Character Skeleton
Updates/Extra Info

In the year 2020 the world has turned into a war zone. The war has raged on since 2010 no one seems to even recall why this world war started. Bomb shelters are made everywhere out of anything and everything that can be used as a shelter. We find our story in America in a small high school with a few teens living in the shelters. The terrors of war are outside but unknown to them the wars have ended. Now the true trouble is what got inside the school when no one was looking...

1. This rp is suppose to be more of comedy then anything. It's based off of a skript I wrote
2. Sterotypes are the type of characters I want
3. When you pick the Sterotype stick to it!
4. There is only one type of each
5. You can only be one character
6. This is a Semi-Lit avoid one liners
7. Action/Romance/Comedy is all wanted and allowed
8. Be an a*****e play your part to the fullest just don't get racial
9. I can add rules whenever I want


[High school age 15-19]
[Just in case]
[Write in Sentence Form]
What Character you are
[what sterotype]
[Has to be something that can be found/used/or brought to a safe house/school]
Special ‘Powers’
[A power that your character has that revolves around the type of character, be creative NO elements allowed describe power.]
[Anything Special and Unique about them]
[At least a paragraph or two.]
[put color you are going to use for your writing and color your stats that color]
Screen Name
[Gaia/Forum name]
[imgright]malformed url[/imgright]
[High school age 15-19]
[Just in case]
[Write in Sentence Form]
[size=15]What Character you are[/size]
[what sterotype]
[Has to be something that can be found/used/or brought to a safe house/school]
[size=15]Special ‘Powers’[/size]
[A power that your character has that revolves around the type of character, be creative NO elements allowed describe power.]
[Anything Special and Unique about them]
[At least a paragraph or two.]
[put color you are going to use for your writing and color your stats that color]
[size=15]Screen Name[/size]
[Gaia/Forum name]
[imgright]malformed url[/imgright]
[High school age 15-19]
[Just in case]
[Write in Sentence Form]
[size=15]What Character you are[/size]
[what sterotype]
[Has to be something that can be found/used/or brought to a safe house/school]
[size=15]Special ‘Powers’[/size]
[A power that your character has that revolves around the type of character, be creative NO elements allowed describe power.]
[Anything Special and Unique about them]
[At least a paragraph or two.]
[put color you are going to use for your writing and color your stats that color]
[size=15]Screen Name[/size]
[Gaia/Forum name]

Prep: He/She is probably a ditzy type who is popular due to personality and looks. He/She probably participates in school activities, cheerleading, and other overly excitable popular stuff that preps do.
Jock: He/She is most likely on one or more sports team. Isn’t always brightest crayon in the box but is known for winning personality and being great at what He/She does.
Goth: He/She is probably anti-social and is classified as suicidal, unfriendly, and plain out creep. He/She may worship dark forces and do some odd things but they find themselves more misunderstood then ‘weird.’
Punk Rocker: He/She is probably more social though loud and rowdy. He/She is probably one of those people who rushes about and causes ruckus at concerts. Loud and ready to take down any threats they are hardcore for what they want. Commonly associated with Goth’s minus the suicide.
Goody Too Shoe: He/She can be known as a suck up or teachers pet. Normally they just want to do the right thing and get their life straight. He/She is a personable person and probably has a variety of friends. He/She may come off strongly in what they do but normally they are just normal kids.
Geek/Nerd: He/She probably gets decent to great grades. He/She is probably nerdy about one or more topics that other people find odd or out of place. He/She maybe good with fixing things or writing even reading to much, depends on the nerd you found.
Cowboy/Redneck: He/She is probably in the FFA. Is normally stereotyped as racist and may not be. Is often made fun of on the style of clothes but enjoys his country slag and music. Tough when messed with but can be nice people normally.
Artist Type: He/She loves to create things. He/She is a creative person who uses their hands and all their sense to see. They may seem a little off or strange but are normally very great people if you can see things they way they express.
Gangster: He/She is a thug normally they cause trouble and probably have a troubled background that makes them that way. He/She is normally not a good student wears baggy clothes and is the center of gang violence. They maybe smart but they hid it to simply fit in.
Wigger: He/She wishes they were in the type of environment a gangster went through. Normally they are kids with money who try to act big and bad. They are sometimes outcasted but find their own want to be clicks and ‘gangs’ but when real troubles a foot they move out quickly.
Emo: He/She is normally known as a style of music but is becoming a ‘class’ of persons. They are described normally as males who wear hair over one of their eyes, cry, cut themselves and wear girl pants to be more feminine. Emo’s are still a new breed so not to much is known of them.
Rebel/Outcast: He/She is a social outcast. Probably doing things normal people wouldn’t do taking risk, being spontaneous and not caring what anybody else thinks. He/She marches to their own drum and does things the way they want to.