Name: Karmmy NickName: Squidly didly Age: 17 Location: bottom of the Atlantic ocean Personality: Flirty and playful, but has commitment issues, doesnt like stalkers and creeps. has no interest in love but only in pleasure. can be rather anti social, she only comes out of the depths every once in a while to chat to a select few.
Likes: purple magic flirting swimming lurking laughing plushies jewels art
dislikes: snobs stalkers creeps haters yellow white dogs fishermen eels
apperance: hair: black and poofy eyes: sharp blue lips: in a flirty pout or a smug grin, always a deep purple colour skin: purple with a black stripe across her eyes tentacles: deep purple fading to a lighter purple with lilac circles around her hips figure: she is chubby, around 12 stone is what she looks like ( she weighs more though cause of her lower half ) breasts: a D cup
Clothes: image 1: casual squidly

image 2: Formal outfit



The Cuntless Wonder

Karmmy · Fri Jan 01, 2010 @ 11:51pm · 0 Comments |