dudes, i had another weird dream -____-
ok, at my friends creative arts night i met a friend of hers, and he was playing guitar for her and. said like.. one word to him and he told my friends that he thought i was cool.. wtf
anyways, i saw him again on monday while waiting for the bus.. yep thats it
then my dream. dude so weird
i was at my church, rahrah, my friends from church where there. and i was talking to them and yeah they were telling me how that dude thought i was cool and he really liked me and i literally just loled because i usually give of bad first impressions and also because i wrote above. i said like one word to him well a sentence, whatever.
uhhh and i saw him and was like.. wtf is he doing here and he was looking over the staircase so yelled out to him "OI, DON'T YOU GO TO OLI WANNABE'S CHURCH? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" (to those who don't know oli wannabe is this dude who hates me guts basically and wishes she was oli sykes. i only asked him to make a corey? sign. p***y) and my friend dragged me down a continuous flight of stairs, first floor, second floor, third floor, etc. i wasn't really paying attention to what she was yelling but i was wondering why the stairs didn't stop O_O and we stopped oh btw, i saw my friends little sister and friends whilst being dragged down the stairs. anywho, my friend stopped and said to me "no he doesn't!!!" and i laughed again and said "uh, you dragged me down just to tell me that? why didn't you tell me up there?!" and then my friends little sister caught up and i high fived her and walked back up.
i magically (MAGIC!) walked into the library which looked like... a really cool library, not like the one at church and she was sitting at a desk facing towards the window and i sat down in front of her blocking her from the sun ^__^
then that dude walks in waves at me and has a note in his hand and my friend said, "oh yeah, i told kiran to meet you here" and she ran off im like... ******** what do i do. he grabbed a chair and sat near me and said
"so what's this letter about?" - him
"uh, what letter" - me
"the letter jess gave to me, form you. saying that you liked me" - him
"ummm" O_____O - me
"i felt exactly the same way! i've just been scared to say anything" - him
then my jaw dropped
he got closer and i pulled away .. it was scared ok, then those douche's from lazer tagging the night before where in my dream. anyways, there kept pushing him in towards my face, my ******** face, WTF
"riiiiiiiight" - me
he finally pulled back and said " i want to know everything about you. tell me everything"
"uh, everything?" - me
"yes! everything! tell me about the cottage in the woods and the kettles" - him
"cottage in the woods? kettles? i don't even have any of those.." - me
then i woke up, i knew it was a dream. wtf cottage in the woods and kettles.. HELL NO
anywas ^___^ new pro. my banner isn't working for some reason. ******** hell. someone help me fix it! it worked on the trial thingy why wont it work on my profile.
p.s its really cold D:
p.p.s i went to the gym today, twas fun.