Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- This Place Isn't All That Bad by lalkaleliel
- This is a poem I did for my Language Arts class discussion when we were studying "To Kill a Mockingbird." It shows the voice of innocence, and it's ignorance by those around them.
- Caused By You by Mr NekoNeko
- This is a song a wrote awhile back. Now that Gaia has a contest for lyrics I can see rsather people like it or not. Oh it is an Emo-ish song so yeah. Please don't like serious bash it. It took me 4 weeks to write.
- My Little Quartz Pebble by The Traveling Man
- I wrote this to a girl the day after she dumped me.
- Water Is Life by TheEscapist58
- boredom! whoo! the whole "Save the earth" message really wasnt supposed to be there..it sorta..popped in at the last second...
- What hides in your closet by Selina rosie
- This is about all the secrets some one hides and keeps hidden and how if you hide them forever they will build up and up until you are found out.
- Ignored Cries of an Angel by Gyaru-Ritsuka no Kitsune
- This is a poem i wrote for english class in 8th grade. My teacher gave me an A. I hope you do the same.
- i wrote this song by iiAm Sasuke
- I worte this because i deeply care for a person
- poetry by Xxdarkhero emo Xx
- my brother had this on his profile and i hope you vote 10 on this poetry if you do maybe my brother will love me like a brother
- Full moon by James_the_Dark
- a work in progress, crit welcome.
- I loved you, you loved me by Nose Nugget
- I wrote this for the people who had this experience.
- I know. . . . by Toxik_Tonik
- I just wrote this.
- This is a poem from me to you by XoOx_Debz_XoOx
- A lady i worked with at school is now leaving, im gonna miss her T_T
- wingless angel by cerise600
- lil short poem
- Son's only wish by Evalad
- this was one I did in an English project, but it turned out better then I though it would...I never had a father around, so this is a little note to him, werever he is...
- Times Distant Truth by Evalad
- I'm not sure when I wrote this, but it explains the effect of times, and the fact that I'm searching for someone or something, but unaware of it, it mayt be confusing, but I was awarded a crystal stuet for it, but could'nt affo...
- Sickness by Liquid Robot
- A poem about anorexia, seen partly through the eyes of a teenage model. I am fascinated by this subject... (PS: the second-last stanza has changed slightly, but for some reason my computer won't let me edit. I will keep trying!)
- This cant be real. by Adolf Elizabeth
- When i get bored I write.
- One Way Or The Other by Madame Kokemo
- Maybe a bit morbid. True though. Ain't entropy a b***h?
- Una poema de espanol corta by Romeo of Today
- This a short Spanish love poem that I had to write for my Spanish II class, so don't be too critical.