Though her eye sight has long since left her she knows the way even blindfolded. She has traveled this path of hers for years she knows it by heart. Each night she makes this journey always dressed in her finest the black skirt dancing on the slight wind that the sea always produces. The elegant and beautiful black and white top the lace ruffles dance only slightly in the wind. The diamond choker her beloved gave her, his last gift before heading out on the high seas, always polished and adorns her neck each night. No longer able to see his pictures anymore she holds his image in her mind and wares the sash he always wares when he's home, tying it like a belt around her waist it dances on the breeze as if desperately trying to free itself to fly to its master. The black and silver veil to protect her hair though dances against her beautiful hair it never flies off. The silver promise ring now a little tarnished from the years, a promise to be wed when he returns.
Soon she reaches the sea coast cliff edge and looks out with her sightless eyes at the open ocean. Her beloved a man of the sea, his work takes him to many lands and the stories he weaves for her are tales of wonderment indeed. The white sea birds had settled but when she approached they took to the night sky an eerie fog drifts around her and hugs her tightly as it drifts across the lands and sea.
There she waits as promised, there she will continue to wait for she promised her beloved she would wait for his return no matter what. The villagers look on in sorrow her life has long since passed, but because of a promise she remains locked to this mortal world unable to move on. A promise that she'd wait for her beloveds return no matter what, and she's keeping that promise.
Each night in that town you don't have to look hard, you may even see her walking by you a gentle woman with a strange sadness. You may think nothing much of her, but something about her may cause you to do a double take. Perhaps it's the old style of clothes or maybe it's the fact you can see threw her. Whatever it maybe do not be frightened of this spirit for she only waits to fulfill a promise to her beloved. So if you could keep an eye out for a handsome man dressed in an old sea style clothing, help guide him home to his lover, perhaps he's simply forgotten his way home.

The Ghostly Widow