I'm happy, even though nothing big happened. However....
Favri the Fisher finally updated Forever Friends on Fanfiction.Net. <3 That story... It has touched my heart deeply. And I can't wait until he updates again. Meanwhile, I'm now left with some more speculations. Turns out that my theories were mostly correct, so I'm trusting my woman's intuition for these three chapters. >=D Go girl go!
Here's the link for the story, if you're interested in Golden Sun fiction:
Also, I donated a Bee Suit to someone I saw in the GCD. She had SO MANY BEE SUITS. @_@ How does she keep track of them all anyways? The inventory pic she had was... staggering in size. Good luck, random Kuriboh person! ^_^ May the Bee Suits give you a pound in happiness from all the memories you get from each one.
... Hasn't anyone noticed that when you go into Rallies, the people you race ALL HAVE LAGGING COMPUTERS?! D: Seriously, I tried racing at least five people, and all of them were unable to race at all. It's sad, it's sad... I was itching for a good race too... Oh well. Tomorrow could be different.
The stupid Inari Beads evolved today. They're not my kind of item, especially since I personally find stuff like this overrated (sorry Inari Bead fans, but I truly think this is so). >_< I can't wait, however, to see the Enchanted Book evolve in two weeks. It's such a darling item, I'm anxious to see it's next form (Cinderella related?).
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