Lim Dule

Abandoned by his father on the day of his birth. His mother in the strictest of poverty raised Lim Dule. Lim was different from the average children in ways that frightened most. His deep crimson eyes are a cursed reminder of the blasphemous b*****d he was born to be. His body was slender, a perfect example of freakish gothic beauty. Lim was not too terribly strong and so he quickly learned to take a beating rather than to fight back. His body seemed to bruise far less easily than most people. This fact made it appealing for the town’s people to vent their brutality upon him.
Necessity led Lim to theft. Lim only stole the food he had needed at first. Later money became far more important. Little did he know that the town had been keeping records of every thing that had gone missing over the years. Soon signs where being posted. A town meeting had been called to order. Little happened in there quaint little town. So when people gathered Lim could not resist the opportunity to see what was going on. What better situation to pick the pockets of the wealthy.
The council was in full deliberation as Lim watched from the balcony rafters far above. He smirked to himself as he heard them blame the missing objects on bad omens and dark magic. No prospect came of Lim’s presence. As the proceeding ended Lim found himself drawn to dark shadows dancing by candlelight. He had become quite comfortable with the night. This darkness seemed as awkwardly drawn to him as he to it. The more he focused on it the larger it became. An eerie chill etched through his blood causing him to grip the rafter tightly. What it was that unnerved him he could not make out. Slowly and instinctively he turned his head to peer behind himself. Only to find that the darkness had some how moved to that position. Curious he reached to touch it. Nothing was all it was, and nothing was what it became. The darkness faded as soon as he out reached his hand. Pleased by the strange event Lim decided to leave for home.
Just out side the city Lim lived in a run down wooden shack with his mother. The shack was moldy dilapidated and nearly falling apart. He was likely born in this house. He had never ventured any farther out side of the village than his own home. Despite this squallier of its existence Lim’s home was peaceful. Since it was just out side the city limits no one came around and no taxes need to be paid.
Lim followed the trail as he has since he was very young. Thought the farmers fields and passed the Willow Grove. This evening Lim was far too exited about his discovery to notice the crackling sound among the usual breeze. Nearing his home Lim noticed a redden glow. His eyes widen. “Fire”, he gasped. Lim ran desperately to see what had caught fire. When he got close enough the sight was far beyond his worst nightmare. Several towns’ people encircled the small fire. Lim held back peering into the center that held his mother burning. Great pain and sadness swept over Lim. His mother was already dead. There was nothing he could do. The town people’s deed had been dealt. With torches in hand they set towards town. One man rubbing smoke from his eyes caught a glimpse of Lim. The man shouted “Hey, a boy”, and pointed his finger in Lim’s direction. Other villagers rose there voices. “It must be the witch’s child!” a women screamed. “Kill it before the devil comes to claim it”, a man shouted. Lim frozen in fear could only think about what he could have done to protect his mother. “If only…” he thought. “If only I had stayed home.” The villagers began throwing rocks and sharp objects at him. “If only I had not stolen so much.” Lim stood there deep in thought as projectile after projectile struck him. “If only I hadn’t stayed watching that shadow.” A tear fell from Lim’s eye as darkness quickly surrounded him.
Lim seemingly disappeared before them. The villagers became frightened and angry. The villagers tossed torches on Lim’s house and quickly hurried home.

I am going to end it for now… It is much easier to tell people he’s story then to write it. Then next thing that happens is he is approached by a dark figure. Long story short a few harsh words from this person force Lim to leave town. Then on Lim take’s up drinking, distances him self from people and always does what ever it takes to survive.

Lim Dule art ideas:
Lim has had a life time of interesting transformations.

Half demon form: I would like to see him have a rather large and heavily bound Gothic spell book to his back. He dabbles in the works of necromancy because he comes to it naturally. Lim is certainly no wizard. His appearance is hauntingly attractive. No doubt his father is a lord among demons. Only few demonic attributes if any are noticeable. One for sure is his crimson eyes. His black nails are sharp and dense but not much longer then any typical persons. He may or may not have horns. If they are noticeable then a person would have to be really close. His horns would be very small, dark and very rarely protrude from his hair.

Were-tiger form: Life is an endless mission of survival. Yet another curse struck Lim on his journey. Lim contracted Lycanthropy from a cursed tiger walk through territory deep in a mountain side. When Lim transforms his body bulks up into a massive black and white bangled beast. His crimson eyes shade does not change though the cat appearance leaves it's mark. Lim knows the transformation is coming when his skin begins to take on the black stripe marking of the tiger. In desperation he will demand people to run for he never knows how much control he will have over his beastly curse. The Were-tiger form is a bi-pedal one. The arms and legs double his original bodies size. Fierce long fangs and a beautiful thick tail.

Were-tiger quadra pedal: Do to Lim's unnatural biology the tigers curse causes adverse effects on his body. This form is one such abnormal effect. The build is mostly tiger in nature but horns and wings are present. The black and white fur is some times inverted.

Lim Dule's full demon form: In a unpleasant meeting Lim was forced to make a pact with is father and claim his full birth right. Horns are much more dominant in this form. Silky beautiful wings arch from his back.

Lim Dule's Models and pictures:
Weapons armor and other treats:

D&D stats at request.