If there's one thing I've learned in my past 22 years of life, it's that life sucks. It's hard. It's not fun. But you have no choice but to go on living. Unless you're suicidal, but that's not the point. For some of us, life is more difficult. You know who you are. Being as emotional as I am, added to the fact of being a mother, well, it's easy to imagine my emotional state at times. I cry a lot. I want to beat things up. I've probably broken plenty of things. But if I've taken one thing away from my experiences, it's that there's always at least one thing every one has worth living for. For me, I have my son. Sure, he can be annoying at times. It's to be expected, I mean, he's barely a year old. And yes, there have been moments where I was ready to give up. But when you've been raised the way I have, questioning whether or not you were really even meant to exsist, you learn that no matter what your past someone out there will always love you. Someone will always need or want you in their life. And for me, I can't...I won't allow my son to be brought up like I was. You are only as good as you allow yourself to be, and you are only as worthless as you allow yourself to feel. So as long as you have at least one friend, family member, or other, you are important. And don't ever forget it....
Ok, Doctor Phil moment over. In any case, it had been a while since I posted, so enjoy! Oh, and anyone who wants to, drop me a PM just to say hi or something. It gets lonely over here in the real world.
Ok, Doctor Phil moment over. In any case, it had been a while since I posted, so enjoy! Oh, and anyone who wants to, drop me a PM just to say hi or something. It gets lonely over here in the real world.