Curdle that waste, YEAH!
"Hey SQ, you want to try this thing? Dannywilson made it and he's been passing it down the AMV row and it's kind of minty alcoholic beverage.."
"Yeah, I guess he added it in sometime after he drank half of it already."
"Was that that big jug he was carrying around all day?"
"I don't know- here"
"*blinks* First alcoholic beverage! WOO!"
"Yes, ever. Wanna tape it?"
"No, I'm good."
"Hey, this isn't peppermint at all. It's.. Tylenol. It tastes like cough syrup!"
"Are you dissing his mix?"
"No, I'm just saying-"
"Hey Danny, SQ's dissing your drink!"
"Well, nobody's forcing you to drink it."
"I WANNA drink it!"
30 minutes later...
Sometime in between Reflections of Styl2 and AMV Hell 3, I get up to walk over to Lone Wolf(the guy I was talking to before), and find that I CAN'T STAND UP STRAIGHT. But I wobble over to the short guy older than me, and sit down on the floor next to him, being as there's no chair there(the whole reaosn why I wasn't sitting wirth him oto begin with) and I said, "Man, I think I'm just a LITTLE tipsy."
"Are you sure?"
"Just a WEE LITTLE bit.." *shoves hand in face in 'wee' size acknowledgement*
"Well, how much did you have?"
"Three sips.. I think."
"THREE SIPS? That's all? C'mon, you can't get tipsy after that."
"Shut up, first drink EVER, remember? God, I hope I don't end up walking home drunk a** and my mom bans me from AWA."
"I'm sure it'll wear off by then."
"Yeah, you're so sure.." *grabs cup of molten beverage*
Some time later, when some project ends...
"It tastes like cough syrup. And it smells weird. And it stays in your stomach for a really long time.. Warms you up.."
"Well, it does kind of look weird."
All this time, I was thinking it looked like milk. But then IT CAME TO ME.
"You know, now that you mention it, it does look like c**."
"DUDE! EW! No, I totally wasn't picturing that at ALL! OH!" The funny thing is, though, that it looks, feels, and is totally c**-like. I swear to god.
After AMV Hell 3 is over, I can't stop thinking, "Man, I hate how weird this tastes, but I love it." so I go down for some more, sips at a time, y'know?
It reminded me of rotten milk.
Totally not cool, okay? I'm not drinking the cement mixer, I'm drink COUGH SYRUP.
So I threw it away.