Seductive Shark
Community Member
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 @ 09:31pm
The War that Never Was
Chapter V
That night there were only 14 of us. Not a very fitting force. I sat outside my tent making a fire. I put a few sticks into the flame as it licked the twigs and engulfed them in a red flame. Images kept running through my head, the death of Jasper, my mother, those Tuors. I sighed and put my elbows on my knees and rested my head in my hands. Footsteps came near as I lifted my head up and noticed it was Kai. I looked back into the flame, I felt like a monster when I fight, I didn't want people to see me like this, especially my brother. "You alright?" He asked slightly concerned. "Yea." I spoke softly then looked up at him again then stood up. "We are moving out tonight. If we make an attack on their camps, we'll be able to break into the walls..." I stared blankly at the flames once again, as if they were hypnotizing me. He nodded and walked over to the other side of the fire and kicked in some dirt as the flames went out then came back. "Alright. I'll tell the others." He nodded then went back to the other tents. It felt different, being a leader over men, though slightly intimidating. I guess I was born with leader instincts. My mother told me that my father was the greatest warrior in the army, I believed it. I looked out at the horizon seeing a small speck of a tower that looked like the picture I've seen of the Tuor Empire. My stomach twisted as I felt a ping of nervousness. Can I really lead people like this and be held responsible for their life?
The two moons were full and lighted the forest as I grabbed my weapon and medical aids from the trashed Aid tent. I walked up to the group and handed them more weapons from the armory that the Tuors left behind. "We need all we can get. They didn't take our airship so we're lucky. Who's a mechanic?" A man raised his hand and nodded. "Alright, you are held responsible for the ship's repairs, is there a navigator?" A Raptoric raised his hand as I nodded. "You'll be responsible for getting us to the empire." I turned around and walked into the woods. "We have to go silently." They all nodded as we reached the airship. The door came down as we walked on board. "Alright let's get this thing moving... What's your name?" The alligator looking man came up to me, alot scrawnier then Midgar. "Name's Al." I nodded. "Alright let's get this thing going Al!" He smirked and jumped into the pilots seat as he pushed and pulled a few knobs as the airship's engines kicked into full gear filling the forest with a loud roar. Kai walked up to me and slapped my back as I winced again. "You seem like a natural leader." I flushed slightly and looked away from him. "Oh, my father was a leader... It's in the blood I guess." I laughed slightly as he laughed with me. "We've got a hold of their camp Reks!" I ran over and looked at the giant screen floating about an orb. "Alright, lets park this thing somewhere so they don't notice." I walked back to where a few others sat. "Alright ready everyone?" "Yea." They all said at the same time. "Let's kick some a**!" Kai said trying to get the group riled up. I smiled slightly spacing out.
The airship landed on the open plains as I stepped out and looked around. Others came out with their weapons. "If we are under attack, do not come back to the ship. Try to run to cover or even back to the forest." They nodded as they all had serious faces. I turned around and took a deep breath and started to walk towards the Tuor empire. They all followed with our weapons ready. Kai walked beside me as he looked up at the horizon with a serious face. I looked over at him I was curious. "So, why did you join the rebellion?" I asked sheepishly. "Well... My father died during the first rebellion attack... I wanted to avenge him." He looked at me. "What about you?" "My brother died in my arms... And my mother died before him and my father died before her... Basically an orphan..." I looked down at my feet. "I want to save our empire from being run by people that just want to expand their territory, even riches." I clenched my fists. "I see... I would like to have our freedom back again..." He spoke. I nodded in agreement.
A few miles behind us we came to a field with wheat and tall grasses. I put my gunblade on my shoulders as I continued to walk and others did the same. The wind blew as the wheat and grass blew making my body itch. I heard a clicking of a gun when I stopped quickly. "Stop." I whispered. "Listen." Everyone kept walking as a Boarin told me I was just being paranoid. "No really stop!" I tried not to yell as I saw something dark move in the grass. "Get down!" I whispered alittle louder, I was alone as Kai stopped a few feet infront of my looking back. I could see the fear on my face in his eyes. My heart was racing as I heard a gun fire as a burning pain swept through my abdomen. I gasped and fell to the ground as Kai came running over. My eyes started to get heavier as I felt more tired as the pain swept through my entire body. "Attack!" Kai shouted as the rest of our men pulled out their guns and swords as the Tuor soldiers came out with machine guns and started firing. Kai stayed ontop of me as I gritted my teeth together to get rid of the pain. He pulled out a machine gun that I took from the armory and started firing as the bullets ricocheted off the metal of the soldiers as I could hear a few men from our group choke in pain. More of our men jumped ahead with swords and sliced through the Tuor's armor. I could feel myself getting lifted off the ground as Kai started to run. "Fall back!" He shouted as a few men were firing with the machine guns killing or maybe injuring the Tuors as we tried to make our retreat. I soon blacked out, it seemed like a good idea at the time to get rid of the pain, but I realized that I might not wake up.
End Chapter V