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joey's journal
hello everyone! this journal is mostly for the many rp characters i play. XD.
radom posting

You are a wisp of wind,

Her deep violet eyes stared out blankly as the carriage pulled her forward. She rested her back against the rickety wooden surface of the carriage. She turned up her head enjoying the feel of the cool breeze against her pale face. The breeze playfully lifted her short teal hair into the still air and caused the wide color of her long silver robe to flutter. The air was filled with a curious sort of music. As the birds sang and fluttered about, and the horse shook it's head pulling the small farming cart forward, and the rustling of leaves from the untamed forest that rested along side the dirt road. The horses master, a simple farming man led the horse on, riding on its back, his head bowed, and is eyes heavy with sleep. The suns light played on the reflective surface of her tall magic staff that she clutched in her hands.

She sighed rolling her eyes as she shifted her weight , she wore a frown across her face her right leg had fallen asleep. She closed her eye, there it was! "Stop." She lifted a hand shocking the farmer gently with a small bit of an electrical charge. He shot awake, he turned his head as he pulled on the reins of the horse and the carriage rolled to an abrupt stop causing her body to almost fall over. She quickly caught herself, and slowly made her way off of the carriage and stood in the dirt rode.

The farmer lifted himself from his horse his feet heavily landed on the dirt road. he wore a worried look across his face. He looked over at her, "Lady Asami." He respectfully bowed his balding head to her. he was quite surprised, that the magi had accepted his plea for help, of coarse at a great price. He sighed, his wife loved that locket, but it was the only thing that would be of any use and proper payment for Asami's services. "Are you most certain you do not need anything more? Perhaps some water? " He asked her softly not wishing to offend her. However he was concerned that the woman would not be able to kill the demon that plagued his farm and small family. He was almost certain that he was sending this fearless woman to her death.

Her head slowly turned to him, she reached out a hand and grasped his shoulder tightly wrapping her thin fingers her nails biting into his skin. "I need nothing more." She let go his shoulder, he grimaced rubbing his shoulder, he looked at her worriedly. "Go to your home, gather your children and wife, and keep them safe. Also make ready my pay, I will return to you." She bowed her head politely to him and turned on her heal and began to walk into the forest.

"Watch your step madam!" He called after her. "A Dragons territory is nearby!"
She merely nodded in understanding, although she felt her heart sink to the pit of her stomach. 'Oh hell.. Just what I need, to have to worry about trespassing on dragon land.' She thought dryly as she made her way through the thick brush of the forest and quickly and quietly as possible. The wind pushed the branches of the forest treas, rattling the leaves causing her to become uneasy. The demon was very close she could sense it. The birds fell silent, she stopped, her eyes flicked about. Silence filled the air with a foul stench of the damned.

Her eyes narrowed as she continued forward into the forest, the demon was moving perhaps hunting a dear to eat. She picked up her pace, her booted feet gently touching the earth, her long robe caused the dust and leaves to stir off of the ground as she passed. There! She began to run, her long lean legs carried her faster, as she spotted a dark shadow that quickly flicked away from a tree. She quickly ran after it brushing low hanging branches away with her long staff.

She slowed to a stop, she had lost sight of it! Damnable. She slowly walked forward her fingers of her right hand flexed ever ready to cast down a fiery lightning bolt on her foe. Suddenly she was fiercely thrown she accidentally dropped her staff as she flew threw the air roughly crashing through branches and vies until her back thudded with unearthly sickening sound into a large tree. She cried out in pain as she landed on the earth. She coughed blood seeping from her lips, several branches cute threw her thick protective robe, blood from her arms and legs began to show through her robe. She cursed as she quickly lifted herself, the shadow demon then showed itself with a large unearthly roar baring it;s giant teeth. It snickered evilly encircling her. Figuring that it had defeated her.

She wiped the blood away from her lips looking at the demon coldly, "Stupid." She lifted two fingers and gathered the energy of the forest to her. Lightning cracked against the sky the beast screamed out in pain and fell onto the ground convulsing. She slowly lifted herself ignoring the pain that flooded her body. "I Don't need my staff to kill you." She finished her sentence. She held out her long thin hand and her staff rushed to her through the air. She caught it swiftly, she gathered up the energy in the air. The beast screamed out for the last time, and lay on the forest floor dead. She panted heavily exhausted she heavily leaned against her staff. She reached down and grasped it's hair and pulled some from i's head as proof that the dead was done. She coughed as she put the hair into a small leather pouch that hung about her thin waist.

She drew in a deep breath trying to regain her energy, her eyes slowly rolled upward, she had no idea where she was. "Oh.. well then.." She was completely and utterly lost. She let out a long exhausted sigh through her lips, heaven knew if she had trespassed into the dragons territory. "Damn." She breathed as she dragged herself forward. She needed a place to wash her cloak, she stopped a moment listening intently. She could here the splash of water, perhaps a brook. She staggered nearly tripping through the forest. A few hours later a smile spread across her softly painted lips, as she stood before a small river that pooled into a large lake. She plopped onto the grass heavily. She slowly took off her cloak to asses the damage done by the demon, she set her long cloak aside revealing the outfit she wore underneath. She wore an form fitting outfit of all black, the arms of her black shirt were torn and tattered revealing her wounds. Tears traveled up her pant legs she softly swore as she put her cloak into the lake. her muscles aching with pain. She would have to be quick, she didn't wish to wake the dragon..

Never linger in one place.

The territory that the magi woman had wandered into belonged to Brood. A very old dragon who didn't exactly mind the presence of a human. However he did stir in his sleep as he sensed several demonic presences moving through the forest towards the girl, intent on making her pay from killing their brethren. Brood slowly moved out of his curled up position and walked ot the mouth of the cave that stuck out into a rock formation from the ground. It was giant, possibly the size of a great hall in the castle, it had to be large to house the dragon Brood.

The demons circled the female magi but kept themselves hidden in the shadows waiting for the right time to strike. As they waited Brood made his way through the forest. it was strange how such a large creature could move without being heard or harm the trees, but such was the power of his magic. Eventually the dragon showed himself ot the female Magi, staring down at her. He didn't say anything or show any feelings, instead he opened his mouth and let out a ferocious roar and lashed out beside her with his tail. A demon was cut in half and fell to the ground beside her.

Brood stepped over the woman in a protective manner. Brood was the size of several elephants so he wouldn't have to worry about stepping on her as long as his legs didn't move. Any demon that tried to attack was either cut in half by a swift tail strike, or had their heads bitten off. Eventually no demons remained and Brood stepped away from the woman and stood silently. "Demon's track the scent of a humans blood. I suggest leaving the forest before anymore come." he said with a deep and raspy voice as he stared down at the girl.

Your mouth must always be guarded...

She sat by the lake washing the blood from her robes. She turned her head, she could sense them, damn! The demon had brothers! the farmer made no mention of this! She swore mentally as she slowed her eyes slowly rolled over to her staff. She was far too tired, she could perhaps escape them but she would need to run, faster then a demon escaping hades. She slowly breathed her chest lifting and lowering evenly. Her back still turned to the demon who was approaching her from behind. Suddenly she felt a shudder travel down her back, she sensed a great arua approaching. She reached out grabbing her staff she quickly stood turning to see a dragon cutting down the demon ferociously.

Her eyes widened, Now this .. This was a new occurrence. She held her staff tightly, there was no way she could possibly fight a dragon in her condition! She kept her cool skillfully, as the dragon spoke to her. She blinked wearing a slightly surprised look across her face, dragons scarcely spoke to humans let alone rescue one from assured death. She stared up at the dragon, as he spoke, the power of his voice made her body shudder. What he said was true, she should leave this forest before the demons returned., and before the dragon changed his mind and decided to have a midday snack.

She gracefully bowed to the dragon lowly keeping very silent. she reached into the freezing water pulling her cloak from it, she slowly rung the water from it. She made certain to make no offensive movements. She ripped the bottom edge of her cloak and wrapped a long piece around her thigh covering a deeper wound. "Then I shall go.." She whispered at long last daring to speak if only for a moment to the dragon. "Thank you." She cautiously placed a sapphire down on a stone in offering of thanks for his sudden rescue. She Slowly put her rather damp robe over her right shoulder. She turned on her heal, she still was rather lost. She sighed aloud running her fingers through her short hair in thought, she noticed the directions of the shadows, she was most certain she came into the forest from the north.

She shook out her legs regaining some of her strength, and began to walk away heading north to the outside of the forest. 'Must be cautious, he might still attack you if you are rude. Mustn't say anything to offend.. Mustn't get eaten. Must pray...' She mentally rehearsed.

Never speak your true name.

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