its strange how my body feals like its dead but it always has enough energy to do just about anything. Seriously I feal like the only thing that is keeping me alive is my mind. If it didn't work I would be dead but thats beside the point, the point is my body feals as if all life has been drained out of it yet, I can still do alot of things very easily without becoming tired at all. Its a bit weird confused but its actually been going on like that for a while now. I guess it must be that mind over matter thing, even though my body feals like it has no energy my mind won't let it rest. I must think that im not tired at all or something but actually I know im tired its just for some reason I don't feal like I'm tired. confused Its crazy I know, but its the truth! Sometimes I wonder if I'm already dead and just don't know it yet. sad