Kyah is still being worked on as I speak of course, although I don't frequent on Gaia as much as I used to anymore. I've been busy with stuff outside of Gaia, alongside trying to get a start on my career. I'll keep going until he reaches maturity, then I'll pretty much stop right there and not have to worry about maturation anymore. Ah well...I'm just trying to remain optimistic here.
Mood: 4laugh Music: A whole bunch of j-rock music
Mellysee Sumiraka · Fri Sep 02, 2005 @ 04:41am · 1 Comments |
Insert Interesting Entry Title Here |
Well...I'm quite disappointed that my quest on maturing Kyah was a failure, but I still have the rest of the year to get him all grown up. According to the percentage rate, he's only at 24%, and that's not even at the halfway point. Kolina and I are helping each other on maturation by writing long posts to each other. I'm going to have to put my flashback posts in italics to prevent any more confusion.
In other news, I'll be going back to writing fanfics for people starting tomorrow. My month long hiatus is coming to an end. But I'll continue to check on Kyah.
Mood: biggrin great Movie: American Empire
Mellysee Sumiraka · Thu Jun 30, 2005 @ 08:11am · 0 Comments |
Yet More New Pets To End The Week |
I've just bought a new lollipop recently. Here he is. Isn't he gorgeous? biggrin

My newest anthros are at the Hotel.
Mellysee Sumiraka · Sun Jun 12, 2005 @ 08:53am · 1 Comments |
I've taken a hiatus on writing to get my Chrysthall matured. Hey, it's been almost a year since I've had Kyah. He should've been matured a long time ago, but due to writer's block in that area and writing stories for other people, I haven't been able to do so. But now, it has become a major priority for me within the month.
Other than that, I've started a new flatsale for Revelation. So far, no one was buying, which was okay with me since I believe my timing was off AGAIN. rolleyes Whatever... back to work I go with the posts and the growings for my pet shop.
Mood: Tch... confused Music: Watching Oresama
Mellysee Sumiraka · Tue Jun 07, 2005 @ 10:41am · 0 Comments |
Things Have Only Gotten Better With Patience |
Well, ever since I've dropped the price for my Revelation, I've managed to sell all but the Ice surrounding so far. But two customers have paid for theirs by the first price drop...I can accept them as big tips. I'm already having thoughts about making a special auction. That's going to have to wait till after at least one more flatsale or so.
Since I hardly update my journal, I'm going to be updating more often by putting my pets there. Here's one right now from one of my affiliates.
Mellysee Sumiraka · Thu Apr 21, 2005 @ 02:05am · 1 Comments |
As much as people loved my idea for opening a landscape pet shop, I was able to get one affiliate, and that's it. I'm already thinking about pondering on changing the flatsale date. x.x Sadly I have no customers and I would be very upset if I forced myself to close it down. Why? Because I've worked very hard on this and no one bothered. Feh. >.> I'm gonna have to wait and see.
Mood: Very disappointed Listening to: Dir en Grey - umbrella
Mellysee Sumiraka · Wed Apr 13, 2005 @ 08:50pm · 0 Comments |
Yet ANOTHER Idea For A Pet Shop |
The linearts for the Deevas pet shop are far from finished, and I'm still remaining patient with the lineartist. I hope no one bothers to steal my newest idea. I was thinking about creating a very different pet shop that happens to be very different from any other pet shop. No cats, dogs, wolves, anthros, anything that moves. It will be nothing but the growing of landscapes. I should use Bryce 4 even more now. Plus it gives me good practice. I should go ahead and write my stuff down on Notepad...that would mean i have to get a brand new mule account. *has already created one for Deevas*
Mood: domokun Watching: Long John Silver
Mellysee Sumiraka · Fri Apr 08, 2005 @ 08:50am · 0 Comments |
Comfort's Within The Eye Of The Beholder |
It's official. I am a breedables addict, especially when it comes to Anthropomorphs. ^_^ I just bought a couple more pets that are not anthros, but there was no way I could resist the cuteness. I'll stop eventually, unless if it's a gift for someone.
Mellysee Sumiraka · Mon Mar 14, 2005 @ 09:26pm · 1 Comments |
You know what? I don't even f***ing know why I'm writing an entry like this in my journal. But I'm going to take some time off and just be away from people for a while. Sometimes I ask myself why the f**k I'm still on Gaia. Okay, no more. I'm done...
Mood: F**k you stressed
Mellysee Sumiraka · Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 04:42am · 0 Comments |