A Tru Personal Tale Of Fugginess...
(a combo of foggy, sluggish and ness)
I just had woken for the third time this night, this time thirsty. I debated whether it was worth the effort to actually get up and get the drink of water oir just go back sleep. The thirst won. I dragged myself out of bed, carefully made my way around the dresser, through the door and into the bathroom with no major mishaps. Being terribly nearsighted, this was a feat of meganamourous proportions. Especialy since near blindness and fugginess mix to form a deadly combo. (I am a -5 in one eye and a -6 in the other). I got the glass out of the the medicine cabinet, knocking down the lotion with it. I filled the glass with water, right till it spillled onto my hand. I put the glass to my mouth and was greeted with the awful taste of toothpaste. The tiny, aware part of my mind told me I needed to drink from the other side of the glass. Without even turning the glass, I put my lips ot the other side and succeeded in sloshing the water all over my clothes. This I a sure woke me up. After getting a change of clothes, I finally got the water I so desperately wanted.
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A Journey Into Moogleness
Exactly whats the title says. Poetry, short stories, randomness, all for your pleasure. Enjoy!