Snack Selling Can Be Fun.
Ha ha, today me and my friend KK voulnteered to work the sncks at the Falcons football game. (Falcons = my team!) After half time we decided to go in the stands to sell the extras before we closed up, well some punks wanted to cause some trouble stare and tried to steal from me. Wrong choice. xd When the unsuspectful student started to walk away I turned him around jabbed him in his neck, and pushed him back. He was so caught off gaurd that I simply picked up the chips while his friend who saw the whole thing said "You can't do that." and I responded "Suck it up!" scream It was so fun!!! I love doing that!
There's a pain in my heart, I'm trying so hard to unwind. Makes me cry in the night, when visions so real make me blind. </3