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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Fifty-Two and Fifty-Three: Don't Stop Believing
Hey everyone,

Some exciting stuff going on these past two weeks! Things are super busy for me as I wrap up some projects before I head off to vacation for a couple weeks.

Ink Addiction
Haters beware! The long-awaited (and long-promised) tattoo system went out this week. It was hailed for a long time as a mythical feature by some users, since it was announced at AX last year, and then didn't end up coming out when we said it would. Some more cynical users considered it "Battle System Lite" -- a feature that was promised but we were never actually going to deliver on.

Well, to you I say "Nyah!". It came out and it's great (as you can see from my belly tat).

War is coming
Also this week we saw the opening of a new Battle Forum and new Battle Info Page.

I have no involvement in the Battle Team, so I was just as excited as any of you to find out some of the secrets about the gameplay etc. One of the biggest tricks they had to pull of was "How can we give people items that they can battle with that won't affect the way they express themselves with their avatars?"

If you've read over the info page, you can see they've come up with some very clever and fun ways to do it. I really envy the people on the Battle Team, because it definitely sounds like one of the more creative and exciting projects on Gaia -- and at the same time, I'm glad I'm not one of the people who has to deal with the pressure of creating a feature that EVERYONE has been waiting ages for, and from which they expect quite a bit.

Question Time!
So the questionnaire experiment was a moderate success in my book, but then, you guys seemed to like it and kept asking questions (and it also happens to be a really good way for me to not have to think about what to write!) so here we go!

z-bandit asked: "I gotta question, whats your favorite color!?!"

I used to always say "blue" -- but like jazz, wine, and reality TV, as your mind gets more sophisticated, so do your tastes razz So now I'm inclined to say I'm more stimulated by combinations of colors used in interesting ways. And I can't choose just one!

bartimaeus92 asked: "Fleep, what happened to the random links? It made your journal more entertaining I am not saying it isnt any more but... "

Finding those random links takes a buttload of time (Firefox just corrected me, by the way. It's not "buttload" -- it's "butt load" rofl ). Considering that I have problems finding time to write these every Friday, I figured it's better to get a journal down than to find a ton of links. But for old time's sake, here's a funny link!

Skine99 asked: "Do you have any idea when you'll be able to get the rest of the art up?"

I have exactly 20 arts on my home computer that I still need to put up. This happens when I get a PM and I'm checking from home. I have to put it in my "Gaia Art" folder right away, otherwise newer PMs will push it off-my-radar pretty quickly.

Hopefully I'll get them all up before I leave on vacation!

LokiLB asked: "i'm curious...how are those quests you mentioned coming along?"

I'm working with someone on them now, which is good, because between sponsorships, events, and other things that I'm working on, I have hardly any time smile So right now someone is working on some basic framework enhancements that will enable us to make some of the types of quests that we've wanted to make for some time.

No word on when that'll be though - but we are working on it!

Pritchard asked: "What is the course of action to be taken if a random user happens to walk up to the building?"

Turn invisible.

Deluziional asked: "Did the Sharks deserve the Stanley cup?"

Of course they did! :: chomp chomp chomp ::

ladywolf asked: "Are ya ticklish Fleep?Yes or no? If so where?"

I can't reveal my only weakness!

The Last Lord of Time asked: "Now, would you ever try and convince the plot-makers to make a Doctor Who themed quest?"

I would LOVE that -- but with licensed properties, it's not entirely up to us what we do and don't work on.

Zen Gentleman Lifeguard asked: "Why doesn't James Bond have a mullet?"

For the same reason superheroes shouldn't wear capes: it's a liability (both in his personal, and professional life!)

Bria_Teragram asked: "Would you care to elaborate on why fishing "doesn't count [as a multiplayer, competitive game]?"

I got a few questions about some comments I made about Cars being our first competitive game on Gaia.

I was talking more in terms of technologies -- when you're fishing, you're fishing ALONE. There are other people fishing around you, sure, but they don't affect your gameplay. But when you're racing cars, you're not only trying to beat someone in real time, but their actions affect your ability to win while you're racing. No other game we have has that kind of inter-player communication of gameplay.

The Sexy G asked: "If you had to choose between working for gaia and getting paid little, or working for Neopets and getting paid lots.. which would you choose?

It's hard to say, since I don't know what it's like working at NeoPets. But I'm extremely happy working here, so you don't have to worry about me jumping ship just yet.

Euonym asks/comments: "Earthbound, huh? Heh, you and tasha really are siblings with that one."

Yes. I truly do love that game. It's hilarious and emotionally deep and it boggles my mind how much originality it exhibits at every turn. If you've never played Earthbound and you happen to have an SNES, try and find a used copy of it. You won't regret it.

Also, the music is phenomenal.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

XDmaster4 asked: "what do you prefer keeping information (about gaia new things etc) a secret or telling it to everyone?"

There are certain things which are more fun kept a secret. Like plot for example. A lot of users have lots of ideas about which direction the plot should go in, and some have started threads about them, but there are a trillion good reasons why we should/would never use those plots. Imagine sitting there and saying:

"I want Moira to be Rina's estranged mother."

And then we make Moira Rina's estranged mother. What's the fun in that, if you already know what's going to happen?

Some things, like knowing that bugs are being worked on, seeing progress on Battle System, etc. I think users should know about, for sure.

Gaiaversary #1 (#2!)
So yesterday was my official 1 year of working at Gaia. Crazy nuts, huh?

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The Last Lord of Time
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:18pm
Yay! My question was answered whee Thankyou Fleep.

You'll love the (just finished over here in England) third series. Best yet, especially the finale! Boy, you'll love it whee

And Well, by Doctor Who Themed Quest... I meant plot XD Why would the Plot MAkers make a quest o-o And I asked it 'cause you have the "Warp Portal" and all, so a little spoof isn't illegal or anything XD

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:21pm
Yay! New blog. Woot! I was also surprised and ecstatic when they released the battle system forums and i've waited since 2004.

Weis Voltlin
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commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:29pm
Happy 1 Year Working at Gaia Gaiaversary whee
Thanks for answering my question.

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:36pm
lol, my friend owns that shirt you linked to XD
And should Fishing be competitive since there are rankings on the Games pagwe for it?
(ps, i think word bump needs rankings XD)

Dwarf Woot
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commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:38pm
Yay for Fleepers~~
Happy 1st Gaiaworkaversary~ &3

How many different video games have you played? And out of those, what would be your all time favorite?

Edit: Zomg~ You said 'Nyah'
I say that a lot. x'D <33

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 10:43pm
Happy #2 Gaiaversary!

Vincent Valentine-Jenova
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commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 11:22pm
Hurrah for tattoos and Battle System. =) <33
Eagerly awaiting new Quests and such.

Question: If you could pick the way you would die, how would it be done?

Yay morbid stuff!

Happy Workaversary.
And soon it will be annother anniversary. ninja

commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 11:46pm
I still have my SNES, so I'll make sure to search for Earthbound the next time I get a chance. If I don't love it, heads will roll. domokun

DJ Trouble
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commentCommented on: Fri Jul 06, 2007 @ 11:53pm
Just a second....

new entry! YAY!

It's like Christmas every week... or 2, or 3, depending on how busy you are!

Also, as a question, why do you chose to have long hair on your avi, when your bald in real life?

....I have to go find something to beat you to death with....

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 12:03am
Yay his Fleepness Lives!
Allways good to here from you!

Was wondering if you or Bruno Played Civ4?
If so i am starting a game in 3 weeks with some cool people and wondered if you wanna sit in. all levels welcome. and the invite is for everyone reading this with an average Iq or above. blaugh Yeah i Know Gaia keeps ya Busy but we can accommodate you. and if all else fails you can build up a team of gaia people.

Scandi the Vampire
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Non Toxxic
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 12:05am
I can't wait until the battle system comes out. XD
Or new quests for that matter. XD
Keep up the good work. heart

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 12:31am
I feel sorry for all the BS people. There are so many Gaians who aren't very thankful for the unique experience we're about to be presented in an MMO. For one, I've never seen any other MMORPG that uses rings in the same way that Gaia does; this alone is enough to make me anticipate the release of the Battle System. Make sure you congratulate Qixter and everyone else for me wink .

My turn for a question: If you could somehow use magic (not the slight-of-hand magic, but the spell/incantation magic), what kind of magic would you have?

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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 12:39am
wow, I didn't even knotice you got a tat till you said something.
What kind of fleep stalker am I if I don't knotice that? Jk, it looks great! It's nice to hear from you on a semi regular basis again.

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 01:07am
Nice. One year of working at Gaia!

Tattoos are great and so was battle info!

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 01:28am
Exactly one month after my birthday was your gaiaversary. xD

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 01:28am
WARNING: Every attempt to replace Fleep's missing funny links with my own has failed. You are advised to ignore all URLs and go back to your own business, should you wish to preserve the marital state of your tailbone.

Horray for your second #1 year anniversary! That's awesome ^.^;; I wonder what Fleep does IRL for his anniversaries . . . >.>;; Probably gets wasted haheheh.

Colors! I'm with you on those. My favorite color used to be blue. I really hated red. Then I liked black (I still wear pretty much only black), but I prefer colors being used in interesting ways instead. I only wear black because I'm too lazy to pick out something interesting.

Firefox's dictionary isn't so good. I'm sure you probably have imported someone else's by now though, amirite?

So hard being a developer. Sometimes you learn something you were not aware of before, depending on your department. That's when you feel like the user (and of course, want to blurt it out to EVERYONE), but sadly must remain a developer (make an RPG out of your taunting inner-demon).

*watches as fleep goes on "vacation" to Guantanamo Bay* Yes. Like the Bay Area of California, this will be the absolute most comfortable spot for any such person to never be seen again! rofl

Btw, what kind of Nut isn't CRAZY?

4) Funniest prank ever pulled at HQ?

5) What are the strategic positions for Lanzer, should I ever join a nerf gun war?

6) You guys have contests at HQ ever?

7) Invisible's the fastest color. What's the slowest?

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Fortenra Askasa
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 01:29am
I LOVE Earthbound so much. <3

Hey, Fleep, who do YOU think is the Sniper? Or do you already know? o:

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 01:59am
Yay Earthbound! heart I'm waiting for that to come out on Virtual Console (if it hasn't this week. Our router's down crying ) and I'm buying it the instant it does.

Kepe up the good work, Fleep! We know you'll have some awesome quests for us.

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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:23am
I thought tattoos were announced two years ago?

Anywho, congrats!

Oh dude... Does firefox have spell check now?!?!

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:39am
o: Sounds interesting. I'm curious, what kind of music do you like? I like Alternative and some metal, maybe a little chamber! o: 4laugh

ps. If you DO leave, DON'T GO TO NEOPETS!!! xD They're silly over there.

Chemical Shock
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:49am
Happy Gaiaversary!
And question:
Let's say you had an infinite amount of money and time to do one thing. What would it be?

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:50am

You have yet to answer my questions about killing a man. Why don't you address the issue before I have to bring you down town?!

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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:56am

.:[I Came, I Polled, I Posted]:.

1 Year working at Gaia, wow. Do does that mean that its the 1 year anniversary of when you got in trouble of Advertising your Journal in the GCD?? whee

and a quick Question:
Seeing as you've been super busy, do you feel stressed enough that the work your doing is no longer fun?

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 03:56am
I'm sorry, but Earthbound really sucked. Consider all the great RPG's for the system (Final Fantasy II/III, Breath of Fire, Lufia, Dragon Quest, Tales of Phantasia, Star Ocean). In comparison, Earthbound was just the kiddygame of the SNES RPG library.

I've now lost faith in our developers.

Question: Have you ever banned or warned anyone? Surely developers can; even though you aren't moderators, you seem to have mod powers.

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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 04:24am
my question was answered, and yet i know little more than i did before. xd

i'm glad the tattoes are out, yet they aren't really usefull to me. i'm going to have to wait for a squid skin (i can hope that L0cke momentarily looses his mind and adds such a thing ninja ) before i can get much use out of them.

have fun on your vacation. and if you're at the beach, remember Shark week is the last week of July. 8D

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 05:22am
Congradulations on one whole year!

I have a question:
I've read that you play guitar. How long have you been playing, are you any good?

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Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 06:52am
osnap, now I gotta come up with a kickass question for you to answer! -thinks-

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 06:55am
Happy Gaiaversary!

Fleep! I have two questions! [/reporter imitation]

First: Have you ever seen the Tim and Eric Awesome Show? I was thinking "Love ya, Fleep!" and it reminded me of one of their sketches.

Second: Are you going to be at Otakon on the 20th? If you are, I TOTALLY want a hug!

This Username Fails
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 06:57am
ahhh so I shall remain forever curious about Fleep's tickly zones...shucky durns! ~gloats I got an answer anyhoos!~ whee Thank you for the update,yanno we love knowin whats goin on,what you can tell anyways.Have a great weekend,and vacation! xx
Are you inked irl? And yanno I gotta ask what and where if so...

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 07:50am
I haven't talked to you in a while Fleep D:

Question: What's the funniest thing you have seen or heard in Gaia HQ

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Shrimpie Ace
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 08:36am
Though it has nothing to do with your Gaia life Fleep, I have a question for you! twisted

Did L0cke give you something from a fan from AX? And if he didn't, bug him repeatedly until he gives it to you because it's from me. redface

Edit: redface Forgot I wasn't on my main, Shrimp_Man

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 09:18am
I love reading your journal.
Keeps me informed and hopeful for Gaia's future.

If you could work on any project on Gaia (Upcoming or Past), what would it be?
And can we be Belly Tat Bros? 8D

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Ryuu Hime
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 09:35am
Hiya Fleep!

I totally wish you could have come to AX, I'm sure you would have hat a BLAST!

And to celebrate your Gaia workiversary (say what now?), I present you with a mildly amusing link to remind you why you work at Gaia. xd (Damn, I suck at the funny links...)

Um, and to celebrate an entire year of working at Gaia, what's your favorite Gaia-related memory?

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 10:32am
H'okay, Fleep...

You dream about Led Zepplin riding on stage on ponies and wearing Zoomba pants. The first thing you do when you wake up is-

Tai Naito
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 07:36pm
Haha, sweet. Okay, so in honor of the tattoo shop being released, if you were going to tattoo something on the top of your head IRL, what would it be?

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 09:31pm

!!!!Fleep likes Doctor Who?!!!!
surprised heart

And Happy 1yearworkingatGaiaversary! ^^

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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 11:55pm
Congrats on one year.

Question: Who was the person who came up with the Water Meat eyes? And who was the person who convinced the staff to make the water meat plushie a reality? heck, who thought of the little guy in the first place?

Could you tell them, that ZakuMent says thanks, and that the water meat eyes are by far her favorite item on Gaia? biggrin ?

Okay, I had to ask that, since others were asking their questions as well, although mine is pretty random.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 02:18am
Happy gaiaversary, Fleep! whee

Question: If you could have any superpower in the world, what would you choose?

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Pirate Panther
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commentCommented on: Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 07:18am
^^ Happy Gaiaversary, or at least "Working at Gaia"-versary.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 09:03am
I was the first question answered! : D *feels special*

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Cube B
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commentCommented on: Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 07:52pm
Working at Neopets is okay. Except you can't talk to the users, and they convert you to scientology.

Well, to be honest I'm not sure about the conversion, but you wouldn't be having this journal, that's for sure. XD

Oooh! I have a question that you probably won't answer, but I will anyway.

Will there ever be a minuscule, tiny, microscopic chance of both Vampires and werewolves appearing this Halloween, just for the sake that a Vampire vs. Werewolf event would be awesome? And if you don't answer, I'm going to assume it's a yes. XD

Or not. I can dream can't I?

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 08, 2007 @ 09:38pm
you answered my question biggrin

oke another one i just got the game jak and daxter as an birthday present and i am going to buy jak2 and jak3

did you ever play these games, so yes do like that kind of games ?

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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 01:12am
Ok, that's nice abou the art.

Do you feel that by reading this question you've wasted one of the so fgew precious seconds of life you have?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 01:25am
Finally I can jot a comment down! lols...Was real excited to come back from my vacation to read yer journal! And to see all those crazy announcements. smile I gots an SNES! woot, oldschool! Happy Staff-Gaiaversary! Now wish me a Happy Birthday! lol smile

Don't forget about my arts! :3 ninja

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Kentucky Fried Pixels
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 03:19am
Happy Gaiaversary. :3

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 04:44am
Here is a question from the Dark Angel himself:

What if one day you would wake up, but you wouldn't be Fleep anymore? well you would, but you'd be the opposite sex? what would you do? The same question for your avi

iKal Enigma
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 06:41am
Aww. Happy 1 Gaiaversary ^^. I'm glad you're still around, hopefully all the negative feedback in SF won't force you to quit out of frustration XD. They can be such downers sometimes :[ </3

Ok, like everyone else I have a few questions :3.

1. Will more ink colors be implemented into the system in the near or distant future?

2. Are you going to be at Otakon (I have a picture I drew for you that I'd really like to give in person XD;, That and I want a picture with you >:[ <3) ?

3. What does your workspace look like :O?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 09:55am
Congrats on the year without being fired!

Oh, and for a question.

If you don't mind me asking, do you have offspring?
You're a little too old for me, but a Fleep offspring would be blaugh .

President Pikachu
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 10:11pm
Fleep, I have a question:

EverClear or Absinthe?

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 11:01pm
Moira would be way too young to have Rina anyway.

Have a nice holiday!

My friend and I sent you pictuars =)

I hope they arrived in good order!

One time I should send the Gaia Staffs a cadbury chocolate bar.


Have you tried Cadbury's Dairy Milk over in Yankland?

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