"I'm not a boy, damnit! Las Vegas is the one with the d**k!"
Name: Maria "Florida" Fernandez-Carriedo Jones
Represents: Florida, the Sunshine State, 27th state admitted into the U.S
Age: 497 years old (looks 15+)
Hair Style: Bedheaded and wild. Used to represent the waves of the sea. To the shoulders.Example
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Spanish......colored? ;_;
Height: 5' 9''
Body Type: Lithe and curvy; busty.
Bio: Go read a history book, for Christ's sake. She resides peacefully at the bottom of the United States, cursing Georgia out for topping her.
Personality: Hot-headed and short tempered. She likes to use a curse word in every sentence, not unlike a certain Italy. A tsundere. Hates England at the moment from the bottom of her heart. She can usually be found swimming or yelling.
Clothing: Her normal appearance consists of something like this only with gold rings for the suit instead of red ones. But other than that she wears summery clothes.
Special Features: She has a red sun drawn on her left cheek.