You saw the scenery of sand and desert disapear behind you little by little. Once in a while you saw a tear drop into the grains from your eyes. Not because of the kidnappers, it was more of that your family died on your birthday. You never even got to say good bye. Somehow you couldn't shake the feeling that it was your fault. "Please I beg of you. Take me back to Suna." You sniffled with a tears. You tried wiggling and kicking out of the man's grasp until he stopped along with all the other ninja. "My master said to bring the girl of the Pheonix Gem. Since your a girl and that necklace is the Pheonix Gem, I guess thats you." Replied the ninja that was carrying you. So thats why there was a Pheonix on the box. You silenced from the words and you felt yourself drift off into a deep slumber.
You felt a bright light leak into your eyes as you opened them. You realized that you were in a bedroom instantly. You felt a presence near you and you looked towards it. There were two people there, a older man with long hair and a young boy your age with silver hair. "Orochimaru, is this the girl thats going to train with us?" The boys asked questionally while looking at you. Orochimaru placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Yes Kabuto, this girl is going to take part in training with us." You stared at them for a while and felt yourself drift off to sleep once again.
"Hey ________, you have to wake up now! You know how Orochimaru gets when we don't get there in time!" Yelled a older Kabuto while you felt your body shake. Your eyes opened to see Kabuto stand over you with a cheesy smile. "Okay Kabuto just give me a few minutes while I get dressed and this time STAY OUTSIDE OF MY ROOM!" You yelled while pointing a finger at him. Kabuto turned a slight pink and walked out, "Okay okay, jeez is it that time of the month already?" You felt your face get flushed with anger, "Man, he's changed alot since we were kids." You took a big yawn and got out of bed feeling a big thunk from the necklace hitting your chest. "Wow come to think of it, its been like 10 years since I met him." You laughed a little at the time while you got dressed.
You shrugged at you look as you walked out of your room with Kabuto. You guys were walking to Orochimaru since yesterday night he had to tell you something important. Kabuto pulled out a card from his back pocket and gave it to you. You looked at it intestly and kind of laughed at it when you realized it was a ninja infor card about you.
Name: ________ ________
Age: 17
Specialties: Genjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu
Summon: Pheonix
Famous line: Lets see if I lose once your dead.
Village: Sound
Rank: Chunin
Gender: Female
Hometown: Unknown
Jutsu: Fire
You kind of laughed at some of the information and handed it back to Kabuto. "What's so funny?" Kabuto asked with a smile. "What you wrote for my famous line. I never say that." You said while looking at him mockingly. "Well I heard you say it before when you fought that one Tea ninja." Kabuto reasoned while he opened the door for you to the outside. "Yeah well I was really pissed off that he assumed that I was a girl I couldn't fight." You replied while you walked down the steps of the building with a huff.
You saw Orochimaru from a distance with a taunting look in his eyes. You hated that look. Ever since you started being a ninja here you wanted to go back to Suna in the worst way. The only person that you like at the village was Kabuto. Even though you couldn't tell what kind of mood he's in half of the time, but he was still a good friend. "______ and Kabuto I have important news to tell you." Orchimaru replied with a half look in his eyes. "Yes Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto and you asked while kneeling on the floor. "I have made a deal with the Kazekage of the Sand village about a little deal. Part of the deal was you, ______." Orchimaru said with no emotion as he looked into the depths of your soul with his snake like eyes.
"What was the deal Lord Orochimaru?" You asked kneeling down again. Orchimaru made a hand wave for you to rise and you obeyed. "Apparently the Kazekage is looking all over for you. He is giving a some Sand ninja for your return. So I saw it as a good deal and took up the offer." Orchimaru hissed as the words seemed to dance around your head as a beautiful melody. "May I ask why they are looking for ______ so badly?" Kabuto asked while placing a hand on your shoulder. You felt your face turn a light pink, it never did that before. "What they do with _____ doesn't really concern me and neither should you Kabuto." Orchimaru said calmly while crossing his arms. Kabuto kneeled again, "Yes Lord Orochimaru."
You felt your throat get thick with thought. As far as you known the Kazekage was that man who was your father's friend. So why would he need you? Unless he heard that you were now a Chunin. That still wouldn't make sense though. Or this is his way of saving you from the Sound Village. Maybe, that's it!
Orchimaru looked at you with a smile, "_______ you and Kabuto may go train now. You will leave for Suna with Kabuto tommorow morning. Both of you nodded and lept toward a shrowd of trees to go to your training ground. "Do you think it was odd that Suna asked for you?" Kabuto asked while leaping from tree to tree. You were doing the same but stretching your arms out,"I don't know maybe." That was the thing Orchimaru and you never told Kabuto where you were originally from. You guys kept a secret from him so he wouldn't go attacking Suna unnescicarilly.
You guys finally stopped at the clearing of trees and landed. "So what do you want to work on today?" You asked while searching through your pouch for a kunai. Kabuto looked at you questionally and grabbed a kunai out of his pouch to. "Lets fight eachother. It would be good practice." Kabuto replied getting in a fighting stance. "Fine, but doesn't mean I'm a girl I can't fight." You replied while getting ready to fight. "That was it!" Kabuto replied while pointing to you. You looked at him questionally, "What are you talking about?" Kabuto smiled and shook his head, "Your catch phrase." He's joking right? "Oh drop it already! Does it even matter that I have one?" You yelled angrily and started the thrown your kunai at his head.
It flew with red trailing off of it from the Gem's chakra. Kabuto had to quick jump out of the way it was going so fast. "Nice let's see if you can handle this!" Kabuto yelled loudly as he started making a few handsigns that made his hands glow a blue.
You looked surpise from the medical jutsu. It was the one that you taught him when you were kids. Except when you used it, it was for healing that your Grandmother taught you. "Fine if that's the way your going to play it!" You yelled and you started to pull out your hand fan. The inside of it had a whole bunch of writing. You bit your thumb causing it to bleed and you ran it along the writing on the fan. You threw it up in the air and made a few handsighns and caught it.
Your fan instantly started on fire on the ends without burning the fan or you. You started to wave the fan forcefully towards Kabuto unleashing waved of fire at him. He dodged some of them but he got some damage on his leg. "Nice." He murmured as he started to run towards you with his glowing blue hands.