Gaia Battle System

Okay First off I think that the battle system is going great its really thought through well and the rings would be awesome. I just hate to see all the developers reading some of these topics such as:

I mean come on if you really dont like it then you can just not play it. If you have been waiting for years, gathering weapons and such, then you hear it wont have anything to do with your avatar then get over it. From what I have heard there was an announcement awhile back when they came out with the Staff Of Angeles and Demonic Staff that the weapons wont have anything to do with the battle system. If you werent here to read it then you need to get over it. Gaians have been pestering the developers for years about this and they have been working there asses off for you. The least you can do is try it out before making topics as the ones above. I bet that at least most of you will kind of, at the least, like it.
If you still have complaints then you can just not play it and go about your business on gaia.
Closed Beta, PMs have been sent.
And I didnt get one, not surprising. I mean I didnt really expect to get picked, but that isnt what this rant is about. This rant is about the noobs who decide to post in the MMO forum with threads like these;

These threads, consist of a person, no not a person a dumbass with the intelligence of a ******** snail. I mean seriously, no body gives a rats a** how you cant wait for it to begin, or how it going to be awesome. NO! We have all been here we have all seen how awesome the MMO will be, you dont have to mother ******** tell us! AND TO YOU ******** DIP SHITS who ask how to play, READ THOSE MOTHER ******** STICKIES AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE! They arent there for show, they are their for you to read. I dont care if your "2 lazy" IF YOU HAVE THE STAMINA TO CREATE a topic and look like a retard you have enough stamina to read the stickies. Everyone else had to read them, now its your turn. Do you seriously think we would be wasting our time reading your pathetic thread if the MMO was out. No.
We wouldnt it.
I for one am so ******** sick of you noobs, I get it your new, btu that gives you no right to come into a forum, a forum that I happen to ******** like and spend time in, and ruin the sanctity of it with your raping of the English language. If your going to make a dumbass topic at least speak ******** legible ENGLISH, at least then you might not look like a totally ******** brain dead. Txt talk is not cool, go back to myspace we wont miss you. And to you a** hats who speak 1337, get back to sucking your moms tit. Its called the ALPHABET. No body cares that you can make letters with numbers and symbols, you look like a ******** idiot.
[/End rant]
Random TekTeks.
N00bs Dream

Furry's Fanasty.

Bad Ninja

Sergeant Angl.

[This is prolly one of the few Tek Teks I will make a Story for. Its not completed so I will finish it later.]
Srgt. Angl Served in the Gaia Army for numerous years before his demise and ruthless killing in the battle over Barton. The Gaian Army held off the Coronians in a hard fought battle. Here is the sad story of the demise of Srgt. Angl.
It was a quite day and all seemed ordinary as the fourth patrol made its rounds around the World of Gaia. Just as it was turning to corner of South Barton Street an arrow whisked by Sergeant Angl’s dragon helm and lodged itself into one of his soldiers neck killing him. In that instant Angl knew the battle was on. He turned his face an spotted the force that was before him a full army of evil looking soldiers and in the back a Leader. With an ear splitting yowl the brave Sergeant lead his troops running toward the Enemy.
Cool Ninja!