By Moi!
Okay before I start I just want to let you know this ___________ means you put your name there and if I do this ____________ ___________ that means last then first name there. So your clan is your last name. Mkay? You can thank me later.
Today was a beautiful day and crisp early afternoon for Suna. The sandy air was daintaly coasting along the ground and you could see travelers and other townspeople walking around happily while you walked around town. Not only was it beautiful out it was your 7th birthday today. You waited your whole life for this day, for it was the proper age that you would start school at the Ninja Academy to become a full fledged ninja. Unfortunatley the day that you would become a ninja were slim, on the count of your father's wishes.
Your family was known for being ninjas. Your Grandmother is one of the best healers in the village while your Grandfather used to be one of the best teaching Jounin. Your grandparents have two sons. The oldest being your uncle, was the next best compared to the Kazekage in the village. Yet from a horrific battle from aiding the Konoha village from the Nine-tailed fox, he was killed. Their other son is your Father. Your father was never strong enough to fit your Grandparents standards. His chakra was always low and he wasn't the best known for ninjas skills.
The one thing he was good at was being a landowner. Your family is one of the most prosperous clan next to the Kazekage's. That is probably the reason why the Kazekage and your father are such close friends because of power. So a long story short your father says for you not to be a ninja because 'someone has to be a good wife to some lucky man one day, and how is she going to do that if she is dead?'
Your Grandmother on the other hand says the exact opposite. She always talks about how your chakra was really strong and that she would give you a necklace one day to represent your strength and help you become stronger by 5 times. Except it was only meant for the women in the clan because they were the only ones to wear it without dieing. This is the main reason why you were excited for your seventh birthday.
Yet what your dad doesn't know is that your grandmother has been teaching you healing jutsus. Your mother knows about it and she is okay with it though. Your mother feels that if your learning womanly jutsus then it is okay. One of your biggest dreams is to become the best ninja your clan has ever known.
Your pacing turned to a run when you saw a familiar red head boy, "Gaara! Come here I have to ask you something!" You waved your hands frantically and chased after him. You ran up to him and gave him a buddie hug like you always do. "Hi ______ what did you need to ask me?" Gaara asked nicely as he gave you a big smile. "I was wondering if you would come to my birthday party at dinner time. My parents said you, Temari, and Kankuro could come. Its going to be so much fun!" You said happily while smiling at the tired boy. Gaara responded right after you asked, "Yeah, I can go, but Temari and Kankuro have to train with my dad. But what's a birthday party like though? I never went to a birthday party before."
Thats what was sad about Gaara. The village hated him over something he can't control. They are afraid of him because Shikaku, the sand demon, is inside him. Gaara is your best friend, and one of the nicest people you ever met. Yet one more thing about Gaara is that he is the Kazekage's son and he can control sand at whim.
You thought about your answer quickly and came up with the best explanation, "A birthday party is an event celebrating the day you were born with your family and friends." Gaara nodded and smiled. "Well we better get going to my house, the party is going to start at any time now." You said happily while grabbing Gaara's hand and dragging him to your house.
When you arrived your father had a angry look on his face, "Where have you been _____?" You paused and pulled Gaara from the side of the room, "Daddy, I had to go get Gaara. You said he could come right?" Your father gave Gaara an angry look, "No I didn't, but I guess its a little to late now." You nodded at your father and straight after heard a warming voice behind you, "Aww, my little cherry blossom. I must give you my gift." You turned around and saw one of your most favorite people ever, "Grandmother! What is my gift?" Your mom laughed heartily and pulled out a box with a Pheonix on the top. You stared at the box until your grandmother motioned you to opend it.
You ran your hand on the lid of the box and opened it gently. Inside was red velvet inside with the red jeweled pendant necklace you literally dream about. "Grandmother, thankyou, thankyou!" You felt yourself give your Grandmother a huge hug. "Your welcome my cherry blossom, but I want you to remember though that you have to promise me to give it to your daughter when it is time." You grandma spoke softly as she stroked the top of your head. You nodded happily as you put it on around your neck.
Finally, after the ceremonial dinner, smiles, and memories it was time to blow out the candles to initiate the beggining of your 7th year of life. The song was sung and your reached for the candles to blow them out. You heard voices around you cheering you on and telling you to make a wish. You thought and this was the first idea that came to your head, 'I wish that I can become the best ninja this clan has ever known.' Then with one blow the candles stopped dripping wax.
Suddenly you heard screaming from outside and a crash from your window. Your dad whipped open the kitchen door and ran towards the noise. You heard a gusting wind sound coming from all around your house with big flames engulfing everything. Along with that was you saw your mother had passed out and started to dissapear in the fire. "Nooo!" You screamed as tears welled up in your eyes as you saw your family members slowly dissapear in the flames. "_______ come here quick, I know a way out of here." Gaara yelled as he grabbed your hand and both of you started to run.
You saw his sand block all of the fire that was whipping out at you and then you saw one of the roof support beams start to cave in. "Gaara!!!" You screamed on the top of your lungs but your yelling stopped as you saw a huge amount of sand float above you holding the beam in place so you could both run past it. Finally you both reached the door and a wall of sand smashed it open so both of you could escape. "Hck, cph, th-thank you G-Garra." You said as you started coughing trying to get the smoke away from your lungs. "Your welcome. Do you still have the box and necklace that your grandmother gave you?" You nodded as you showed him the box."
Yet your asking was short lived as you saw a hoard of men dressed in black with a music note head protectors running towards you. They stopped in front of you as one of them scooped you up and held you ontop of his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "_______ _______, your coming with us." Said the man coldly as he started to get a good grip on you. "Noo!!! Let go of me!!! Gaara help me!!!." You screamed as loud as you could. "That little boy can't save you now." Said one of the men as all of the men ran as they carried off with you. "No, come back with ______." Gaara yelled as a sand shaped swirls started coming for you and the ninjas. But it wasn't good enough, as you saw the sand and Suna from a distance.