i love twilight. i love the way its written. so well so well. edward has major mood swings lalz
anyways, this is a pointless blog. i was thinking about making some signs for people.
OHBTW i renovated my myspazz again so www.myspace.com/jenaryistoogoodformyspace
i'm getting a tad bit more active on the gaia guilds ;D i want to get my own guild started up. alana and i ^___^
OH DID I TELL YOUS. i can finish a rubiks cube in 2 minutes and 8 seconds YYYYEAHH *MICHELLE HAND* if you can do it faster.... well ******** you too ;D
i want to do a 4 layer one, 3 layer seems like a toy now i hate it >:
anyways, back to twilight. t'is good. and i want to thank alana over and over and over, she persistant dedication for her love for this book made me want to read it ^_^ if it wasn't for her.... goodgravy ;O
next time i'll blog about escape the fate cause it was awesome . i wished i took more picutres but i took videos dammit. oh and i had ANOTHER WEIRD DREAM "HEEEEEEEEEEEEY TIMMMMM" alana haha
oh p.s watch ISMFOF (I set My friends On Fire) - The Musical. they recenty got signed on the epitiah records and they are so so so good. and funny. watch it cause "I SAVED 50% ON MY BABY OSTRICH!"
well i want to read more twilight and whatnot and maybe play with the rubiks cube and yeah. seeing as i start at 11 tomorrow woot. peace and love
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