Fantasy fiction - Rough draft v1 I walked out of the jungle to find myself in front of a cave. I thought to myself that I'd better head back to camp - until I noticed a bright blue glow deep in the cave. I figured I'd have time to look around before it got too late, but, as I was heading into the cave I heard a rumble behind me, I turned around to see what it was, only to see another tunnel in the cave I had just entered, with no exit in sight. With no way out, I decided it would be best to follow the blue light I'd seen. As I was walking through the cave I saw a snake, I was TERRIFIED so I ran, only to trip on a rock, and with a big 'CRACK!', I fell to the ground, I looked back to make sure the snake wasn't coming for me, only to notice it was just a root of a tree above. My leg was broken, I was stuck. I pulled through the pain and crawled to the light. That's when I saw it...
Once you've hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up Gravejunky's Store heartheartheart