Is it always destiny who makes the choices? How would life go if you got to plan it? How would you make everyone act or feel. There are so many emotions colliding with one another. You never know what could go wrong. Life is a crisis. Life is a war. Many people are willing to do anything in order to win the complex battle. But what? What is missing? What is that substance that supports the weight of your burden? Should you leave the past behind? Or should you let it shadow you for the rest of your life? Whatever choice you make will influence your future. That’s what history is for. So many questions with no answers. What is it? Love? Hate? Pain? Heroine? What is it? So painful to think about. Bringing tears to your eyes. Broken hearts can be healed over time. That’s true, but at the same time false. It’s that burden again. The joyful memories have turn to painful ones. Those pictures are engraved inside your heart. What can you do? Nothing.
Trying to forget it, is just lying to yourself. Having a real friend, to guide you along the way, is what can patch up your heart. It won’t necessarily be healed, but it’ll do. Don’t you wish you could write everybody’s story? The story of their life. The hero. The friend. The enemy. Who would they be? You get to decide. But that story is not yours, so you aren’t able to write it. You can only write your own. If you could write anyone’s story, without surpassing life’s laws, who’s would you write? What would you make them do? Can you see them? The emotions that’s lying beneath everyone’s skin? Are they sad? Happy? Shocked? Friendless? Would you save everyone in the world who suffer from this burden that the people around them put onto their shoulders? I would. But I can’t.