Table Of Content (Angels/Demons)
Story Line (Undead)
Rules (Medieval and Fantasy)
Genres and Leaders (Future)
Characters (Animals)
Skeleton Key
Characters (Pirates)
Updates (Ninja)
Black and White List (Modern)

Each Role Play type lives in its own special world where it can do as it pleases in the ways of its kind weather it is fantasy or ninjas. Not many of the time frames have every crossed path or even know that their world is very small compared to the millions of other Role Play World there are.
They had always lived in peace in their own ways until one day...A black hole opened from the sky unmerciful sucking in anything and everything from the Worlds in some odd random and odd fashion.
Separated from their homes and lands many of those who landed in this new strange world clung together to their familiars. Now they have found a spoiled queen named Neitha has brought them to this World which is much large then all their worlds together. She is giving them the chance to win her world for their own if they can destroy the other Players of the different groups.
How will things fair you ask? What will happen to the Role Play Kingdom and this Role Play Battle Royal? Who will be the victor?

1. Basic Gaia Rules.
2. Leaders will be first come first serve bases.
3. You cannot over throw your leader but you can complain.
4. You must stick to your role play catagory
-example: you can't be a ninja cat demon.
5. You still have to listen to the rules and do as told.
6. Profiles must be Pmed to me under the title of 'Role Play Kingdom'
7. Do not ask to be part of Neitha's army. Because she doesn't have one.
8. Do not ask to play her she is an NPC and will be directed by eevee-chan if her person is needed.
9. Nothing I can think of at the moment so enjoy your role play.

Genre: Medieval
Creatures: Humans - Kings, Queens, Peasants, Knights, Thief, Assassins,
Weapons: Swords, Jousting Poles, Shields
Magic: None
Genre: Fantasy
Creatures: Mythical Animals, Wizards
Weapons: Staffs, Not to Many
Magic: All Types
Genre: Futuristic
Creatures: Humans, Genetically Altered Animals/Humans, Mech
Weapons: Mech, Advanced Guns, Lasers
Magic: None
Leader: eevee-chan - Sile Wings
Genre: Demon/Angel
Creatures: Demons (of any race), Angels
Weapons: Old World Weaponry
Magic: Dark, Light and Elemental
Genre: Animals
Creatures: Normal Animals
Weapons: None
Magic: None
Genre: Pirates
Creatures: Normal Humans, Sea Creatures
Weapons: Swords, Ship, Cannons, Large Amounts of Superstition
Magic: None
Genre: Ninjas
Creatures: Humans, Humans with ‘Special’ Abilities, Different Clans
Weapons: Throwing Stars, Swords, Knifes, Assassin Weapons.
Magic: Element Manipulations
Genre: Modern
Creatures: Humans – Punks, Goths, Emos, Preps, Artists, Hippies, Jocks, ect.
Weapons: Weapons of today no (WMD)
Magic: None
Genre: Undead
Creatures: Vampires, Zombies, Necromancers, Inferno-mancers
Weapons: Old World Weapons
Magic: Dark

Skeleton Key:
Screen Name:
Name: first, last
Nicknames: if any
Age: depending on species.
Race/Species/ Ethnic Background: Whatever applies.
Looks: detailed or picture
Others: extra stuff
History: must be decent detail
Extra Info: (may need for certain character types)
Skeleton Key:
[b]Screen Name:[/b]
[b]Race/Species/ Ethnic Background:[/b]
Extra Info
[b]Screen Name:[/b]
[b]Race/Species/ Ethnic Background:[/b]
Extra Info

Screen Name: eevee-chan
Name: Sile Wings
Age: looks 20 is 140
Race/Species/ Ethnic Background: Halfling
Genre: Angels/Demons Leader
Other wing is black. Is girl with black hair.
Others: Collects ribbons, enjoys reading.
History: Her name comes from the old Celtic tongue meaning blind, her last name is a normal last one from most angels. Like most ‘heavenly’ creatures she wasn’t born in a so called heaven. She was born in the celestial plane where many good ‘angel’ like creatures lived. She was born from a mixture of blood. Her father was a head ‘angel’ and guarded the gates of the celestial plane from that of the underworlds entrance also known as ‘hell.’ Her mother was the Mistress to the underworld. She was like the mother of it herself and found herself fawning over the angel and praising him. The two were together which was a forbidden action. When this was found out things were bad for both people. Her father lost his job and her mother was hidden so as to keep from being killed from the demons. When they found out she conceived the baby was snatched from her very hands and brought to the celestial world. As a curse upon the child the elder had her eyes poked out so she could never see the celestial world for no dark creature could look upon it without being cursed. Sile lived her life in the celestial plane as a shame for her people. She had a hard time learning the arts of good and the elements she possessed deep within her like most creatures of this world. She worked long and hard day and night learning to over come not having eye site and being a Halfling. Once she began to progress her presents was more noticed and she was more accepted by all the other ‘angels’ around her. Life was still rough for her being blind and all but she worked her hardest to get where she is now…which is in Role Play Kingdom.
Weapons: Syth: Has a long black pole handle and it’s just about as tall as her. The blade goes out to about six feet out and curls at the end. Has white and red ribbon wrapped around the pole itself.
Magic: Fire Element: A trait gained from the realm of the underworld. She has the ability to manipulate fire whenever it is around but she can’t truly control it like most would expect.
Wind Element: A trait gained from the celestial plane. She can control wind currents and even create it in a place where there is a large amount oxygen and open space.

-Just waiting on our leaders
-Neitha's chracter sheet
Screen Name: [NPC] eevee-chan
Name: Neitha Nor
Nicknames: Nora
Age: Unknown looks young.
Race/Species/ Ethnic Background: Unknown
Genre: Queen of the Role Plays
Neitha Nor
Others: Tends to stay in her castle, Always watching the war and other worlds from her room with magical mirrors of sorts.
History: Neitha has shown herself to the role play worlds bringing them to her own large kingdom. Her history is simply. She claims herself to be the ruler and queen of the entire role play world and that she is the master and leader of all time and space in these worlds. Her life is simple and boring just watching her creations have all the fun on their own world. She has brought them here to let her see once and for all who the better role play is.
Magic: All Magics Known

White List:
Black List:

Neitha placed a hand on her lips as she peered off into space sitting on the large throne in the main hall of her kingdom palace. A knock breeched the silence of the room as the door opened.
“My Lady the black hole as opened through out the land spreading the worlds around...”
She slipped off her throne and nodded. Her long gown dragging across the floor, she started towards a large archway that lead out to a balcony. She placed her hand on what looked to be a small microphone of some sort but no wires or speakers to be seen. Sighing softly she began her speech.
“Greetings my children. You are in the presents of your creator. I have shaped your homes to what you desired and grew you from the small creatures you once where. I have watched you for thousands of years and could not decide who would be given this kingdom as my time in this world grows very short and very thin. You have been brought to entertain and duel over this land and who will gain my kingdom when I descend to the great beyond.” Pausing she brushed back her hair.
“Good luck to you all.” With that she turned from the podium and started off back into the palace.