipping, gifts, money, etc.
Made me realise how cool C&Ters are.
So I'm going to get in on that. Yey. Dunno how I will finance it as I'm already giving $60 to Gaia Scrapbook and $100 to TRWYP(AMV Contest I run) and still need to finance myself moving out, but I'll find a way.
It's funny 'cause I'm more charitable irl than on Gaia
xd So all you people who think I'm a selfish b*****d on Gaia - GO ******** YOURSELF.
Anyway XD
So last night I came up with this C&T Xmas want list. And I hope I'll get some of the stuff on it. Not really in order, but some of the important stuff gravitates toward the bottom. (Haha. Gravity)
It involves more time than money, really.
- Book that teaches Flash Pro 8
- Book that teaches HTML, CSS, and/or PHP
- Donation to Gaia in my name
- Donation to in my name (SQ)
- Donation to in my name (sqamv)
- Information about a lot of video editing schools that offer degrees in that area, and/or internships for editing
- A (real) wolf tail that kind of looks like a were tail, or a Raccoon Tail(doesn't have to be real fur)
- A tutor for basic computer stuff so I can help out in C&T more(tutoring can be through PMs, IMs, phone, in person, or you can pay for somebody else to do it)
- A place to live, not in Georgia, for at least three months, where I can get a job and establish working expierence
- Gaia's item: DJs
- Cash for moving, school, life, etc.
- Some one who will teach me how to drive (kind of goes with the living part)
- Someone to buy my brother's car for asking price ( [asking price is 5.1k]
- Someone to teach me how to paintball and do it with me
- Someone who can spend time with me, in person, to really talk to me about smoking, drinking, sex, and education(and give me facts that are from life, not a dumb book)
- Someone to do something illegal with.
- Someone who can teach me how to live by myself(making sandwiches, ironing, cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. <-- I don't know how to do any of that stuff[save cleaning]) Kind of goes witht he living part, though, 'cause I'd like to learn that stuff in person.
And that's the list of stuff I really really really REALLY want for Christmas, but wouldn't dare ask my parents for.
So I really hope somebody can offer that, or find somebody who can (especially the living with person part, because that kind of encompasses everything else on the list).
Happy holidays. You know, I always wanted to celebrate Kwanzaa....